mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 04:05:11 +00:00
Only characters and numbers are allowed. Anything else will be escaped. Closes #1209
1904 lines
51 KiB
1904 lines
51 KiB
import inherits from 'inherits';
import {
} from 'min-dash';
import BaseRenderer from 'diagram-js/lib/draw/BaseRenderer';
import {
} from '../util/DiUtil';
import {
} from '../features/label-editing/LabelUtil';
import { is } from '../util/ModelUtil';
import {
} from 'diagram-js/lib/util/RenderUtil';
import {
} from './BpmnRenderUtil';
import {
query as domQuery
} from 'min-dom';
import {
append as svgAppend,
attr as svgAttr,
create as svgCreate,
classes as svgClasses
} from 'tiny-svg';
import {
} from 'diagram-js/lib/util/SvgTransformUtil';
import Ids from 'ids';
var RENDERER_IDS = new Ids();
export default function BpmnRenderer(
config, eventBus, styles, pathMap,
canvas, textRenderer, priority) {
BaseRenderer.call(this, eventBus, priority);
var defaultFillColor = config && config.defaultFillColor,
defaultStrokeColor = config && config.defaultStrokeColor;
var rendererId = RENDERER_IDS.next();
var markers = {};
var computeStyle = styles.computeStyle;
function addMarker(id, options) {
var attrs = assign({
fill: 'black',
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeLinecap: 'round',
strokeDasharray: 'none'
}, options.attrs);
var ref = options.ref || { x: 0, y: 0 };
var scale = options.scale || 1;
// fix for safari / chrome / firefox bug not correctly
// resetting stroke dash array
if (attrs.strokeDasharray === 'none') {
attrs.strokeDasharray = [10000, 1];
var marker = svgCreate('marker');
svgAttr(options.element, attrs);
svgAppend(marker, options.element);
svgAttr(marker, {
id: id,
viewBox: '0 0 20 20',
refX: ref.x,
refY: ref.y,
markerWidth: 20 * scale,
markerHeight: 20 * scale,
orient: 'auto'
var defs = domQuery('defs', canvas._svg);
if (!defs) {
defs = svgCreate('defs');
svgAppend(canvas._svg, defs);
svgAppend(defs, marker);
markers[id] = marker;
function colorEscape(str) {
// only allow characters and numbers
return str.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-z]+/g, '_');
function marker(type, fill, stroke) {
var id = type + '-' + colorEscape(fill) + '-' + colorEscape(stroke) + '-' + rendererId;
if (!markers[id]) {
createMarker(id, type, fill, stroke);
return 'url(#' + id + ')';
function createMarker(id, type, fill, stroke) {
if (type === 'sequenceflow-end') {
var sequenceflowEnd = svgCreate('path');
svgAttr(sequenceflowEnd, { d: 'M 1 5 L 11 10 L 1 15 Z' });
addMarker(id, {
element: sequenceflowEnd,
ref: { x: 11, y: 10 },
scale: 0.5,
attrs: {
fill: stroke,
stroke: stroke
if (type === 'messageflow-start') {
var messageflowStart = svgCreate('circle');
svgAttr(messageflowStart, { cx: 6, cy: 6, r: 3.5 });
addMarker(id, {
element: messageflowStart,
attrs: {
fill: fill,
stroke: stroke
ref: { x: 6, y: 6 }
if (type === 'messageflow-end') {
var messageflowEnd = svgCreate('path');
svgAttr(messageflowEnd, { d: 'm 1 5 l 0 -3 l 7 3 l -7 3 z' });
addMarker(id, {
element: messageflowEnd,
attrs: {
fill: fill,
stroke: stroke,
strokeLinecap: 'butt'
ref: { x: 8.5, y: 5 }
if (type === 'association-start') {
var associationStart = svgCreate('path');
svgAttr(associationStart, { d: 'M 11 5 L 1 10 L 11 15' });
addMarker(id, {
element: associationStart,
attrs: {
fill: 'none',
stroke: stroke,
strokeWidth: 1.5
ref: { x: 1, y: 10 },
scale: 0.5
if (type === 'association-end') {
var associationEnd = svgCreate('path');
svgAttr(associationEnd, { d: 'M 1 5 L 11 10 L 1 15' });
addMarker(id, {
element: associationEnd,
attrs: {
fill: 'none',
stroke: stroke,
strokeWidth: 1.5
ref: { x: 12, y: 10 },
scale: 0.5
if (type === 'conditional-flow-marker') {
var conditionalflowMarker = svgCreate('path');
svgAttr(conditionalflowMarker, { d: 'M 0 10 L 8 6 L 16 10 L 8 14 Z' });
addMarker(id, {
element: conditionalflowMarker,
attrs: {
fill: fill,
stroke: stroke
ref: { x: -1, y: 10 },
scale: 0.5
if (type === 'conditional-default-flow-marker') {
var conditionaldefaultflowMarker = svgCreate('path');
svgAttr(conditionaldefaultflowMarker, { d: 'M 6 4 L 10 16' });
addMarker(id, {
element: conditionaldefaultflowMarker,
attrs: {
stroke: stroke
ref: { x: 0, y: 10 },
scale: 0.5
function drawCircle(parentGfx, width, height, offset, attrs) {
if (isObject(offset)) {
attrs = offset;
offset = 0;
offset = offset || 0;
attrs = computeStyle(attrs, {
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: 'white'
if (attrs.fill === 'none') {
delete attrs.fillOpacity;
var cx = width / 2,
cy = height / 2;
var circle = svgCreate('circle');
svgAttr(circle, {
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
r: Math.round((width + height) / 4 - offset)
svgAttr(circle, attrs);
