/** * The code in the area * must not be changed. * * @see http://bpmn.io/license for more information. */ import { assign, find, isFunction, isNumber, omit } from 'min-dash'; import { domify, query as domQuery, remove as domRemove } from 'min-dom'; import { innerSVG } from 'tiny-svg'; import Diagram from 'diagram-js'; import BpmnModdle from 'bpmn-moddle'; import inherits from 'inherits'; import { importBpmnDiagram } from './import/Importer'; import CoreModule from './core'; import TranslateModule from 'diagram-js/lib/i18n/translate'; import SelectionModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/selection'; import OverlaysModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/overlays'; function checkValidationError(err) { // check if we can help the user by indicating wrong BPMN 2.0 xml // (in case he or the exporting tool did not get that right) var pattern = /unparsable content <([^>]+)> detected([\s\S]*)$/; var match = pattern.exec(err.message); if (match) { err.message = 'unparsable content <' + match[1] + '> detected; ' + 'this may indicate an invalid BPMN 2.0 diagram file' + match[2]; } return err; } var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { width: '100%', height: '100%', position: 'relative' }; /** * Ensure the passed argument is a proper unit (defaulting to px) */ function ensureUnit(val) { return val + (isNumber(val) ? 'px' : ''); } /** * Find BPMNDiagram in definitions by ID * * @param {ModdleElement} definitions * @param {String} diagramId * * @return {ModdleElement|null} */ function findBPMNDiagram(definitions, diagramId) { if (!diagramId) { return null; } return find(definitions.diagrams, function(element) { return element.id === diagramId; }) || null; } /** * A viewer for BPMN 2.0 diagrams. * * Have a look at {@link NavigatedViewer} or {@link Modeler} for bundles that include * additional features. * * * ## Extending the Viewer * * In order to extend the viewer pass extension modules to bootstrap via the * `additionalModules` option. An extension module is an object that exposes * named services. * * The following example depicts the integration of a simple * logging component that integrates with interaction events: * * * ```javascript * * // logging component * function InteractionLogger(eventBus) { * eventBus.on('element.hover', function(event) { * console.log() * }) * } * * InteractionLogger.$inject = [ 'eventBus' ]; // minification save * * // extension module * var extensionModule = { * __init__: [ 'interactionLogger' ], * interactionLogger: [ 'type', InteractionLogger ] * }; * * // extend the viewer * var bpmnViewer = new Viewer({ additionalModules: [ extensionModule ] }); * bpmnViewer.importXML(...); * ``` * * @param {Object} [options] configuration options to pass to the viewer * @param {DOMElement} [options.container] the container to render the viewer in, defaults to body. * @param {String|Number} [options.width] the width of the viewer * @param {String|Number} [options.height] the height of the viewer * @param {Object} [options.moddleExtensions] extension packages to provide * @param {Array} [options.modules] a list of modules to override the default modules * @param {Array} [options.additionalModules] a list of modules to use with the default modules */ export default function Viewer(options) { options = assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options); this._moddle = this._createModdle(options); this._container = this._createContainer(options); /* */ addProjectLogo(this._container); /* */ this._init(this._container, this._moddle, options); } inherits(Viewer, Diagram); /** * Parse and render a BPMN 2.0 diagram. * * Once finished the viewer reports back the result to the * provided callback function with (err, warnings). * * ## Life-Cycle Events * * During import the viewer will fire life-cycle events: * * * import.parse.start (about to read model from xml) * * import.parse.complete (model read; may have worked or not) * * import.render.start (graphical import start) * * import.render.complete (graphical import finished) * * import.done (everything done) * * You can use these events to hook into the life-cycle. * * @param {String} xml the BPMN 2.0 xml * @param {ModdleElement|String} [bpmnDiagram] BPMN diagram or id of diagram to render (if not provided, the first one will be rendered) * @param {Function} [done] invoked with (err, warnings=[]) */ Viewer.prototype.importXML = function(xml, bpmnDiagram, done) { if (isFunction(bpmnDiagram)) { done = bpmnDiagram; bpmnDiagram = null; } // done is optional done = done || function() {}; var self = this; // hook in pre-parse listeners + // allow xml manipulation xml = this._emit('import.parse.start', { xml: xml }) || xml; this._moddle.fromXML(xml, 'bpmn:Definitions', function(err, definitions, context) { // hook in post parse listeners + // allow definitions manipulation definitions = self._emit('import.parse.complete', { error: err, definitions: definitions, context: