'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var Modeler = require('../lib/Modeler'), Viewer = require('../lib/Viewer'); try { // enhance jasmine with test container API require('jasmine-test-container-support').extend(jasmine); } catch (e) { // no test container :-( } var OPTIONS, BPMN_JS; function options(opts) { if (_.isFunction(opts)) { opts = opts(); } OPTIONS = opts; } function bootstrapBpmnJS(BpmnJS, options, locals) { var testContainer; try { testContainer = jasmine.getEnv().getTestContainer(); } catch (e) { testContainer = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(testContainer); } var _options = options, _locals = locals; if (_locals === undefined && _.isFunction(_options)) { _locals = _options; _options = null; } if (_.isFunction(_options)) { _options = _options(); } if (_.isFunction(_locals)) { _locals = _locals(); } _options = _.extend({ container: testContainer }, OPTIONS || {}, _options || {}); if (_locals) { var mockModule = {}; _.forEach(_locals, function(v, k) { mockModule[k] = ['value', v]; }); _options.modules = [].concat(_options.modules || [], [ mockModule ]); } _options.modules = _.unique(_options.modules); if (!_options.modules.length) { _options.modules = undefined; } BPMN_JS = new BpmnJS(_options); return BPMN_JS; } /** * Bootstrap the Modeler given the specified options and a number of locals (i.e. services) * * @example * * describe(function() { * * var mockEvents; * * beforeEach(bootstrapModeler('some-xml', function() { * mockEvents = new Events(); * * return { * events: mockEvents * }; * })); * * }); * * @param {String} xml document to display * @param {Object} (options) optional options to be passed to the diagram upon instantiation * @param {Object|Function} locals the local overrides to be used by the diagram or a function that produces them * @return {Function} a function to be passed to beforeEach */ function bootstrapModeler(diagram, options, locals) { return function(done) { // bootstrap var modeler = bootstrapBpmnJS(Modeler, options, locals); // import diagram modeler.importXML(diagram, done); }; } /** * Bootstrap the Viewer given the specified options and a number of locals (i.e. services) * * @example * * describe(function() { * * var mockEvents; * * beforeEach(bootstrapViewer('some-xml', function() { * mockEvents = new Events(); * * return { * events: mockEvents * }; * })); * * }); * * @param {String} xml document to display * @param {Object} (options) optional options to be passed to the diagram upon instantiation * @param {Object|Function} locals the local overrides to be used by the diagram or a function that produces them * @return {Function} a function to be passed to beforeEach */ function bootstrapViewer(diagram, options, locals) { return function(done) { // bootstrap var viewer = bootstrapBpmnJS(Viewer, options, locals); // import diagram viewer.importXML(diagram, done); }; } /** * Injects services of an instantiated diagram into the argument. * * Use it in conjunction with {@link #bootstrapModeler} or {@link #bootstrapViewer}. * * @example * * describe(function() { * * var mockEvents; * * beforeEach(bootstrapViewer(...)); * * it('should provide mocked events', inject(function(events) { * expect(events).toBe(mockEvents); * })); * * }); * * @param {Function} fn the function to inject to * @return {Function} a function that can be passed to it to carry out the injection */ function inject(fn) { return function() { if (!BPMN_JS) { throw new Error('no bootstraped bpmn-js instance, ensure you created it via #boostrap(Modeler|Viewer)'); } BPMN_JS.invoke(fn); }; } module.exports.bootstrapModeler = (window || global).bootstrapModeler = bootstrapModeler; module.exports.bootstrapViewer = (window || global).bootstrapViewer = bootstrapViewer; module.exports.inject = (window || global).inject = inject;