import { getLanesRoot } from '../util/LaneUtil'; import { is } from '../../../util/ModelUtil'; import { isAny } from '../util/ModelingUtil'; var HIGH_PRIORITY = 1500; var HIGHEST_PRIORITY = 2000; /** * Correct hover targets in certain situations to improve diagram interaction. * * @param {ElementRegistry} elementRegistry * @param {EventBus} eventBus * @param {Canvas} canvas */ export default function FixHoverBehavior(elementRegistry, eventBus, canvas) { eventBus.on([ 'create.hover', 'create.move', 'create.out', 'create.end', 'shape.move.hover', 'shape.move.move', 'shape.move.out', 'shape.move.end' ], HIGH_PRIORITY, function(event) { var context = event.context, shape = context.shape || event.shape, hover = event.hover; // ensure elements are not dropped onto a bpmn:Lane but onto // the underlying bpmn:Participant if (is(hover, 'bpmn:Lane') && !isAny(shape, [ 'bpmn:Lane', 'bpmn:Participant' ])) { event.hover = getLanesRoot(hover); event.hoverGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(event.hover); } var rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // ensure bpmn:Group and label elements are dropped // always onto the root if (hover !== rootElement && (shape.labelTarget || is(shape, 'bpmn:Group'))) { event.hover = rootElement; event.hoverGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(event.hover); } }); eventBus.on([ 'connect.hover', 'connect.out', 'connect.end', 'connect.cleanup', 'global-connect.hover', 'global-connect.out', 'global-connect.end', 'global-connect.cleanup' ], HIGH_PRIORITY, function(event) { var hover = event.hover; // ensure connections start/end on bpmn:Participant, // not the underlying bpmn:Lane if (is(hover, 'bpmn:Lane')) { event.hover = getLanesRoot(hover) || hover; event.hoverGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(event.hover); } }); eventBus.on([ 'bendpoint.move.hover' ], HIGH_PRIORITY, function(event) { var context = event.context, hover = event.hover, type = context.type; // ensure reconnect start/end on bpmn:Participant, // not the underlying bpmn:Lane if (is(hover, 'bpmn:Lane') && /reconnect/.test(type)) { event.hover = getLanesRoot(hover) || hover; event.hoverGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(event.hover); } }); eventBus.on([ 'connect.start' ], HIGH_PRIORITY, function(event) { var context = event.context, start = context.start; // ensure connect start on bpmn:Participant, // not the underlying bpmn:Lane if (is(start, 'bpmn:Lane')) { context.start = getLanesRoot(start) || start; } }); // allow movement of participants from lanes eventBus.on('shape.move.start', HIGHEST_PRIORITY, function(event) { var shape = event.shape; if (is(shape, 'bpmn:Lane')) { event.shape = getLanesRoot(shape) || shape; } }); } FixHoverBehavior.$inject = [ 'elementRegistry', 'eventBus', 'canvas' ];