import CommandInterceptor from 'diagram-js/lib/command/CommandInterceptor'; import inherits from 'inherits'; import cssEscape from 'css.escape'; import { assign, forEach } from 'min-dash'; import { query as domQuery } from 'min-dom'; import { attr as svgAttr } from 'tiny-svg'; var LOW_PRIORITY = 250; export default function BpmnReplacePreview( eventBus, elementRegistry, elementFactory, canvas, previewSupport) {, eventBus); /** * Replace the visuals of all elements in the context which can be replaced * * @param {Object} context */ function replaceVisual(context) { var replacements = context.canExecute.replacements; forEach(replacements, function(replacement) { var id = replacement.oldElementId; var newElement = { type: replacement.newElementType }; // if the visual of the element is already replaced if (context.visualReplacements[id]) { return; } var element = elementRegistry.get(id); assign(newElement, { x: element.x, y: element.y }); // create a temporary shape var tempShape = elementFactory.createShape(newElement); canvas.addShape(tempShape, element.parent); // select the original SVG element related to the element and hide it var gfx = domQuery('[data-element-id="' + cssEscape( + '"]', context.dragGroup); if (gfx) { svgAttr(gfx, { display: 'none' }); } // clone the gfx of the temporary shape and add it to the drag group var dragger = previewSupport.addDragger(tempShape, context.dragGroup); context.visualReplacements[id] = dragger; canvas.removeShape(tempShape); }); } /** * Restore the original visuals of the previously replaced elements * * @param {Object} context */ function restoreVisual(context) { var visualReplacements = context.visualReplacements; forEach(visualReplacements, function(dragger, id) { var originalGfx = domQuery('[data-element-id="' + cssEscape(id) + '"]', context.dragGroup); if (originalGfx) { svgAttr(originalGfx, { display: 'inline' }); } dragger.remove(); if (visualReplacements[id]) { delete visualReplacements[id]; } }); } eventBus.on('shape.move.move', LOW_PRIORITY, function(event) { var context = event.context, canExecute = context.canExecute; if (!context.visualReplacements) { context.visualReplacements = {}; } if (canExecute && canExecute.replacements) { replaceVisual(context); } else { restoreVisual(context); } }); } BpmnReplacePreview.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'elementRegistry', 'elementFactory', 'canvas', 'previewSupport' ]; inherits(BpmnReplacePreview, CommandInterceptor);