import { is } from '../../../util/ModelUtil'; import { isExpanded } from '../../../util/DiUtil'; import { asTRBL } from 'diagram-js/lib/layout/LayoutUtil'; import { collectLanes, getLanesRoot } from '../util/LaneUtil'; var HIGH_PRIORITY = 1500; export var LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS = { width: 300, height: 60 }; export var PARTICIPANT_MIN_DIMENSIONS = { width: 300, height: 150 }; export var SUB_PROCESS_MIN_DIMENSIONS = { width: 140, height: 120 }; export var TEXT_ANNOTATION_MIN_DIMENSIONS = { width: 50, height: 30 }; /** * Set minimum bounds/resize constraints on resize. * * @param {EventBus} eventBus */ export default function ResizeBehavior(eventBus) { eventBus.on('resize.start', HIGH_PRIORITY, function(event) { var context = event.context, shape = context.shape, direction = context.direction, balanced = context.balanced; if (is(shape, 'bpmn:Lane') || is(shape, 'bpmn:Participant')) { context.resizeConstraints = getParticipantResizeConstraints(shape, direction, balanced); } if (is(shape, 'bpmn:Participant')) { context.minDimensions = PARTICIPANT_MIN_DIMENSIONS; } if (is(shape, 'bpmn:SubProcess') && isExpanded(shape)) { context.minDimensions = SUB_PROCESS_MIN_DIMENSIONS; } if (is(shape, 'bpmn:TextAnnotation')) { context.minDimensions = TEXT_ANNOTATION_MIN_DIMENSIONS; } }); } ResizeBehavior.$inject = [ 'eventBus' ]; var abs = Math.abs, min = Math.min, max = Math.max; function addToTrbl(trbl, attr, value, choice) { var current = trbl[attr]; // make sure to set the value if it does not exist // or apply the correct value by comparing against // choice(value, currentValue) trbl[attr] = current === undefined ? value : choice(value, current); } function addMin(trbl, attr, value) { return addToTrbl(trbl, attr, value, min); } function addMax(trbl, attr, value) { return addToTrbl(trbl, attr, value, max); } var LANE_RIGHT_PADDING = 20, LANE_LEFT_PADDING = 50, LANE_TOP_PADDING = 20, LANE_BOTTOM_PADDING = 20; export function getParticipantResizeConstraints(laneShape, resizeDirection, balanced) { var lanesRoot = getLanesRoot(laneShape); var isFirst = true, isLast = true; // max top/bottom size for lanes var allLanes = collectLanes(lanesRoot, [ lanesRoot ]); var laneTrbl = asTRBL(laneShape); var maxTrbl = {}, minTrbl = {}; if (/e/.test(resizeDirection)) { minTrbl.right = laneTrbl.left + LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS.width; } else if (/w/.test(resizeDirection)) { minTrbl.left = laneTrbl.right - LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS.width; } allLanes.forEach(function(other) { var otherTrbl = asTRBL(other); if (/n/.test(resizeDirection)) { if ( < ( - 10)) { isFirst = false; } // max top size (based on next element) if (balanced && abs( - otherTrbl.bottom) < 10) { addMax(maxTrbl, 'top', + LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS.height); } // min top size (based on self or nested element) if (abs( - < 5) { addMin(minTrbl, 'top', otherTrbl.bottom - LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS.height); } } if (/s/.test(resizeDirection)) { if (otherTrbl.bottom > (laneTrbl.bottom + 10)) { isLast = false; } // max bottom size (based on previous element) if (balanced && abs(laneTrbl.bottom - < 10) { addMin(maxTrbl, 'bottom', otherTrbl.bottom - LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS.height); } // min bottom size (based on self or nested element) if (abs(laneTrbl.bottom - otherTrbl.bottom) < 5) { addMax(minTrbl, 'bottom', + LANE_MIN_DIMENSIONS.height); } } }); // max top/bottom/left/right size based on flow nodes var flowElements = lanesRoot.children.filter(function(s) { return !s.hidden && !s.waypoints && (is(s, 'bpmn:FlowElement') || is(s, 'bpmn:Artifact')); }); flowElements.forEach(function(flowElement) { var flowElementTrbl = asTRBL(flowElement); if (isFirst && /n/.test(resizeDirection)) { addMin(minTrbl, 'top', - LANE_TOP_PADDING); } if (/e/.test(resizeDirection)) { addMax(minTrbl, 'right', flowElementTrbl.right + LANE_RIGHT_PADDING); } if (isLast && /s/.test(resizeDirection)) { addMax(minTrbl, 'bottom', flowElementTrbl.bottom + LANE_BOTTOM_PADDING); } if (/w/.test(resizeDirection)) { addMin(minTrbl, 'left', flowElementTrbl.left - LANE_LEFT_PADDING); } }); return { min: minTrbl, max: maxTrbl }; }