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synced 2025-02-12 00:46:29 +00:00
Closes #479
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324 lines
7.9 KiB
'use strict';
var Helper = require('./Helper');
var connect = Helper.connect,
element = Helper.element,
move = Helper.move,
reconnectEnd = Helper.reconnectEnd;
var Modeler = require('../../../../../lib/Modeler');
/* global bootstrapModeler, inject */
var modelingModule = require('../../../../../lib/features/modeling'),
coreModule = require('../../../../../lib/core');
describe('features/modeling - layout', function() {
describe.skip('overall experience, flow elements', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./LayoutSequenceFlowSpec.flowElements.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: Modeler.prototype._modules }));
it('should feel awesome', inject(function() { }));
describe.skip('overall experience, boundary events', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./LayoutSequenceFlowSpec.boundaryEvents.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: Modeler.prototype._modules }));
it('should feel awesome', inject(function() { }));
describe('flow elements', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./LayoutSequenceFlowSpec.flowElements.bpmn');
var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule ];
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules }));
describe('gateway layout', function() {
it('should layout v:h after Gateway', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('ExclusiveGateway_1', 'BusinessRuleTask_1');
// then
{ original: { x:678,y:302 },x:678,y:277 },
{ x:678,y:220 },
{ original: { x:840,y:220 },x:790,y:220 }
it('should layout h:v before Gateway', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BusinessRuleTask_1', 'ParallelGateway_1');
// then
{ original:{ x:840,y:220 },x:890,y:220 },
{ x:1005,y:220 },
{ original:{ x:1005,y:302 },x:1005,y:277 }
describe('other elements layout', function() {
it('should layout h:h after StartEvent', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('StartEvent_1', 'Task_1');
// then
{ original:{ x:170,y:302 },x:188,y:302 },
{ x:235,y:302 },
{ x:235,y:220 },
{ original:{ x:332,y:220 },x:282,y:220 }
it('should layout h:h after Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('ServiceTask_1', 'BusinessRuleTask_1');
// then
{ original:{ x:678,y:117 },x:728,y:117 },
{ x:759,y:117 },
{ x:759,y:220 },
{ original:{ x:840,y:220 },x:790,y:220 }
it('should layout h:h after IntermediateEvent', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('IntermediateThrowEvent_1', 'ServiceTask_1');
// then
{ original:{ x:496,y:302 },x:514,y:302 },
{ x:571,y:302 },
{ x:571,y:117 },
{ original:{ x:678,y:117 },x:628,y:117 }
it('should layout h:h after IntermediateEvent (right to left)', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('IntermediateThrowEvent_1', 'Task_1');
// then
{ original:{ x:496,y:302 },x:478,y:302 },
{ x:430,y:302 },
{ x:430,y:220 },
{ original:{ x:332,y:220 },x:382,y:220 }
describe('relayout', function() {
it('should not repair after reconnect end', inject(function() {
// given
var newDocking = { x: 660, y: 280 };
var connection = element('SequenceFlow_1');
// when
reconnectEnd(connection, 'ExclusiveGateway_1', newDocking);
// then
{ x: 382, y: 241 },
{ x: 559, y: 241 },
{ x: 559, y: 138 },
{ x: 660, y: 280 }
it('should repair after target move', inject(function() {
// given
var delta = { x: -30, y: 20 };
var connection = element('SequenceFlow_1');
// when
move('ServiceTask_1', delta);
// then
{ x: 382, y: 241 },
{ x: 559, y: 241 },
{ x: 559, y: 158 },
{ x: 598, y: 158 }
it('should repair after source move', inject(function() {
// given
var delta = { x: -30, y: 20 };
var connection = element('SequenceFlow_1');
// when
move('Task_1', delta);
// then
{ x: 352, y: 261 },
{ x: 559, y: 261 },
{ x: 559, y: 138 },
{ x: 628, y: 138 }
describe('boundary events', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./LayoutSequenceFlowSpec.boundaryEvents.bpmn');
var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule ];
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules }));
it('should layout h:h connecting BoundaryEvent -> left Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BoundaryEvent_A', 'Task_1');
// then
{ original:{ x:505,y:417 },x:487,y:417 },
{ x:437,y:417 },
{ x:437,y:394 },
{ original:{ x:337,y:394 },x:387,y:394 }
it('should layout h:v connecting BoundaryEvent -> bottom-left Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BoundaryEvent_A', 'Task_2');
// then
{ original:{ x:505,y:417 },x:487,y:417 },
{ x:412,y:417 },
{ original:{ x:412,y:543 },x:412,y:503 }
it('should layout h:v connecting BoundaryEvent -> top-right Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BoundaryEvent_A', 'Task_5');
// then
{ original:{ x:505,y:417 },x:523,y:417 },
{ x:1016,y:417 },
{ original:{ x:1016,y:215 },x:1016,y:255 }
it('should layout v:v connecting BoundaryEvent -> top Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BoundaryEvent_B', 'Task_4');
// then
{ original:{ x:586,y:258 },x:586,y:240 },
{ original:{ x:586,y:121 },x:586,y:161 }
it('should layout v:h connecting BoundaryEvent -> top-left Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BoundaryEvent_B', 'Task_3');
// then
{ original:{ x:586,y:258 },x:586,y:258 },
{ x:586,y:162 },
{ original:{ x:428,y:162 },x:478,y:162 }
it('should layout h:v connecting BoundaryEvent -> bottom-right Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BoundaryEvent_C', 'Task_6');
// then
{ original:{ x:855,y:293 },x:873,y:293 },
{ x:1041,y:293 },
{ original:{ x:1041,y:483 },x:1041,y:443 }
it('should layout v:h connecting BoundaryEvent -> bottom-left Task', inject(function() {
// when
var connection = connect('BoundaryEvent_D', 'Task_2');
// then
{ original:{ x:815,y:458 },x:815,y:476 },
{ x:815,y:543 },
{ original:{ x:412,y:543 },x:462,y:543 }