module.exports = function(grunt) { require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); require('time-grunt')(grunt); /* global Buffer,process*/ // configures browsers to run test against // any of [ 'PhantomJS', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'IE'] var TEST_BROWSERS = ((process.env.TEST_BROWSERS || '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '') || 'PhantomJS').split(/\s*,\s*/g); function bundleAlias(components) { var alias = []; if (components.indexOf('libs-external') >= 0) { alias.push('node_modules/jquery:jquery'); alias.push('node_modules/lodash:lodash'); } if (components.indexOf('libs-local') >= 0) { alias.push('node_modules/bpmn-moddle:bpmn-moddle'); } if (components.indexOf('viewer') >= 0) { alias.push('index.js:bpmn-js'); } if (components.indexOf('modeler') >= 0) { alias.push('<%= config.sources %>/Modeler.js:bpmn-js/Modeler'); } return alias; } // project configuration grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), config: { sources: 'lib', tests: 'test', dist: 'dist', bowerDist: '../bower-bpmn-js' }, jshint: { src: [ ['<%=config.sources %>'] ], gruntfile: [ 'Gruntfile.js' ], options: { jshintrc: true } }, release: { options: { tagName: 'v<%= version %>', commitMessage: 'chore(project): release v<%= version %>', tagMessage: 'chore(project): tag v<%= version %>' } }, jasmine_node: { options: { specNameMatcher: '.*Spec', jUnit: { report: true, savePath : 'tmp/reports/jasmine', useDotNotation: true, consolidate: true } }, node: [ 'test/spec/node/' ] }, karma: { options: { configFile: '<%= config.tests %>/config/karma.unit.js', }, single: { singleRun: true, autoWatch: false, browsers: TEST_BROWSERS }, unit: { browsers: TEST_BROWSERS } }, browserify: { options: { browserifyOptions: { builtins: false }, bundleOptions: { detectGlobals: false, insertGlobalVars: [], debug: true } }, watch: { files: { '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn.js': [ '<%= config.sources %>/**/*.js' ], '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn-viewer.js': [ '<%= config.sources %>/Viewer.js' ] }, options: { watch: true, alias: bundleAlias([ 'viewer', 'modeler', 'libs-external', 'libs-local' ]) } }, bowerViewer: { files: { '<%= config.bowerDist %>/bpmn-viewer.js': [ '<%= config.sources %>/Viewer.js' ] }, options: { browserifyOptions: { builtins: false }, bundleOptions: { standalone: 'BpmnJS', detectGlobals: false, insertGlobalVars: [], debug: false }, transform: [ [ 'exposify', { expose: { sax: 'sax', snapsvg: 'Snap', lodash: '_', jquery: '$', 'jquery-mousewheel': '$' } } ] ] } }, standaloneViewer: { files: { '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn-viewer.js': [ '<%= config.sources %>/Viewer.js' ] }, options: { alias: bundleAlias([ 'viewer', 'libs-external', 'libs-local' ]) } }, standaloneModeler: { files: { '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn.js': [ '<%= config.sources %>/**/*.js' ], }, options: { alias: bundleAlias([ 'viewer', 'modeler', 'libs-external', 'libs-local' ]) } } }, watch: { standaloneModeler: { files: [ '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn.js' ], tasks: [ 'uglify:standaloneModeler' ] }, standaloneViewer: { files: [ '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn-viewer.js' ], tasks: [ 'uglify:standaloneViewer' ] }, bowerViewer: { files: [ '<%= config.bowerDist %>/bpmn-viewer.js' ], tasks: [ 'uglify:bowerViewer' ] } }, jsdoc: { dist: { src: [ '<%= config.sources %>/**/*.js' ], options: { destination: 'docs/api', plugins: [ 'plugins/markdown' ] } } }, uglify: { options: { banner: '/*! <%= %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - ' + '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %> - ' + ' - ' + ' */', sourceMap: true, sourceMapIncludeSources: true, sourceMapIn: function(file) { var content =, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); var match = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=data:application\/json;base64,(.*)/.exec(content); if (match) { var b = new Buffer(match[1] + '==', 'base64'); var s = b.toString(); grunt.file.write('tmp/sourceMap.json', s, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); return 'tmp/sourceMap.json'; } else { return null; } } }, bowerViewer: { files: { '<%= config.bowerDist %>/bpmn-viewer.min.js': [ '<%= config.bowerDist %>/bpmn-viewer.js' ] } }, standaloneModeler: { files: { '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn.min.js': [ '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn.js' ] } }, standaloneViewer: { files: { '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn-viewer.min.js': [ '<%= config.dist %>/bpmn-viewer.js' ] } } } }); // tasks grunt.registerTask('test', [ 'jasmine_node', 'karma:single' ]); ///// // // the main build task that bundles bpmn-js files // // valid executions are // // * build -> build:all // * build:all -> build:lib, build:bower // * build:lib -> { packages library files as standalone bundle } // * build:lib -> { packages library files as bower bundle } // grunt.registerTask('build', function(target, mode) { mode = mode || 'prod'; if (target === 'bower') { return['browserify:bowerViewer', 'uglify:bowerViewer']); } if (target === 'lib') { var tasks = []; if (mode !== 'dev') { tasks.push('uglify:standaloneModeler', 'uglify:standaloneViewer'); } return['browserify:standaloneViewer', 'browserify:standaloneModeler'].concat(tasks)); } if (!target || target === 'all') { return['build:lib:' + mode, 'build:bower' ]); } }); grunt.registerTask('auto-build', [ 'browserify:watch', 'watch' ]); grunt.registerTask('auto-test', [ 'karma:unit' ]); grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'jshint', 'test', 'build', 'jsdoc' ]); };