import { bootstrapModeler, inject, getBpmnJS } from 'test/TestHelper'; import { pick } from 'min-dash'; import contextPadModule from 'lib/features/context-pad'; import coreModule from 'lib/core'; import modelingModule from 'lib/features/modeling'; import { getChildLanes } from 'lib/features/modeling/util/LaneUtil'; import { query as domQuery } from 'min-dom'; var DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT = 120; var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule ]; function getBounds(element) { return pick(element, [ 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height' ]); } describe('features/modeling - add Lane', function() { describe('nested Lanes', function() { var diagramXML = require('./lanes.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('should add after Lane', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var laneShape = elementRegistry.get('Lane_A'), belowLaneShape = elementRegistry.get('Lane_B'); // when var newLane = modeling.addLane(laneShape, 'bottom'); // then expect(newLane).to.have.bounds({ x: laneShape.x, y: laneShape.y + laneShape.height, width: laneShape.width, height: DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); // below lanes got moved by { dy: + LANE_HEIGHT } expect(belowLaneShape).to.have.bounds({ x: laneShape.x, y: laneShape.y + laneShape.height + DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT - 1, width: laneShape.width, height: belowLaneShape.height }); })); it('should add before Lane', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var laneShape = elementRegistry.get('Lane_B'), aboveLaneShape = elementRegistry.get('Lane_A'); // when var newLane = modeling.addLane(laneShape, 'top'); // then expect(newLane).to.have.bounds({ x: laneShape.x, y: laneShape.y - DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT, width: laneShape.width, height: DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); // below lanes got moved by { dy: + LANE_HEIGHT } expect(aboveLaneShape).to.have.bounds({ x: laneShape.x, y: laneShape.y - aboveLaneShape.height - DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT + 1, width: laneShape.width, height: aboveLaneShape.height }); })); it('should add before nested Lane', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var laneShape = elementRegistry.get('Nested_Lane_A'), participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_Lane'), participantBounds = getBounds(participantShape); // when var newLane = modeling.addLane(laneShape, 'top'); // then expect(newLane).to.have.bounds({ x: laneShape.x, y: laneShape.y - DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT, width: laneShape.width, height: DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); // participant got enlarged { top: + LANE_HEIGHT } expect(participantShape).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x, y: participantBounds.y - newLane.height, width: participantBounds.width, height: participantBounds.height + newLane.height }); })); it('should add after Participant', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_Lane'), participantBounds = getBounds(participantShape), lastLaneShape = elementRegistry.get('Lane_B'), lastLaneBounds = getBounds(lastLaneShape); // when var newLane = modeling.addLane(participantShape, 'bottom'); // then expect(newLane).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x + 30, y: participantBounds.y + participantBounds.height, width: participantBounds.width - 30, height: DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); // last lane kept position expect(lastLaneShape).to.have.bounds(lastLaneBounds); // participant got enlarged by { dy: + LANE_HEIGHT } at bottom expect(participantShape).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x, y: participantBounds.y, width: participantBounds.width, height: participantBounds.height + DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); })); it('should add before Participant', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_Lane'), participantBounds = getBounds(participantShape), firstLaneShape = elementRegistry.get('Lane_A'), firstLaneBounds = getBounds(firstLaneShape); // when var newLane = modeling.addLane(participantShape, 'top'); // then expect(newLane).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x + 30, y: participantBounds.y - DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT, width: participantBounds.width - 30, height: DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); // last lane kept position expect(firstLaneShape).to.have.bounds(firstLaneBounds); // participant got enlarged by { dy: + LANE_HEIGHT } at bottom expect(participantShape).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x, y: participantBounds.y - DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT, width: participantBounds.width, height: participantBounds.height + DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); })); }); describe('Participant without Lane', function() { var diagramXML = require('./participant-no-lane.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('should add after Participant', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_No_Lane'), participantBounds = getBounds(participantShape); // when modeling.addLane(participantShape, 'bottom'); var childLanes = getChildLanes(participantShape); // then expect(childLanes.length).to.eql(2); var firstLane = childLanes[0], secondLane = childLanes[1]; // new lane was added at participant location expect(firstLane).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x + 30, y: participantBounds.y, width: participantBounds.width - 30, height: participantBounds.height }); expect(secondLane).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x + 30, y: participantBounds.y + participantBounds.height, width: participantBounds.width - 30, height: DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); })); it('should add before Participant', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_No_Lane'), participantBounds = getBounds(participantShape); // when modeling.addLane(participantShape, 'top'); var childLanes = getChildLanes(participantShape); // then expect(childLanes.length).to.eql(2); var firstLane = childLanes[0], secondLane = childLanes[1]; // new lane was added at participant location expect(firstLane).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x + 30, y: participantBounds.y, width: participantBounds.width - 30, height: participantBounds.height }); expect(secondLane).to.have.bounds({ x: participantBounds.x + 30, y: participantBounds.y - DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT, width: participantBounds.width - 30, height: DEFAULT_LANE_HEIGHT }); })); }); describe('flow node handling', function() { var diagramXML = require('./lanes.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('should move flow nodes and sequence flows', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var laneShape = elementRegistry.get('Nested_Lane_B'), task_Boundary = elementRegistry.get('Task_Boundary'), boundary = elementRegistry.get('Boundary'), sequenceFlow = elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow'), sequenceFlow_From_Boundary = elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow_From_Boundary'); // when var newLane = modeling.addLane(laneShape, 'top'); // then expect(task_Boundary).to.have.position({ x: 264, y: -57 }); expect(boundary).to.have.position({ x: 311, y: 5 }); expect(sequenceFlow_From_Boundary).to.have.waypoints([ { x: 329, y: 161 - newLane.height }, { x: 329, y: 188 - newLane.height }, { x: 482, y: 188 - newLane.height }, { x: 482, y: 143 - newLane.height } ]); expect(sequenceFlow).to.have.waypoints([ { x: 364, y: 103 - newLane.height }, { x: 432, y: 103 - newLane.height } ]); })); }); describe('Internet Explorer', function() { var diagramXML = require('./participant-single-lane.bpmn'); var testModules = [ contextPadModule, coreModule, modelingModule ]; beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); // must be executed manually, cannot be reproduced programmatically // it('should NOT blow up in Internet Explorer', inject( function(contextPad, elementRegistry) { // given var lane = elementRegistry.get('Lane_1');; // mock event var event = padEvent('lane-insert-below'); // when contextPad.trigger('click', event); // then // expect Internet Explorer NOT to blow up } )); }); }); // helpers ////////// function padEntry(element, name) { return domQuery('[data-action="' + name + '"]', element); } function padEvent(entry) { return getBpmnJS().invoke(function(overlays) { var target = padEntry(overlays._overlayRoot, entry); return { target: target, preventDefault: function() {}, clientX: 100, clientY: 100 }; }); }