svgAppend(parentGfx, circle);
return circle;
function drawRect(parentGfx, width, height, r, offset, attrs) {
if (isObject(offset)) {
attrs = offset;
offset = 0;
offset = offset || 0;
attrs = computeStyle(attrs, {
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: 'white'
var rect = svgCreate('rect');
svgAttr(rect, {
x: offset,
y: offset,
width: width - offset * 2,
height: height - offset * 2,
rx: r,
ry: r
svgAttr(rect, attrs);
svgAppend(parentGfx, rect);
return rect;
function drawDiamond(parentGfx, width, height, attrs) {
var x_2 = width / 2;
var y_2 = height / 2;
var points = [{ x: x_2, y: 0 }, { x: width, y: y_2 }, { x: x_2, y: height }, { x: 0, y: y_2 }];
var pointsString = points.map(function(point) {
return point.x + ',' + point.y;
}).join(' ');
attrs = computeStyle(attrs, {
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: 'white'
var polygon = svgCreate('polygon');
svgAttr(polygon, {
points: pointsString
svgAttr(polygon, attrs);
svgAppend(parentGfx, polygon);
return polygon;
function drawLine(parentGfx, waypoints, attrs) {
attrs = computeStyle(attrs, [ 'no-fill' ], {
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: 'none'
var line = createLine(waypoints, attrs);
svgAppend(parentGfx, line);
return line;
function drawPath(parentGfx, d, attrs) {
attrs = computeStyle(attrs, [ 'no-fill' ], {
strokeWidth: 2,
stroke: 'black'
var path = svgCreate('path');
svgAttr(path, { d: d });
svgAttr(path, attrs);
svgAppend(parentGfx, path);
return path;
function drawMarker(type, parentGfx, path, attrs) {
return drawPath(parentGfx, path, assign({ 'data-marker': type }, attrs));
function as(type) {
return function(parentGfx, element) {
return handlers[type](parentGfx, element);
function renderer(type) {
return handlers[type];
function renderEventContent(element, parentGfx) {
var event = getSemantic(element);
var isThrowing = isThrowEvent(event);
if (event.eventDefinitions && event.eventDefinitions.length>1) {
if (event.parallelMultiple) {
return renderer('bpmn:ParallelMultipleEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
else {
return renderer('bpmn:MultipleEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:MessageEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:MessageEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:TimerEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:TimerEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:ConditionalEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:ConditionalEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:SignalEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:SignalEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:EscalationEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:EscalationEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:LinkEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:LinkEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:ErrorEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:ErrorEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:CancelEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:CancelEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:CompensateEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:CompensateEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
if (isTypedEvent(event, 'bpmn:TerminateEventDefinition')) {
return renderer('bpmn:TerminateEventDefinition')(parentGfx, element, isThrowing);
return null;
function renderLabel(parentGfx, label, options) {
options = assign({
size: {
width: 100
}, options);
var text = textRenderer.createText(label || '', options);
svgAppend(parentGfx, text);
return text;
function renderEmbeddedLabel(parentGfx, element, align) {
var semantic = getSemantic(element);
return renderLabel(parentGfx, semantic.name, {
box: element,
align: align,
padding: 5,
style: {
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
function renderExternalLabel(parentGfx, element) {
var box = {
width: 90,
height: 30,
x: element.width / 2 + element.x,
y: element.height / 2 + element.y
return renderLabel(parentGfx, getLabel(element), {
box: box,
fitBox: true,
style: assign(
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
function renderLaneLabel(parentGfx, text, element) {
var textBox = renderLabel(parentGfx, text, {
box: {
height: 30,
width: element.height
align: 'center-middle',
style: {
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var top = -1 * element.height;
transform(textBox, 0, -top, 270);
function createPathFromConnection(connection) {
var waypoints = connection.waypoints;
var pathData = 'm ' + waypoints[0].x + ',' + waypoints[0].y;
for (var i = 1; i < waypoints.length; i++) {
