mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 21:23:27 +00:00
Loops will now be laid out with respect to minimum second segment width.
394 lines
9.7 KiB
394 lines
9.7 KiB
import inherits from 'inherits';
import {
} from 'min-dash';
import BaseLayouter from 'diagram-js/lib/layout/BaseLayouter';
import {
} from 'diagram-js/lib/layout/ManhattanLayout';
import {
} from 'diagram-js/lib/layout/LayoutUtil';
import {
} from '../../util/DiUtil';
import { is } from '../../util/ModelUtil';
export default function BpmnLayouter() {}
inherits(BpmnLayouter, BaseLayouter);
BpmnLayouter.prototype.layoutConnection = function(connection, hints) {
hints = hints || {};
var source = hints.source || connection.source,
target = hints.target || connection.target,
waypoints = connection.waypoints,
start = hints.connectionStart,
end = hints.connectionEnd;
var manhattanOptions,
if (!start) {
start = getConnectionDocking(waypoints && waypoints[0], source);
if (!end) {
end = getConnectionDocking(waypoints && waypoints[waypoints.length - 1], target);
// TODO(nikku): support vertical modeling
// and invert preferredLayouts accordingly
if (is(connection, 'bpmn:Association') ||
is(connection, 'bpmn:DataAssociation')) {
if (waypoints && !isCompensationAssociation(source, target)) {
return [].concat([ start ], waypoints.slice(1, -1), [ end ]);
// manhattan layout sequence / message flows
if (is(connection, 'bpmn:MessageFlow')) {
manhattanOptions = getMessageFlowManhattanOptions(source, target);
} else
// layout all connection between flow elements h:h,
// except for
// (1) outgoing of BoundaryEvents -> layout based on attach orientation and target orientation
// (2) incoming / outgoing of Gateway -> v:h (outgoing), h:v (incoming)
// (3) loops from / to the same element
if (is(connection, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow') ||
isCompensationAssociation(source, target)) {
if (source === target) {
manhattanOptions = {
preferredLayouts: [ 'b:l' ]
} else
if (is(source, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent')) {
manhattanOptions = {
preferredLayouts: getBoundaryEventPreferredLayouts(source, target, end)
} else
if (is(source, 'bpmn:Gateway')) {
manhattanOptions = {
preferredLayouts: [ 'v:h' ]
} else
if (is(target, 'bpmn:Gateway')) {
manhattanOptions = {
preferredLayouts: [ 'h:v' ]
else {
manhattanOptions = {
preferredLayouts: [ 'h:h' ]
if (manhattanOptions) {
manhattanOptions = assign(manhattanOptions, hints);
updatedWaypoints =
source, target,
start, end,
return updatedWaypoints || [ start, end ];
function getAttachOrientation(attachedElement) {
var hostElement = attachedElement.host,
padding = -10;
return getOrientation(getMid(attachedElement), hostElement, padding);
function getMessageFlowManhattanOptions(source, target) {
return {
preferredLayouts: [ 'straight', 'v:v' ],
preserveDocking: getMessageFlowPreserveDocking(source, target)
function getMessageFlowPreserveDocking(source, target) {
// (1) docking element connected to participant has precedence
if (is(target, 'bpmn:Participant')) {
return 'source';
if (is(source, 'bpmn:Participant')) {
return 'target';
// (2) docking element connected to expanded sub-process has precedence
if (isExpandedSubProcess(target)) {
return 'source';
if (isExpandedSubProcess(source)) {
return 'target';
// (3) docking event has precedence
if (is(target, 'bpmn:Event')) {
return 'target';
if (is(source, 'bpmn:Event')) {
return 'source';
return null;
function getConnectionDocking(point, shape) {
return point ? (point.original || point) : getMid(shape);
function isCompensationAssociation(source, target) {
return is(target, 'bpmn:Activity') &&
is(source, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent') &&
function isExpandedSubProcess(element) {
return is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess') && isExpanded(element);
function isSame(a, b) {
return a === b;
function isAnyOrientation(orientation, orientations) {
return orientations.indexOf(orientation) !== -1;
var oppositeOrientationMapping = {
'top': 'bottom',
'top-right': 'bottom-left',
'top-left': 'bottom-right',
'right': 'left',
'bottom': 'top',
'bottom-right': 'top-left',
'bottom-left': 'top-right',
'left': 'right'
var orientationDirectionMapping = {
top: 't',
right: 'r',
bottom: 'b',
left: 'l'
function getHorizontalOrientation(orientation) {
var matches = /right|left/.exec(orientation);
return matches && matches[0];
