'use strict'; var assign = require('lodash/object/assign'); /** * A palette provider for BPMN 2.0 elements. */ function PaletteProvider(palette, create, elementFactory, spaceTool, lassoTool, handTool) { this._palette = palette; this._create = create; this._elementFactory = elementFactory; this._spaceTool = spaceTool; this._lassoTool = lassoTool; this._handTool = handTool; palette.registerProvider(this); } module.exports = PaletteProvider; PaletteProvider.$inject = [ 'palette', 'create', 'elementFactory', 'spaceTool', 'lassoTool', 'handTool' ]; PaletteProvider.prototype.getPaletteEntries = function(element) { var actions = {}, create = this._create, elementFactory = this._elementFactory, spaceTool = this._spaceTool, lassoTool = this._lassoTool, handTool = this._handTool; function createAction(type, group, className, title, options) { function createListener(event) { var shape = elementFactory.createShape(assign({ type: type }, options)); if (options) { shape.businessObject.di.isExpanded = options.isExpanded; } create.start(event, shape); } var shortType = type.replace(/^bpmn\:/, ''); return { group: group, className: className, title: title || 'Create ' + shortType, action: { dragstart: createListener, click: createListener } }; } function createParticipant(event, collapsed) { create.start(event, elementFactory.createParticipantShape(collapsed)); } assign(actions, { 'hand-tool': { group: 'tools', className: 'bpmn-icon-hand-tool', title: 'Activate the hand tool', action: { click: function(event) { handTool.activateHand(event); } } }, 'lasso-tool': { group: 'tools', className: 'bpmn-icon-lasso-tool', title: 'Activate the lasso tool', action: { click: function(event) { lassoTool.activateSelection(event); } } }, 'space-tool': { group: 'tools', className: 'bpmn-icon-space-tool', title: 'Activate the create/remove space tool', action: { click: function(event) { spaceTool.activateSelection(event); } } }, 'tool-separator': { group: 'tools', separator: true }, 'create.start-event': createAction( 'bpmn:StartEvent', 'event', 'bpmn-icon-start-event-none' ), 'create.intermediate-event': createAction( 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent', 'event', 'bpmn-icon-intermediate-event-none' ), 'create.end-event': createAction( 'bpmn:EndEvent', 'event', 'bpmn-icon-end-event-none' ), 'create.exclusive-gateway': createAction( 'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway', 'gateway', 'bpmn-icon-gateway-xor' ), 'create.task': createAction( 'bpmn:Task', 'activity', 'bpmn-icon-task' ), 'create.data-object': createAction( 'bpmn:DataObjectReference', 'data-object', 'bpmn-icon-data-object' ), 'create.data-store': createAction( 'bpmn:DataStoreReference', 'data-store', 'bpmn-icon-data-store' ), 'create.subprocess-expanded': createAction( 'bpmn:SubProcess', 'activity', 'bpmn-icon-subprocess-expanded', 'Create expanded SubProcess', { isExpanded: true } ), 'create.participant-expanded': { group: 'collaboration', className: 'bpmn-icon-participant', title: 'Create Pool/Participant', action: { dragstart: createParticipant, click: createParticipant } } }); return actions; };