import { is } from '../../../util/ModelUtil'; import { getLanesRoot, computeLanesResize } from '../util/LaneUtil'; import { eachElement } from 'diagram-js/lib/util/Elements'; import { asTRBL } from 'diagram-js/lib/layout/LayoutUtil'; import { substractTRBL } from 'diagram-js/lib/features/resize/ResizeUtil'; /** * A handler that resizes a lane. * * @param {Modeling} modeling */ export default function ResizeLaneHandler(modeling, spaceTool) { this._modeling = modeling; this._spaceTool = spaceTool; } ResizeLaneHandler.$inject = [ 'modeling', 'spaceTool' ]; ResizeLaneHandler.prototype.preExecute = function(context) { var shape = context.shape, newBounds = context.newBounds, balanced = context.balanced; if (balanced !== false) { this.resizeBalanced(shape, newBounds); } else { this.resizeSpace(shape, newBounds); } }; /** * Resize balanced, adjusting next / previous lane sizes. * * @param {djs.model.Shape} shape * @param {Bounds} newBounds */ ResizeLaneHandler.prototype.resizeBalanced = function(shape, newBounds) { var modeling = this._modeling; var resizeNeeded = computeLanesResize(shape, newBounds); // resize the lane modeling.resizeShape(shape, newBounds); // resize other lanes as needed resizeNeeded.forEach(function(r) { modeling.resizeShape(r.shape, r.newBounds); }); }; /** * Resize, making actual space and moving below / above elements. * * @param {djs.model.Shape} shape * @param {Bounds} newBounds */ ResizeLaneHandler.prototype.resizeSpace = function(shape, newBounds) { var spaceTool = this._spaceTool; var shapeTrbl = asTRBL(shape), newTrbl = asTRBL(newBounds); var trblDiff = substractTRBL(newTrbl, shapeTrbl); var lanesRoot = getLanesRoot(shape); var allAffected = [], allLanes = []; eachElement(lanesRoot, function(element) { allAffected.push(element); if (is(element, 'bpmn:Lane') || is(element, 'bpmn:Participant')) { allLanes.push(element); } return element.children; }); var change, spacePos, direction, offset, adjustments; if (trblDiff.bottom || { change = trblDiff.bottom ||; spacePos = shape.y + (trblDiff.bottom ? shape.height : 0) + (trblDiff.bottom ? -10 : 10); direction = trblDiff.bottom ? 's' : 'n'; offset = > 0 || trblDiff.bottom < 0 ? -change : change; adjustments = spaceTool.calculateAdjustments(allAffected, 'y', offset, spacePos); spaceTool.makeSpace(adjustments.movingShapes, adjustments.resizingShapes, { x: 0, y: change }, direction); } if (trblDiff.left || trblDiff.right) { change = trblDiff.right || trblDiff.left; spacePos = shape.x + (trblDiff.right ? shape.width : 0) + (trblDiff.right ? -10 : 100); direction = trblDiff.right ? 'e' : 'w'; offset = trblDiff.left > 0 || trblDiff.right < 0 ? -change : change; adjustments = spaceTool.calculateAdjustments(allLanes, 'x', offset, spacePos); spaceTool.makeSpace(adjustments.movingShapes, adjustments.resizingShapes, { x: change, y: 0 }, direction); } };