pathData += 'L' + waypoints[i].x + ',' + waypoints[i].y + ' ';
return pathData;
var handlers = this.handlers = {
'bpmn:Event': function(parentGfx, element, attrs) {
if (!('fillOpacity' in attrs)) {
attrs.fillOpacity = DEFAULT_FILL_OPACITY;
return drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, attrs);
'bpmn:StartEvent': function(parentGfx, element) {
var attrs = {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var semantic = getSemantic(element);
if (!semantic.isInterrupting) {
attrs = {
strokeDasharray: '6',
strokeLinecap: 'round',
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var circle = renderer('bpmn:Event')(parentGfx, element, attrs);
renderEventContent(element, parentGfx);
return circle;
'bpmn:MessageEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, element, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_MESSAGE', {
xScaleFactor: 0.9,
yScaleFactor: 0.9,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.235,
my: 0.315
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor) : getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor);
var stroke = isThrowing ? getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor) : getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor);
var messagePath = drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill,
stroke: stroke
return messagePath;
'bpmn:TimerEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, element) {
var circle = drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, 0.2 * element.height, {
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_TIMER_WH', {
xScaleFactor: 0.75,
yScaleFactor: 0.75,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.5,
my: 0.5
drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeLinecap: 'square',
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
for (var i = 0;i < 12; i++) {
var linePathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_TIMER_LINE', {
xScaleFactor: 0.75,
yScaleFactor: 0.75,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.5,
my: 0.5
var width = element.width / 2;
var height = element.height / 2;
drawPath(parentGfx, linePathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeLinecap: 'square',
transform: 'rotate(' + (i * 30) + ',' + height + ',' + width + ')',
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return circle;
'bpmn:EscalationEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_ESCALATION', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.5,
my: 0.2
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor) : 'none';
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill,
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
'bpmn:ConditionalEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_CONDITIONAL', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.5,
my: 0.222
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
'bpmn:LinkEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_LINK', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.57,
my: 0.263
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor) : 'none';
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill,
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
'bpmn:ErrorEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_ERROR', {
xScaleFactor: 1.1,
yScaleFactor: 1.1,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.2,
my: 0.722
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor) : 'none';
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill,
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
'bpmn:CancelEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_CANCEL_45', {
xScaleFactor: 1.0,
yScaleFactor: 1.0,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.638,
my: -0.055
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor) : 'none';
var path = drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill,
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
rotate(path, 45);
return path;
'bpmn:CompensateEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_COMPENSATION', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.22,
my: 0.5
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor) : 'none';
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill,
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
'bpmn:SignalEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_SIGNAL', {
xScaleFactor: 0.9,
yScaleFactor: 0.9,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.5,
my: 0.2
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor) : 'none';
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill,
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