context }) || definitions; var parseWarnings = context.warnings; if (err) { err = checkValidationError(err); self._emit('import.done', { error: err, warnings: parseWarnings }); return done(err, parseWarnings); } self.importDefinitions(definitions, bpmnDiagram, function(err, importWarnings) { var allWarnings = [].concat(parseWarnings, importWarnings || []); self._emit('import.done', { error: err, warnings: allWarnings }); done(err, allWarnings); }); }); }; /** * Import parsed definitions and render a BPMN 2.0 diagram. * * Once finished the viewer reports back the result to the * provided callback function with (err, warnings). * * ## Life-Cycle Events * * During import the viewer will fire life-cycle events: * * * import.render.start (graphical import start) * * import.render.complete (graphical import finished) * * You can use these events to hook into the life-cycle. * * @param {ModdleElement} definitions parsed BPMN 2.0 definitions * @param {ModdleElement|String} [bpmnDiagram] BPMN diagram or id of diagram to render (if not provided, the first one will be rendered) * @param {Function} [done] invoked with (err, warnings=[]) */ Viewer.prototype.importDefinitions = function(definitions, bpmnDiagram, done) { if (isFunction(bpmnDiagram)) { done = bpmnDiagram; bpmnDiagram = null; } // done is optional done = done || function() {}; this._setDefinitions(definitions); return this.open(bpmnDiagram, done); }; /** * Open diagram of previously imported XML. * * Once finished the viewer reports back the result to the * provided callback function with (err, warnings). * * ## Life-Cycle Events * * During switch the viewer will fire life-cycle events: * * * import.render.start (graphical import start) * * import.render.complete (graphical import finished) * * You can use these events to hook into the life-cycle. * * @param {String|ModdleElement} [bpmnDiagramOrId] id or the diagram to open * @param {Function} [done] invoked with (err, warnings=[]) */ Viewer.prototype.open = function(bpmnDiagramOrId, done) { if (isFunction(bpmnDiagramOrId)) { done = bpmnDiagramOrId; bpmnDiagramOrId = null; } var definitions = this._definitions; var bpmnDiagram = bpmnDiagramOrId; // done is optional done = done || function() {}; if (!definitions) { return done(new Error('no XML imported')); } if (typeof bpmnDiagramOrId === 'string') { bpmnDiagram = findBPMNDiagram(definitions, bpmnDiagramOrId); if (!bpmnDiagram) { return done(new Error('BPMNDiagram <' + bpmnDiagramOrId + '> not found')); } } // clear existing rendered diagram // catch synchronous exceptions during #clear() try { this.clear(); } catch (error) { return done(error); } // perform graphical import return importBpmnDiagram(this, definitions, bpmnDiagram, done); }; /** * Export the currently displayed BPMN 2.0 diagram as * a BPMN 2.0 XML document. * * ## Life-Cycle Events * * During XML saving the viewer will fire life-cycle events: * * * saveXML.start (before serialization) * * saveXML.serialized (after xml generation) * * saveXML.done (everything done) * * You can use these events to hook into the life-cycle. * * @param {Object} [options] export options * @param {Boolean} [options.format=false] output formated XML * @param {Boolean} [options.preamble=true] output preamble * * @param {Function} done invoked with (err, xml) */ Viewer.prototype.saveXML = function(options, done) { if (!done) { done = options; options = {}; } var self = this; var definitions = this._definitions; if (!definitions) { return done(new Error('no definitions loaded')); } // allow to fiddle around with definitions definitions = this._emit('saveXML.start', { definitions: definitions }) || definitions; this._moddle.toXML(definitions, options, function(err, xml) { try { xml = self._emit('saveXML.serialized', { error: err, xml: xml }) || xml; self._emit('saveXML.done', { error: err, xml: xml }); } catch (e) { console.error('error in saveXML life-cycle listener', e); } done(err, xml); }); }; /** * Export the currently displayed BPMN 2.0 diagram as * an SVG image. * * ## Life-Cycle Events * * During SVG saving the viewer will fire life-cycle events: * * * saveSVG.start (before serialization) * * saveSVG.done (everything done) * * You can use these events to hook into the life-cycle. * * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Function} done invoked with (err, svgStr) */ Viewer.prototype.saveSVG = function(options, done) { if (!done) { done = options; options = {}; } this._emit('saveSVG.start'); var svg, err; try { var canvas = this.get('canvas'); var contentNode = canvas.getDefaultLayer(), defsNode = domQuery('defs', canvas._svg); var contents = innerSVG(contentNode), defs = defsNode ? '' + innerSVG(defsNode) + '' : ''; var bbox = contentNode.getBBox(); svg = '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '' + defs + contents + ''; } catch (e) { err = e; } this._emit('saveSVG.done', { error: err, svg: svg }); done(err, svg); }; /** * Get a named diagram