'use strict'; var inherits = require('inherits'); var CommandInterceptor = require('diagram-js/lib/command/CommandInterceptor'); var forEach = require('lodash/collection/forEach'); var isEventSubProcess = require('../../../util/DiUtil').isEventSubProcess; var is = require('../../../util/ModelUtil').is; /** * Defines the behaviour of what happens to the elements inside a container * that morphs into another BPMN element */ function ReplaceElementBehaviour(eventBus, bpmnReplace, bpmnRules, elementRegistry, selection, modeling) { CommandInterceptor.call(this, eventBus); this._bpmnReplace = bpmnReplace; this._elementRegistry = elementRegistry; this._selection = selection; this._modeling = modeling; this.postExecuted([ 'elements.move' ], 500, function(event) { var context = event.context, target = context.newParent, newHost = context.newHost, elements = []; forEach(context.closure.topLevel, function(topLevelElements) { if (isEventSubProcess(topLevelElements)) { elements = elements.concat(topLevelElements.children); } else { elements = elements.concat(topLevelElements); } }); // Change target to host when the moving element is a `bpmn:BoundaryEvent` if (elements.length === 1 && newHost) { target = newHost; } var canReplace = bpmnRules.canReplace(elements, target); if (canReplace) { this.replaceElements(elements, canReplace.replacements, newHost); } }, this); // update attachments if the host is replaced this.postExecute([ 'shape.replace' ], 1500, function(e) { var context = e.context, oldShape = context.oldShape, newShape = context.newShape, attachers = oldShape.attachers, canReplace; if (attachers && attachers.length) { canReplace = bpmnRules.canReplace(attachers, newShape); this.replaceElements(attachers, canReplace.replacements); } }, this); this.postExecuted([ 'shape.replace' ], 1500, function(e) { var context = e.context, oldShape = context.oldShape, newShape = context.newShape; modeling.unclaimId(oldShape.businessObject.id, oldShape.businessObject); modeling.updateProperties(newShape, { id: oldShape.id }); }); } inherits(ReplaceElementBehaviour, CommandInterceptor); ReplaceElementBehaviour.prototype.replaceElements = function(elements, newElements, newHost) { var elementRegistry = this._elementRegistry, bpmnReplace = this._bpmnReplace, selection = this._selection, modeling = this._modeling; forEach(newElements, function(replacement) { var newElement = { type: replacement.newElementType }; var oldElement = elementRegistry.get(replacement.oldElementId); if (newHost && is(oldElement, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent')) { modeling.updateAttachment(oldElement, null); } var idx = elements.indexOf(oldElement); elements[idx] = bpmnReplace.replaceElement(oldElement, newElement, { select: false }); if (newHost && is(elements[idx], 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent')) { modeling.updateAttachment(elements[idx], newHost); } }); if (newElements) { selection.select(elements); } }; ReplaceElementBehaviour.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'bpmnReplace', 'bpmnRules', 'elementRegistry', 'selection', 'modeling' ]; module.exports = ReplaceElementBehaviour;