import { getBusinessObject, is } from '../../util/ModelUtil'; import ModelCloneHelper from '../../util/model/ModelCloneHelper'; import { getProperties, IGNORED_PROPERTIES } from '../../util/model/ModelCloneUtils'; import { filter, forEach } from 'min-dash'; function setProperties(descriptor, data, properties) { forEach(properties, function(property) { if (data[property] !== undefined) { descriptor[property] = data[property]; } }); } function removeProperties(element, properties) { forEach(properties, function(prop) { if (element[prop]) { delete element[prop]; } }); } export default function BpmnCopyPaste( bpmnFactory, eventBus, copyPaste, clipboard, canvas, bpmnRules) { var helper = new ModelCloneHelper(eventBus, bpmnFactory); copyPaste.registerDescriptor(function(element, descriptor) { var businessObject = descriptor.oldBusinessObject = getBusinessObject(element); var colors = {}; descriptor.type = element.type; setProperties(descriptor, businessObject.di, [ 'isExpanded' ]); setProperties(colors, businessObject.di, [ 'fill', 'stroke' ]); descriptor.colors = colors; if (element.type === 'label') { return descriptor; } setProperties(descriptor, businessObject, [ 'processRef', 'triggeredByEvent' ]); if (businessObject.default) { descriptor.default =; } return descriptor; }); eventBus.on('element.paste', function(context) { var descriptor = context.descriptor, createdElements = context.createdElements, parent = descriptor.parent, rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(), oldBusinessObject = descriptor.oldBusinessObject, newBusinessObject, source, target, canConnect; newBusinessObject = bpmnFactory.create(oldBusinessObject.$type); var properties = getProperties(oldBusinessObject.$descriptor); properties = filter(properties, function(property) { return IGNORED_PROPERTIES.indexOf(property.replace(/bpmn:/, '')) === -1; }); descriptor.businessObject = helper.clone(oldBusinessObject, newBusinessObject, properties); if (descriptor.type === 'label') { return; } if (is(parent, 'bpmn:Process')) { descriptor.parent = is(rootElement, 'bpmn:Collaboration') ? rootElement : parent; } if (descriptor.type === 'bpmn:DataOutputAssociation' || descriptor.type === 'bpmn:DataInputAssociation' || descriptor.type === 'bpmn:MessageFlow') { descriptor.parent = rootElement; } if (descriptor.type === 'bpmn:Group') { newBusinessObject.categoryValueRef = oldBusinessObject.categoryValueRef; } if (is(parent, 'bpmn:Lane')) { descriptor.parent = parent.parent; } // make sure that the correct type of connection is created if (descriptor.waypoints) { source = createdElements[descriptor.source]; target = createdElements[]; if (source && target) { source = source.element; target = target.element; } canConnect = bpmnRules.canConnect(source, target); if (canConnect) { descriptor.type = canConnect.type; } } // remove the id or else we cannot paste multiple times delete; // assign an ID bpmnFactory._ensureId(newBusinessObject); if (descriptor.type === 'bpmn:Participant' && descriptor.processRef) { descriptor.processRef = newBusinessObject.processRef = bpmnFactory.create('bpmn:Process'); } setProperties(newBusinessObject, descriptor, [ 'isExpanded', 'triggeredByEvent' ]); removeProperties(descriptor, [ 'triggeredByEvent' ]); }); } BpmnCopyPaste.$inject = [ 'bpmnFactory', 'eventBus', 'copyPaste', 'clipboard', 'canvas', 'bpmnRules' ];