jdotzki 551b445837 feat(bpmntreewalker): improve 'boundary event' handling
- correct z-index of boundary event close #75
- also render 'boundary events' that have no flowNodeRef close #66
2014-07-15 12:43:30 +02:00

342 lines
8.9 KiB

var _ = require('lodash');
function BpmnTreeWalker(handler) {
var elementDiMap = {};
var elementGfxMap = {};
// list of containers already walked
var handledProcesses = [];
///// Helpers /////////////////////////////////
function contextual(fn, ctx) {
return function(e) {
fn(e, ctx);
function is(element, type) {
return element.$instanceOf(type);
function visit(element, di, ctx) {
var gfx = elementGfxMap[element.id];
// avoid multiple rendering of elements
if (gfx) {
throw new Error('already rendered <' + element.id + '>');
// call handler
gfx = handler.element(element, di, ctx);
// and log returned result
elementGfxMap[element.id] = gfx;
return gfx;
function visitIfDi(element, ctx) {
var di = getDi(element);
if (di) {
return visit(element, di, ctx);
function logError(message, context) {
handler.error(message, context);
////// DI handling ////////////////////////////
function buildDiMap(definitions) {
_.forEach(definitions.diagrams, handleDiagram);
function registerDi(element) {
var bpmnElement = element.bpmnElement;
if (bpmnElement) {
elementDiMap[bpmnElement.id] = element;
} else {
logError('no bpmnElement for <' + element.$type + '#' + element.id + '>', { element: element });
function getDi(bpmnElement) {
var id = bpmnElement.id;
return id ? elementDiMap[id] : null;
function handleDiagram(diagram) {
function handlePlane(plane) {
_.forEach(plane.planeElement, handlePlaneElement);
function handlePlaneElement(planeElement) {
////// Semantic handling //////////////////////
function handleDefinitions(definitions, diagram) {
// make sure we walk the correct bpmnElement
var diagrams = definitions.diagrams;
if (diagram && diagrams.indexOf(diagram) === -1) {
throw new Error('diagram not part of bpmn:Definitions');
if (!diagram) {
if (diagrams && diagrams.length) {
diagram = diagrams[0];
// no diagram -> nothing to import
if (!diagram) {
// load DI from selected diagram only
var rootElement = diagram.plane.bpmnElement;
if (!rootElement) {
throw new Error('no rootElement referenced in BPMNPlane <' + diagram.plane.id + '>');
if (is(rootElement, 'bpmn:Process')) {
} else if (is(rootElement, 'bpmn:Collaboration')) {
// force drawing of everything not yet drawn that is part of the target DI
} else {
throw new Error('unsupported root element for bpmndi:Diagram <' + rootElement.$type + '>');
function handleProcess(process, context) {
handleFlowElementsContainer(process, context);
handleIoSpecification(process.ioSpecification, context);
handleArtifacts(process.artifacts, context);
// log process handled
function handleUnhandledProcesses(rootElements) {
// walk through all processes that have not yet been drawn and draw them
// (in case they contain lanes with DI information)
var processes = _.filter(rootElements, function(e) {
//Need this fix to get run test-case "01"
return e.$type === 'bpmn:Process' && e.laneSets && handledProcesses.indexOf(e) === -1;
function handleMessageFlow(messageFlow, context) {
visitIfDi(messageFlow, context);
function handleMessageFlows(messageFlows, context) {
if (messageFlows) {
_.forEach(messageFlows, contextual(handleMessageFlow, context));
function handleDataAssociation(association, context) {
visitIfDi(association, context);
function handleDataInput(dataInput, context) {
visitIfDi(dataInput, context);
function handleDataOutput(dataOutput, context) {
visitIfDi(dataOutput, context);
function handleArtifact(artifact, context) {
// bpmn:TextAnnotation
// bpmn:Group
// bpmn:Association
visitIfDi(artifact, context);
function handleArtifacts(artifacts, context) {
_.forEach(artifacts, contextual(handleArtifact, context));
function handleIoSpecification(ioSpecification, context) {
if (!ioSpecification) {
_.forEach(ioSpecification.dataInputs, contextual(handleDataInput, context));
_.forEach(ioSpecification.dataOutputs, contextual(handleDataOutput, context));
function handleSubProcess(subProcess, context) {
handleFlowElementsContainer(subProcess, context);
handleArtifacts(subProcess.artifacts, context);
function handleFlowNode(flowNode, context) {
var childCtx = visitIfDi(flowNode, context);
if (is(flowNode, 'bpmn:SubProcess')) {
handleSubProcess(flowNode, childCtx || context);
if (is(flowNode, 'bpmn:Activity')) {
_.forEach(flowNode.dataInputAssociations, contextual(handleDataAssociation, null));
_.forEach(flowNode.dataOutputAssociations, contextual(handleDataAssociation, null));
handleIoSpecification(flowNode.ioSpecification, context);
function handleSequenceFlow(sequenceFlow, context) {
visitIfDi(sequenceFlow, context);
function handleDataElement(dataObject, context) {
visitIfDi(dataObject, context);
function handleBoundaryElement(dataObject, context) {
visitIfDi(dataObject, context);
function handleLane(lane, context) {
var newContext = visitIfDi(lane, context);
if (lane.childLaneSet) {
handleLaneSet(lane.childLaneSet, newContext || context);
} else {
var filterList = _.filter(lane.flowNodeRef, function(e) {
return e.$type !== 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent';
handleFlowElements(filterList, newContext || context);
function handleLaneSet(laneSet, context) {
_.forEach(laneSet.lanes, contextual(handleLane, context));
function handleLaneSets(laneSets, context) {
_.forEach(laneSets, contextual(handleLaneSet, context));
function handleFlowElementsContainer(container, context) {
if (container.laneSets) {
handleLaneSets(container.laneSets, context);
} else {
handleFlowElements(container.flowElements, context);
function handleNonFlowNodes(flowElements, context) {
var sequenceFlows = [];
var boundaryEvents = [];
_.forEach(flowElements, function(e) {
if (is(e, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow')) {
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:DataObject')) {
// SKIP (assume correct referencing via DataObjectReference)
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:DataStoreReference')) {
handleDataElement(e, context);
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:DataObjectReference')) {
handleDataElement(e, context);
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent')) {
// handle boundary events
_.forEach(boundaryEvents, contextual(handleBoundaryElement, context));
// handle SequenceFlows
_.forEach(sequenceFlows, contextual(handleSequenceFlow, context));
function handleFlowElements(flowElements, context) {
var sequenceFlows = [];
var boundaryEvents = [];
_.forEach(flowElements, function(e) {
if (is(e, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow')) {
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent')) {
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:FlowNode')) {
handleFlowNode(e, context);
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:DataObject')) {
// SKIP (assume correct referencing via DataObjectReference)
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:DataStoreReference')) {
handleDataElement(e, context);
} else if (is(e, 'bpmn:DataObjectReference')) {
handleDataElement(e, context);
} else {
'unrecognized flowElement <' + e.$type + '> in context ' + (context ? context.id : null),
{ element: e, context: context });
// handle boundary events
_.forEach(boundaryEvents, contextual(handleBoundaryElement, context));
// handle SequenceFlows
_.forEach(sequenceFlows, contextual(handleSequenceFlow, context));
function handleParticipant(participant, context) {
var newCtx = visitIfDi(participant, context);
var process = participant.processRef;
if (process) {
handleProcess(process, newCtx || context);
function handleCollaboration(collaboration) {
_.forEach(collaboration.participants, contextual(handleParticipant));
///// API ////////////////////////////////
return {
handleDefinitions: handleDefinitions
module.exports = BpmnTreeWalker;