'bpmn:MultipleEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event, isThrowing) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_MULTIPLE', {
xScaleFactor: 1.1,
yScaleFactor: 1.1,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.222,
my: 0.36
var fill = isThrowing ? getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor) : 'none';
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: fill
'bpmn:ParallelMultipleEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, event) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('EVENT_PARALLEL_MULTIPLE', {
xScaleFactor: 1.2,
yScaleFactor: 1.2,
containerWidth: event.width,
containerHeight: event.height,
position: {
mx: 0.458,
my: 0.194
return drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(event, defaultStrokeColor)
'bpmn:EndEvent': function(parentGfx, element) {
var circle = renderer('bpmn:Event')(parentGfx, element, {
strokeWidth: 4,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
renderEventContent(element, parentGfx, true);
return circle;
'bpmn:TerminateEventDefinition': function(parentGfx, element) {
var circle = drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, 8, {
strokeWidth: 4,
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return circle;
'bpmn:IntermediateEvent': function(parentGfx, element) {
var outer = renderer('bpmn:Event')(parentGfx, element, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
/* inner */
drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, INNER_OUTER_DIST, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, 'none'),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
renderEventContent(element, parentGfx);
return outer;
'bpmn:IntermediateCatchEvent': as('bpmn:IntermediateEvent'),
'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent': as('bpmn:IntermediateEvent'),
'bpmn:Activity': function(parentGfx, element, attrs) {
attrs = attrs || {};
if (!('fillOpacity' in attrs)) {
attrs.fillOpacity = DEFAULT_FILL_OPACITY;
return drawRect(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS, attrs);
'bpmn:Task': function(parentGfx, element) {
var attrs = {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var rect = renderer('bpmn:Activity')(parentGfx, element, attrs);
renderEmbeddedLabel(parentGfx, element, 'center-middle');
attachTaskMarkers(parentGfx, element);
return rect;
'bpmn:ServiceTask': function(parentGfx, element) {
var task = renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
var pathDataBG = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_SERVICE', {
abspos: {
x: 12,
y: 18
/* service bg */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathDataBG, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var fillPathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_SERVICE_FILL', {
abspos: {
x: 17.2,
y: 18
/* service fill */ drawPath(parentGfx, fillPathData, {
strokeWidth: 0,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor)
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_SERVICE', {
abspos: {
x: 17,
y: 22
/* service */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return task;
'bpmn:UserTask': function(parentGfx, element) {
var task = renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
var x = 15;
var y = 12;
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_USER_1', {
abspos: {
x: x,
y: y
/* user path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 0.5,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var pathData2 = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_USER_2', {
abspos: {
x: x,
y: y
/* user2 path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData2, {
strokeWidth: 0.5,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var pathData3 = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_USER_3', {
abspos: {
x: x,
y: y
/* user3 path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData3, {
strokeWidth: 0.5,
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return task;
'bpmn:ManualTask': function(parentGfx, element) {
var task = renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_MANUAL', {
abspos: {
x: 17,
y: 15
/* manual path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 0.5, // 0.25,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return task;
'bpmn:SendTask': function(parentGfx, element) {
var task = renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_SEND', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: 21,
containerHeight: 14,
position: {
mx: 0.285,
my: 0.357
/* send path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor)
return task;
'bpmn:ReceiveTask' : function(parentGfx, element) {
var semantic = getSemantic(element);
var task = renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
var pathData;
if (semantic.instantiate) {
