'use strict'; var assign = require('lodash/object/assign'), inherits = require('inherits'); var BaseElementFactory = require('diagram-js/lib/core/ElementFactory'), LabelUtil = require('../../util/LabelUtil'); /** * A bpmn-aware factory for diagram-js shapes */ function ElementFactory(bpmnFactory, moddle) { BaseElementFactory.call(this); this._bpmnFactory = bpmnFactory; this._moddle = moddle; } inherits(ElementFactory, BaseElementFactory); ElementFactory.$inject = [ 'bpmnFactory', 'moddle' ]; module.exports = ElementFactory; ElementFactory.prototype.baseCreate = BaseElementFactory.prototype.create; ElementFactory.prototype.create = function(elementType, attrs) { // no special magic for labels, // we assume their businessObjects have already been created // and wired via attrs if (elementType === 'label') { return this.baseCreate(elementType, assign({ type: 'label' }, LabelUtil.DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE, attrs)); } attrs = attrs || {}; var businessObject = attrs.businessObject, size; if (!businessObject) { if (!attrs.type) { throw new Error('no shape type specified'); } businessObject = this._bpmnFactory.create(attrs.type); } if (!businessObject.di) { if (elementType === 'root') { businessObject.di = this._bpmnFactory.createDiPlane(businessObject, [], { id: businessObject.id + '_di' }); } else if (elementType === 'connection') { businessObject.di = this._bpmnFactory.createDiEdge(businessObject, [], { id: businessObject.id + '_di' }); } else { businessObject.di = this._bpmnFactory.createDiShape(businessObject, {}, { id: businessObject.id + '_di' }); } } if (!!attrs.isExpanded) { businessObject.di.isExpanded = attrs.isExpanded; } if (businessObject.$instanceOf('bpmn:ExclusiveGateway')) { businessObject.di.isMarkerVisible = true; } if (attrs._eventDefinitionType) { var eventDefinitions = businessObject.get('eventDefinitions') || [], newEventDefinition = this._moddle.create(attrs._eventDefinitionType); eventDefinitions.push(newEventDefinition); businessObject.eventDefinitions = eventDefinitions; } size = this._getDefaultSize(businessObject); attrs = assign({ businessObject: businessObject, id: businessObject.id }, size, attrs); return this.baseCreate(elementType, attrs); }; ElementFactory.prototype._getDefaultSize = function(semantic) { if (semantic.$instanceOf('bpmn:SubProcess')) { var isExpanded = semantic.di.isExpanded === true; if (isExpanded) { return { width: 350, height: 200 }; } else { return { width: 100, height: 80 }; } } if (semantic.$instanceOf('bpmn:Task')) { return { width: 100, height: 80 }; } if (semantic.$instanceOf('bpmn:Gateway')) { return { width: 50, height: 50 }; } if (semantic.$instanceOf('bpmn:Event')) { return { width: 36, height: 36 }; } if (semantic.$instanceOf('bpmn:Participant')) { return { width: 600, height: 250 }; } return { width: 100, height: 80 }; }; ElementFactory.prototype.createParticipantShape = function(collapsed) { var participantShape = this.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:Participant' }); if (!collapsed) { participantShape.businessObject.processRef = this._bpmnFactory.create('bpmn:Process'); } return participantShape; };