import inherits from 'inherits'; import CommandInterceptor from 'diagram-js/lib/command/CommandInterceptor'; import { add as collectionAdd, remove as collectionRemove } from 'diagram-js/lib/util/Collections'; import { find } from 'min-dash'; import { is } from '../../../util/ModelUtil'; var TARGET_REF_PLACEHOLDER_NAME = '__targetRef_placeholder'; /** * This behavior makes sure we always set a fake * DataInputAssociation#targetRef as demanded by the BPMN 2.0 * XSD schema. * * The reference is set to a bpmn:Property{ name: '__targetRef_placeholder' } * which is created on the fly and cleaned up afterwards if not needed * anymore. * * @param {EventBus} eventBus * @param {BpmnFactory} bpmnFactory */ export default function DataInputAssociationBehavior(eventBus, bpmnFactory) {, eventBus); this.executed([ 'connection.create', 'connection.delete', 'connection.move', 'connection.reconnect' ], ifDataInputAssociation(fixTargetRef)); this.reverted([ 'connection.create', 'connection.delete', 'connection.move', 'connection.reconnect' ], ifDataInputAssociation(fixTargetRef)); function usesTargetRef(element, targetRef, removedConnection) { var inputAssociations = element.get('dataInputAssociations'); return find(inputAssociations, function(association) { return association !== removedConnection && association.targetRef === targetRef; }); } function getTargetRef(element, create) { var properties = element.get('properties'); var targetRefProp = find(properties, function(p) { return === TARGET_REF_PLACEHOLDER_NAME; }); if (!targetRefProp && create) { targetRefProp = bpmnFactory.create('bpmn:Property', { name: TARGET_REF_PLACEHOLDER_NAME }); collectionAdd(properties, targetRefProp); } return targetRefProp; } function cleanupTargetRef(element, connection) { var targetRefProp = getTargetRef(element); if (!targetRefProp) { return; } if (!usesTargetRef(element, targetRefProp, connection)) { collectionRemove(element.get('properties'), targetRefProp); } } /** * Make sure targetRef is set to a valid property or * `null` if the connection is detached. * * @param {Event} event */ function fixTargetRef(event) { var context = event.context, connection = context.connection, connectionBo = connection.businessObject, target =, targetBo = target && target.businessObject, newTarget = context.newTarget, newTargetBo = newTarget && newTarget.businessObject, oldTarget = context.oldTarget ||, oldTargetBo = oldTarget && oldTarget.businessObject; var dataAssociation = connection.businessObject, targetRefProp; if (oldTargetBo && oldTargetBo !== targetBo) { cleanupTargetRef(oldTargetBo, connectionBo); } if (newTargetBo && newTargetBo !== targetBo) { cleanupTargetRef(newTargetBo, connectionBo); } if (targetBo) { targetRefProp = getTargetRef(targetBo, true); dataAssociation.targetRef = targetRefProp; } else { dataAssociation.targetRef = null; } } } DataInputAssociationBehavior.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'bpmnFactory' ]; inherits(DataInputAssociationBehavior, CommandInterceptor); /** * Only call the given function when the event * touches a bpmn:DataInputAssociation. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Function} */ function ifDataInputAssociation(fn) { return function(event) { var context = event.context, connection = context.connection; if (is(connection, 'bpmn:DataInputAssociation')) { return fn(event); } }; }