drawCircle(parentGfx, 28, 28, 20 * 0.22, { strokeWidth: 1 });
pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_INSTANTIATING_SEND', {
abspos: {
x: 7.77,
y: 9.52
} else {
pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_SEND', {
xScaleFactor: 0.9,
yScaleFactor: 0.9,
containerWidth: 21,
containerHeight: 14,
position: {
mx: 0.3,
my: 0.4
/* receive path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return task;
'bpmn:ScriptTask': function(parentGfx, element) {
var task = renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_SCRIPT', {
abspos: {
x: 15,
y: 20
/* script path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return task;
'bpmn:BusinessRuleTask': function(parentGfx, element) {
var task = renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
var headerPathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_BUSINESS_RULE_HEADER', {
abspos: {
x: 8,
y: 8
var businessHeaderPath = drawPath(parentGfx, headerPathData);
svgAttr(businessHeaderPath, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, '#aaaaaa'),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var headerData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TASK_TYPE_BUSINESS_RULE_MAIN', {
abspos: {
x: 8,
y: 8
var businessPath = drawPath(parentGfx, headerData);
svgAttr(businessPath, {
strokeWidth: 1,
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return task;
'bpmn:SubProcess': function(parentGfx, element, attrs) {
attrs = assign({
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
}, attrs);
var rect = renderer('bpmn:Activity')(parentGfx, element, attrs);
var expanded = isExpanded(element);
if (isEventSubProcess(element)) {
svgAttr(rect, {
strokeDasharray: '1,2'
renderEmbeddedLabel(parentGfx, element, expanded ? 'center-top' : 'center-middle');
if (expanded) {
attachTaskMarkers(parentGfx, element);
} else {
attachTaskMarkers(parentGfx, element, ['SubProcessMarker']);
return rect;
'bpmn:AdHocSubProcess': function(parentGfx, element) {
return renderer('bpmn:SubProcess')(parentGfx, element);
'bpmn:Transaction': function(parentGfx, element) {
var outer = renderer('bpmn:SubProcess')(parentGfx, element);
var innerAttrs = styles.style([ 'no-fill', 'no-events' ], {
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
/* inner path */ drawRect(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS - 2, INNER_OUTER_DIST, innerAttrs);
return outer;
'bpmn:CallActivity': function(parentGfx, element) {
return renderer('bpmn:SubProcess')(parentGfx, element, {
strokeWidth: 5
'bpmn:Participant': function(parentGfx, element) {
var attrs = {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var lane = renderer('bpmn:Lane')(parentGfx, element, attrs);
var expandedPool = isExpanded(element);
if (expandedPool) {
drawLine(parentGfx, [
{ x: 30, y: 0 },
{ x: 30, y: element.height }
], {
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var text = getSemantic(element).name;
renderLaneLabel(parentGfx, text, element);
} else {
// Collapsed pool draw text inline
var text2 = getSemantic(element).name;
renderLabel(parentGfx, text2, {
box: element, align: 'center-middle',
style: {
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var participantMultiplicity = !!(getSemantic(element).participantMultiplicity);
if (participantMultiplicity) {
renderer('ParticipantMultiplicityMarker')(parentGfx, element);
return lane;
'bpmn:Lane': function(parentGfx, element, attrs) {
var rect = drawRect(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, 0, assign({
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
}, attrs));
var semantic = getSemantic(element);
if (semantic.$type === 'bpmn:Lane') {
var text = semantic.name;
renderLaneLabel(parentGfx, text, element);
return rect;
'bpmn:InclusiveGateway': function(parentGfx, element) {
var diamond = renderer('bpmn:Gateway')(parentGfx, element);
/* circle path */
drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, element.height * 0.24, {
strokeWidth: 2.5,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return diamond;
'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway': function(parentGfx, element) {
var diamond = renderer('bpmn:Gateway')(parentGfx, element);
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('GATEWAY_EXCLUSIVE', {
xScaleFactor: 0.4,
yScaleFactor: 0.4,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.32,
my: 0.3
if ((getDi(element).isMarkerVisible)) {
drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return diamond;
'bpmn:ComplexGateway': function(parentGfx, element) {
var diamond = renderer('bpmn:Gateway')(parentGfx, element);
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('GATEWAY_COMPLEX', {