function getVerticalOrientation(orientation) {
var matches = /top|bottom/.exec(orientation);
return matches && matches[0];
function isOppositeOrientation(a, b) {
return oppositeOrientationMapping[a] === b;
function isOppositeHorizontalOrientation(a, b) {
var horizontalOrientation = getHorizontalOrientation(a);
var oppositeHorizontalOrientation = oppositeOrientationMapping[horizontalOrientation];
return b.indexOf(oppositeHorizontalOrientation) !== -1;
function isOppositeVerticalOrientation(a, b) {
var verticalOrientation = getVerticalOrientation(a);
var oppositeVerticalOrientation = oppositeOrientationMapping[verticalOrientation];
return b.indexOf(oppositeVerticalOrientation) !== -1;
function isHorizontalOrientation(orientation) {
return orientation === 'right' || orientation === 'left';
function getBoundaryEventPreferredLayouts(source, target, end) {
var sourceMid = getMid(source),
targetMid = getMid(target),
attachOrientation = getAttachOrientation(source),
var isLoop = isSame(source.host, target);
var attachedToSide = isAnyOrientation(attachOrientation, [ 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ]);
var targetOrientation = getOrientation(targetMid, sourceMid, {
x: source.width / 2 + target.width / 2,
y: source.height / 2 + target.height / 2
if (isLoop) {
return getBoundaryEventLoopLayout(attachOrientation, attachedToSide, source, target, end);
// source layout
sourceLayout = getBoundaryEventSourceLayout(attachOrientation, targetOrientation, attachedToSide);
// target layout
targetLayout = getBoundaryEventTargetLayout(attachOrientation, targetOrientation, attachedToSide);
return [ sourceLayout + ':' + targetLayout ];
function getBoundaryEventLoopLayout(attachOrientation, attachedToSide, source, target, end) {
var sourceLayout = orientationDirectionMapping[attachedToSide ? attachOrientation : getVerticalOrientation(attachOrientation)],
if (attachedToSide) {
if (isHorizontalOrientation(attachOrientation)) {
targetLayout = shouldConnectToSameSide('y', source, target, end) ? 'h' : 'b';
} else {
targetLayout = shouldConnectToSameSide('x', source, target, end) ? 'v' : 'l';
} else {
targetLayout = 'v';
return [ sourceLayout + ':' + targetLayout ];
function shouldConnectToSameSide(axis, source, target, end) {
return !(
areCloseOnAxis(axis, end, target, threshold) ||
areCloseOnAxis(axis, end, { x: target.x + target.width, y: target.y + target.height }, threshold) ||
areCloseOnAxis(axis, end, getMid(source), threshold)
function areCloseOnAxis(axis, a, b, threshold) {
return Math.abs(a[axis] - b[axis]) < threshold;
function getBoundaryEventSourceLayout(attachOrientation, targetOrientation, attachedToSide) {
// attached to either top, right, bottom or left side
if (attachedToSide) {
return orientationDirectionMapping[attachOrientation];
// attached to either top-right, top-left, bottom-right or bottom-left corner
// same vertical or opposite horizontal orientation
if (isSame(
getVerticalOrientation(attachOrientation), getVerticalOrientation(targetOrientation)
) || isOppositeOrientation(
getHorizontalOrientation(attachOrientation), getHorizontalOrientation(targetOrientation)
)) {
return orientationDirectionMapping[getVerticalOrientation(attachOrientation)];
// fallback
return orientationDirectionMapping[getHorizontalOrientation(attachOrientation)];
function getBoundaryEventTargetLayout(attachOrientation, targetOrientation, attachedToSide) {
// attached to either top, right, bottom or left side
if (attachedToSide) {
if (isHorizontalOrientation(attachOrientation)) {
// orientation is 'right' or 'left'
// opposite horizontal orientation or same orientation
if (
isOppositeHorizontalOrientation(attachOrientation, targetOrientation) ||
isSame(attachOrientation, targetOrientation)
) {
return 'h';
// fallback
return 'v';
} else {
// orientation is 'top' or 'bottom'
// opposite vertical orientation or same orientation
if (
isOppositeVerticalOrientation(attachOrientation, targetOrientation) ||
isSame(attachOrientation, targetOrientation)
) {
return 'v';
// fallback
return 'h';
// attached to either top-right, top-left, bottom-right or bottom-left corner
// orientation is 'right', 'left'
// or same vertical orientation but also 'right' or 'left'
if (isHorizontalOrientation(targetOrientation) ||
(isSame(getVerticalOrientation(attachOrientation), getVerticalOrientation(targetOrientation)) &&
getHorizontalOrientation(targetOrientation))) {
return 'h';
} else {
return 'v';