service. * * @example * * var elementRegistry = viewer.get('elementRegistry'); * var startEventShape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); * * @param {String} name * * @return {Object} diagram service instance * * @method Viewer#get */ /** * Invoke a function in the context of this viewer. * * @example * * viewer.invoke(function(elementRegistry) { * var startEventShape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); * }); * * @param {Function} fn to be invoked * * @return {Object} the functions return value * * @method Viewer#invoke */ Viewer.prototype._setDefinitions = function(definitions) { this._definitions = definitions; }; Viewer.prototype.getModules = function() { return this._modules; }; /** * Remove all drawn elements from the viewer. * * After calling this method the viewer can still * be reused for opening another diagram. * * @method Viewer#clear */ Viewer.prototype.clear = function() { if (!this.getDefinitions()) { // no diagram to clear return; } // remove businessObject#di binding // // this is necessary, as we establish the bindings // in the BpmnTreeWalker (and assume none are given // on reimport) this.get('elementRegistry').forEach(function(element) { var bo = element.businessObject; if (bo && bo.di) { delete bo.di; } }); // remove drawn elements Diagram.prototype.clear.call(this); }; /** * Destroy the viewer instance and remove all its * remainders from the document tree. */ Viewer.prototype.destroy = function() { // diagram destroy Diagram.prototype.destroy.call(this); // dom detach domRemove(this._container); }; /** * Register an event listener * * Remove a previously added listener via {@link #off(event, callback)}. * * @param {String} event * @param {Number} [priority] * @param {Function} callback * @param {Object} [that] */ Viewer.prototype.on = function(event, priority, callback, target) { return this.get('eventBus').on(event, priority, callback, target); }; /** * De-register an event listener * * @param {String} event * @param {Function} callback */ Viewer.prototype.off = function(event, callback) { this.get('eventBus').off(event, callback); }; Viewer.prototype.attachTo = function(parentNode) { if (!parentNode) { throw new Error('parentNode required'); } // ensure we detach from the // previous, old parent this.detach(); // unwrap jQuery if provided if (parentNode.get && parentNode.constructor.prototype.jquery) { parentNode = parentNode.get(0); } if (typeof parentNode === 'string') { parentNode = domQuery(parentNode); } parentNode.appendChild(this._container); this._emit('attach', {}); this.get('canvas').resized(); }; Viewer.prototype.getDefinitions = function() { return this._definitions; }; Viewer.prototype.detach = function() { var container = this._container, parentNode = container.parentNode; if (!parentNode) { return; } this._emit('detach', {}); parentNode.removeChild(container); }; Viewer.prototype._init = function(container, moddle, options) { var baseModules = options.modules || this.getModules(), additionalModules = options.additionalModules || [], staticModules = [ { bpmnjs: [ 'value', this ], moddle: [ 'value', moddle ] } ]; var diagramModules = [].concat(staticModules, baseModules, additionalModules); var diagramOptions = assign(omit(options, [ 'additionalModules' ]), { canvas: assign({}, options.canvas, { container: container }), modules: diagramModules }); // invoke diagram constructor Diagram.call(this, diagramOptions); if (options && options.container) { this.attachTo(options.container); } }; /** * Emit an event on the underlying {@link EventBus} * * @param {String} type * @param {Object} event * * @return {Object} event processing result (if any) */ Viewer.prototype._emit = function(type, event) { return this.get('eventBus').fire(type, event); }; Viewer.prototype._createContainer = function(options) { var container = domify('
'); assign(container.style, { width: ensureUnit(options.width), height: ensureUnit(options.height), position: options.position }); return container; }; Viewer.prototype._createModdle = function(options) { var moddleOptions = assign({}, this._moddleExtensions, options.moddleExtensions); return new BpmnModdle(moddleOptions); }; // modules the viewer is composed of Viewer.prototype._modules = [ CoreModule, TranslateModule, SelectionModule, OverlaysModule ]; // default moddle extensions the viewer is composed of Viewer.prototype._moddleExtensions = {}; /* */ import { open as openPoweredBy, BPMNIO_IMG } from './util/PoweredByUtil'; import { event as domEvent } from 'min-dom'; /** * Adds the project logo to the diagram container as * required by the bpmn.io license. * * @see http://bpmn.io/license * * @param {Element} container */ function addProjectLogo(container) { var img = BPMNIO_IMG; var linkMarkup = '' + img + ''; var linkElement = domify(linkMarkup); container.appendChild(linkElement); domEvent.bind(linkElement, 'click', function(event) { openPoweredBy(); event.preventDefault(); }); } /* */