xScaleFactor: 0.5,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.46,
my: 0.26
/* complex path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return diamond;
'bpmn:ParallelGateway': function(parentGfx, element) {
var diamond = renderer('bpmn:Gateway')(parentGfx, element);
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('GATEWAY_PARALLEL', {
xScaleFactor: 0.6,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.46,
my: 0.2
/* parallel path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return diamond;
'bpmn:EventBasedGateway': function(parentGfx, element) {
var semantic = getSemantic(element);
var diamond = renderer('bpmn:Gateway')(parentGfx, element);
/* outer circle path */ drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, element.height * 0.20, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: 'none',
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var type = semantic.eventGatewayType;
var instantiate = !!semantic.instantiate;
function drawEvent() {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('GATEWAY_EVENT_BASED', {
xScaleFactor: 0.18,
yScaleFactor: 0.18,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.36,
my: 0.44
var attrs = {
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: getFillColor(element, 'none'),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
/* event path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, attrs);
if (type === 'Parallel') {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('GATEWAY_PARALLEL', {
xScaleFactor: 0.4,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.474,
my: 0.296
var parallelPath = drawPath(parentGfx, pathData);
svgAttr(parallelPath, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: 'none'
} else if (type === 'Exclusive') {
if (!instantiate) {
var innerCircle = drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, element.height * 0.26);
svgAttr(innerCircle, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: 'none',
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return diamond;
'bpmn:Gateway': function(parentGfx, element) {
var attrs = {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return drawDiamond(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, attrs);
'bpmn:SequenceFlow': function(parentGfx, element) {
var pathData = createPathFromConnection(element);
var fill = getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke = getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor);
var attrs = {
strokeLinejoin: 'round',
markerEnd: marker('sequenceflow-end', fill, stroke),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var path = drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, attrs);
var sequenceFlow = getSemantic(element);
var source;
if (element.source) {
source = element.source.businessObject;
// conditional flow marker
if (sequenceFlow.conditionExpression && source.$instanceOf('bpmn:Activity')) {
svgAttr(path, {
markerStart: marker('conditional-flow-marker', fill, stroke)
// default marker
if (source.default && (source.$instanceOf('bpmn:Gateway') || source.$instanceOf('bpmn:Activity')) &&
source.default === sequenceFlow) {
svgAttr(path, {
markerStart: marker('conditional-default-flow-marker', fill, stroke)
return path;
'bpmn:Association': function(parentGfx, element, attrs) {
var semantic = getSemantic(element);
var fill = getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke = getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor);
attrs = assign({
strokeDasharray: '0.5, 5',
strokeLinecap: 'round',
strokeLinejoin: 'round',
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
}, attrs || {});
if (semantic.associationDirection === 'One' ||
semantic.associationDirection === 'Both') {
attrs.markerEnd = marker('association-end', fill, stroke);
if (semantic.associationDirection === 'Both') {
attrs.markerStart = marker('association-start', fill, stroke);
return drawLine(parentGfx, element.waypoints, attrs);
'bpmn:DataInputAssociation': function(parentGfx, element) {
var fill = getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke = getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor);
return renderer('bpmn:Association')(parentGfx, element, {
markerEnd: marker('association-end', fill, stroke)
'bpmn:DataOutputAssociation': function(parentGfx, element) {
var fill = getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke = getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor);
return renderer('bpmn:Association')(parentGfx, element, {
markerEnd: marker('association-end', fill, stroke)
'bpmn:MessageFlow': function(parentGfx, element) {
var semantic = getSemantic(element),
di = getDi(element);
