Nico Rehwaldt c58532aeac chore(import): reorganize import related functionality
This commit puts all import related stuff into the import module.

The core module remains as an entry point to require the basic modules
needed by bpmn-js. At the time this is { import, draw }.
2014-10-30 12:06:43 +01:00

266 lines
6.9 KiB

'use strict';
var Diagram = require('diagram-js'),
BpmnModdle = require('bpmn-moddle'),
$ = require('jquery'),
_ = require('lodash');
var Importer = require('./import/Importer');
function initListeners(diagram, listeners) {
var events = diagram.get('eventBus');
listeners.forEach(function(l) {
events.on(l.event, l.handler);
function checkValidationError(err) {
// check if we can help the user by indicating wrong BPMN 2.0 xml
// (in case he or the exporting tool did not get that right)
var pattern = /unparsable content <([^>]+)> detected([\s\S]*)$/;
var match = pattern.exec(err.message);
if (match) {
err.message =
'unparsable content <' + match[1] + '> detected; ' +
'this may indicate an invalid BPMN 2.0 diagram file' + match[2];
return err;
* A viewer for BPMN 2.0 diagrams
* @class
* @param {Object} [options] configuration options to pass to the viewer
* @param {DOMElement} [options.container] the container to render the viewer in, defaults to body.
* @param {String|Number} [options.width] the width of the viewer
* @param {String|Number} [options.height] the height of the viewer
* @param {Array<didi.Module>} [options.modules] a list of modules to override the default modules
* @param {Array<didi.Module>} [options.additionalModules] a list of modules to use with the default modules
function Viewer(options) {
this.options = options = options || {};
var parent = options.container || $('body');
var container = $('<div></div>').addClass('bjs-container').css({
position: 'relative'
_.forEach([ 'width', 'height' ], function(a) {
if (options[a]) {
container.css(a, options[a]);
// unwrap jquery
this.container = container.get(0);
* The code in the <project-logo></project-logo> area
* must not be changed, see http://bpmn.io/license for more information
* <project-logo>
/* jshint -W101 */
// inlined ../resources/bpmnjs.png
var logoData = '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';
/* jshint +W101 */
var a = $('<a href="http://bpmn.io" target="_blank" class="bjs-powered-by" title="Powered by bpmn.io" />').css({
position: 'absolute',
bottom: 15,
right: 15,
zIndex: 100
var logo = $('<img/>').attr('src', 'data:image/png;base64,' + logoData).appendTo(a);
/* </project-logo> */
Viewer.prototype.importXML = function(xml, done) {
var self = this;
this.moddle = this.createModdle();
this.moddle.fromXML(xml, 'bpmn:Definitions', function(err, definitions) {
if (err) {
err = checkValidationError(err);
return done(err);
self.importDefinitions(definitions, done);
Viewer.prototype.saveXML = function(options, done) {
if (!done) {
done = options;
options = {};
var definitions = this.definitions;
if (!definitions) {
return done(new Error('no definitions loaded'));
this.moddle.toXML(definitions, options, done);
Viewer.prototype.createModdle = function() {
return new BpmnModdle();
Viewer.prototype.saveSVG = function(options, done) {
if (!done) {
done = options;
options = {};
var canvas = this.get('canvas');
var contentNode = canvas.getLayer('base'),
defsNode = canvas._paper.select('defs');
var contents = contentNode.innerSVG(),
defs = (defsNode && defsNode.outerSVG()) || '';
var bbox = contentNode.getBBox();
var svg =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' +
'<!-- created with bpmn-js / http://bpmn.io -->\n' +
'<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\n' +
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ' +
'width="' + bbox.width + '" height="' + bbox.height + '" ' +
'viewBox="' + bbox.x + ' ' + bbox.y + ' ' + bbox.width + ' ' + bbox.height + '" version="1.1">' +
defs + contents +
done(null, svg);
Viewer.prototype.get = function(name) {
if (!this.diagram) {
throw new Error('no diagram loaded');
return this.diagram.get(name);
Viewer.prototype.invoke = function(fn) {
if (!this.diagram) {
throw new Error('no diagram loaded');
return this.diagram.invoke(fn);
Viewer.prototype.importDefinitions = function(definitions, done) {
// use try/catch to not swallow synchronous exceptions
// that may be raised during model parsing
try {
if (this.diagram) {
this.definitions = definitions;
this.diagram = this._createDiagram(this.options);
Importer.importBpmnDiagram(this.diagram, definitions, done);
} catch (e) {
Viewer.prototype._init = function(diagram) {
initListeners(diagram, this.__listeners || []);
Viewer.prototype._createDiagram = function(options) {
var modules = [].concat(options.modules || this.getModules(), options.additionalModules || []);
// add self as an available service
bpmnjs: [ 'value', this ],
moddle: [ 'value', this.moddle ]
options = _.omit(options, 'additionalModules');
options = _.extend(options, {
canvas: { container: this.container },
modules: modules
return new Diagram(options);
Viewer.prototype.getModules = function() {
return this._modules;
* Remove all drawn elements from the viewer
Viewer.prototype.clear = function() {
var diagram = this.diagram;
if (diagram) {
* Register an event listener on the viewer
* @param {String} event
* @param {Function} handler
Viewer.prototype.on = function(event, handler) {
var diagram = this.diagram,
listeners = this.__listeners = this.__listeners || [];
listeners = this.__listeners || [];
listeners.push({ event: event, handler: handler });
if (diagram) {
diagram.get('eventBus').on(event, handler);
// modules the viewer is composed of
Viewer.prototype._modules = [
module.exports = Viewer;