import { pick } from 'min-dash'; import { getDi } from 'lib/util/ModelUtil'; var POSITION_ATTRS = [ 'x', 'y' ]; function getPoint(point) { return pick(point, POSITION_ATTRS); } function getPoints(waypoints) { return; } export default function(chai, utils) { var Assertion = chai.Assertion; function inspect(obj) { return utils.inspect(obj).replace(/\n /g, ''); } /** * A simple waypoints matcher, that verifies a connection * consists of the correct connection points. * * Does not take the original docking into account. * * @example * * expect(connection).to.have.waypoints([ { x: 100, y: 100 }, { x: 0, y: 0 } ]); * * @param {Connection|Array<Point>} exp */ Assertion.addMethod('waypoints', function(exp) { var obj = this._obj; expect(obj)'waypoints'); assertWaypoints(this, + '#waypoints', getPoints(obj.waypoints), getPoints(exp)); }); /** * A simple waypoints matcher, that verifies a connection * consists of the correct DI waypoints. * * Does not take the original docking into account. * * @example * * expect(connection).to.have.diWaypoints([ { x: 100, y: 100 }, { x: 0, y: 0 } ]); * * @param {Connection|Array<Point>} exp */ Assertion.addMethod('diWaypoints', function(exp) { var obj = this._obj; var di = getDi(obj); expect(di).to.exist; expect(di)'waypoint'); assertWaypoints(this, di + '#waypoint', getPoints(di.waypoint), getPoints(exp)); }); /** * A simple waypoints matcher, that verifies a connection * has the given start docking. * * @example * * expect(connection).to.have.startDocking({ x: 100, y: 100 }); * * @param {Point} exp */ Assertion.addMethod('startDocking', function(exp) { var obj = this._obj; var startPoint = obj.waypoints[0], startDocking = startPoint && startPoint.original; var matches = utils.eql(startDocking, exp); var startDockingStr = inspect(startDocking), expectedStartDockingStr = inspect(exp); var theAssert = new Assertion(startDocking); // transfer negate status utils.transferFlags(this, theAssert, false); theAssert.assert( matches, 'expected <' + + '> to have startDocking ' + expectedStartDockingStr + ' but got ' + startDockingStr ); }); /** * A simple waypoints matcher, that verifies a connection * has the given start docking. * * @example * * expect(connection).to.have.endDocking({ x: 100, y: 100 }); * * @param {Point} exp */ Assertion.addMethod('endDocking', function(exp) { var obj = this._obj; var endPoint = obj.waypoints[obj.waypoints.length - 1], endDocking = endPoint && endPoint.original; var matches = utils.eql(endDocking, exp); var endDockingStr = inspect(endDocking), expectedEndDockingStr = inspect(exp); var theAssert = new Assertion(endDocking); // transfer negate status utils.transferFlags(this, theAssert, false); theAssert.assert( matches, 'expected <' + + '> to have endDocking ' + expectedEndDockingStr + ' but got ' + endDockingStr ); }); // helpers //////////////// function assertWaypoints(self, desc, waypoints, expectedWaypoints) { var matches = utils.eql(waypoints, expectedWaypoints); var waypointsStr = inspect(waypoints), expectedWaypointsStr = inspect(expectedWaypoints); var theAssert = new Assertion(waypoints); // transfer negate status utils.transferFlags(self, theAssert, false); theAssert.assert( matches, 'expected <' + desc + '> ' + 'to equal \n ' + expectedWaypointsStr + '\nbut got\n ' + waypointsStr, 'expected <' + desc + '> ' + 'not to equal \n ' + expectedWaypoints, expectedWaypoints ); } }