var fill = getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke = getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor);
var pathData = createPathFromConnection(element);
var attrs = {
markerEnd: marker('messageflow-end', fill, stroke),
markerStart: marker('messageflow-start', fill, stroke),
strokeDasharray: '10, 12',
strokeLinecap: 'round',
strokeLinejoin: 'round',
strokeWidth: '1.5px',
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var path = drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, attrs);
if (semantic.messageRef) {
var midPoint = path.getPointAtLength(path.getTotalLength() / 2);
var markerPathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('MESSAGE_FLOW_MARKER', {
abspos: {
x: midPoint.x,
y: midPoint.y
var messageAttrs = { strokeWidth: 1 };
if (di.messageVisibleKind === 'initiating') {
messageAttrs.fill = 'white';
messageAttrs.stroke = 'black';
} else {
messageAttrs.fill = '#888';
messageAttrs.stroke = 'white';
drawPath(parentGfx, markerPathData, messageAttrs);
return path;
'bpmn:DataObject': function(parentGfx, element) {
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('DATA_OBJECT_PATH', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.474,
my: 0.296
var elementObject = drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var semantic = getSemantic(element);
if (isCollection(semantic)) {
renderDataItemCollection(parentGfx, element);
return elementObject;
'bpmn:DataObjectReference': as('bpmn:DataObject'),
'bpmn:DataInput': function(parentGfx, element) {
var arrowPathData = pathMap.getRawPath('DATA_ARROW');
// page
var elementObject = renderer('bpmn:DataObject')(parentGfx, element);
/* input arrow path */ drawPath(parentGfx, arrowPathData, { strokeWidth: 1 });
return elementObject;
'bpmn:DataOutput': function(parentGfx, element) {
var arrowPathData = pathMap.getRawPath('DATA_ARROW');
// page
var elementObject = renderer('bpmn:DataObject')(parentGfx, element);
/* output arrow path */ drawPath(parentGfx, arrowPathData, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: 'black'
return elementObject;
'bpmn:DataStoreReference': function(parentGfx, element) {
var DATA_STORE_PATH = pathMap.getScaledPath('DATA_STORE', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0,
my: 0.133
var elementStore = drawPath(parentGfx, DATA_STORE_PATH, {
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return elementStore;
'bpmn:BoundaryEvent': function(parentGfx, element) {
var semantic = getSemantic(element),
cancel = semantic.cancelActivity;
var attrs = {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
if (!cancel) {
attrs.strokeDasharray = '6';
attrs.strokeLinecap = 'round';
// apply fillOpacity
var outerAttrs = assign({}, attrs, {
fillOpacity: 1
// apply no-fill
var innerAttrs = assign({}, attrs, {
fill: 'none'
var outer = renderer('bpmn:Event')(parentGfx, element, outerAttrs);
/* inner path */ drawCircle(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, INNER_OUTER_DIST, innerAttrs);
renderEventContent(element, parentGfx);
return outer;
'bpmn:Group': function(parentGfx, element) {
var group = drawRect(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS, {
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeDasharray: '8,3,1,3',
fill: 'none',
pointerEvents: 'none'
return group;
'label': function(parentGfx, element) {
return renderExternalLabel(parentGfx, element);
'bpmn:TextAnnotation': function(parentGfx, element) {
var style = {
'fill': 'none',
'stroke': 'none'
var textElement = drawRect(parentGfx, element.width, element.height, 0, 0, style);
var textPathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('TEXT_ANNOTATION', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.0,
my: 0.0
drawPath(parentGfx, textPathData, {
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
var text = getSemantic(element).text || '';
renderLabel(parentGfx, text, {
box: element,
align: 'left-top',
padding: 5,
style: {
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
return textElement;
'ParticipantMultiplicityMarker': function(parentGfx, element) {
var markerPath = pathMap.getScaledPath('MARKER_PARALLEL', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: ((element.width / 2) / element.width),
my: (element.height - 15) / element.height
drawMarker('participant-multiplicity', parentGfx, markerPath, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
'SubProcessMarker': function(parentGfx, element) {
var markerRect = drawRect(parentGfx, 14, 14, 0, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
// Process marker is placed in the middle of the box
// therefore fixed values can be used here
translate(markerRect, element.width / 2 - 7.5, element.height - 20);
var markerPath = pathMap.getScaledPath('MARKER_SUB_PROCESS', {
xScaleFactor: 1.5,
yScaleFactor: 1.5,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: (element.width / 2 - 7.5) / element.width,
my: (element.height - 20) / element.height
drawMarker('sub-process', parentGfx, markerPath, {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
'ParallelMarker': function(parentGfx, element, position) {
var markerPath = pathMap.getScaledPath('MARKER_PARALLEL', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: ((element.width / 2 + position.parallel) / element.width),
my: (element.height - 20) / element.height
drawMarker('parallel', parentGfx, markerPath, {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
'SequentialMarker': function(parentGfx, element, position) {
var markerPath = pathMap.getScaledPath('MARKER_SEQUENTIAL', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: ((element.width / 2 + position.seq) / element.width),
my: (element.height - 19) / element.height
drawMarker('sequential', parentGfx, markerPath, {
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
'CompensationMarker': function(parentGfx, element, position) {
var markerMath = pathMap.getScaledPath('MARKER_COMPENSATION', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: ((element.width / 2 + position.compensation) / element.width),
my: (element.height - 13) / element.height
drawMarker('compensation', parentGfx, markerMath, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
'LoopMarker': function(parentGfx, element, position) {
var markerPath = pathMap.getScaledPath('MARKER_LOOP', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: ((element.width / 2 + position.loop) / element.width),
my: (element.height - 7) / element.height
drawMarker('loop', parentGfx, markerPath, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getFillColor(element, defaultFillColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
strokeLinecap: 'round',
strokeMiterlimit: 0.5
'AdhocMarker': function(parentGfx, element, position) {
var markerPath = pathMap.getScaledPath('MARKER_ADHOC', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: ((element.width / 2 + position.adhoc) / element.width),
my: (element.height - 15) / element.height
drawMarker('adhoc', parentGfx, markerPath, {
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor),
stroke: getStrokeColor(element, defaultStrokeColor)
function attachTaskMarkers(parentGfx, element, taskMarkers) {
var obj = getSemantic(element);
var subprocess = taskMarkers && taskMarkers.indexOf('SubProcessMarker') !== -1;
var position;
if (subprocess) {
position = {
seq: -21,
parallel: -22,
compensation: -42,
loop: -18,
adhoc: 10
} else {
position = {
seq: -3,
parallel: -6,
compensation: -27,
loop: 0,
adhoc: 10
forEach(taskMarkers, function(marker) {
renderer(marker)(parentGfx, element, position);
if (obj.isForCompensation) {
renderer('CompensationMarker')(parentGfx, element, position);
if (obj.$type === 'bpmn:AdHocSubProcess') {
renderer('AdhocMarker')(parentGfx, element, position);
var loopCharacteristics = obj.loopCharacteristics,
isSequential = loopCharacteristics && loopCharacteristics.isSequential;
if (loopCharacteristics) {
if (isSequential === undefined) {
renderer('LoopMarker')(parentGfx, element, position);
if (isSequential === false) {
renderer('ParallelMarker')(parentGfx, element, position);
if (isSequential === true) {
renderer('SequentialMarker')(parentGfx, element, position);
function renderDataItemCollection(parentGfx, element) {
var yPosition = (element.height - 16) / element.height;
var pathData = pathMap.getScaledPath('DATA_OBJECT_COLLECTION_PATH', {
xScaleFactor: 1,
yScaleFactor: 1,
containerWidth: element.width,
containerHeight: element.height,
position: {
mx: 0.451,
my: yPosition
/* collection path */ drawPath(parentGfx, pathData, {
strokeWidth: 2
// extension API, use at your own risk
this._drawPath = drawPath;
inherits(BpmnRenderer, BaseRenderer);
BpmnRenderer.$inject = [
BpmnRenderer.prototype.canRender = function(element) {
return is(element, 'bpmn:BaseElement');
BpmnRenderer.prototype.drawShape = function(parentGfx, element) {
var type = element.type;
var h = this.handlers[type];
/* jshint -W040 */
return h(parentGfx, element);
BpmnRenderer.prototype.drawConnection = function(parentGfx, element) {
var type = element.type;
var h = this.handlers[type];
/* jshint -W040 */
return h(parentGfx, element);
BpmnRenderer.prototype.getShapePath = function(element) {
if (is(element, 'bpmn:Event')) {
return getCirclePath(element);
if (is(element, 'bpmn:Activity')) {
return getRoundRectPath(element, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS);
if (is(element, 'bpmn:Gateway')) {
return getDiamondPath(element);
return getRectPath(element);