import inherits from 'inherits'; import EditorActions from 'diagram-js/lib/features/editor-actions/EditorActions'; import { filter } from 'min-dash'; import { is } from '../../util/ModelUtil'; import { getBBox } from 'diagram-js/lib/util/Elements'; /** * Registers and executes BPMN specific editor actions. * * @param {Injector} injector */ export default function BpmnEditorActions(injector) { injector.invoke(EditorActions, this); } inherits(BpmnEditorActions, EditorActions); BpmnEditorActions.$inject = [ 'injector' ]; /** * Register default actions. * * @param {Injector} injector */ BpmnEditorActions.prototype._registerDefaultActions = function(injector) { // (0) invoke super method, injector); // (1) retrieve optional components to integrate with var canvas = injector.get('canvas', false); var elementRegistry = injector.get('elementRegistry', false); var selection = injector.get('selection', false); var spaceTool = injector.get('spaceTool', false); var lassoTool = injector.get('lassoTool', false); var handTool = injector.get('handTool', false); var globalConnect = injector.get('globalConnect', false); var distributeElements = injector.get('distributeElements', false); var alignElements = injector.get('alignElements', false); var directEditing = injector.get('directEditing', false); var searchPad = injector.get('searchPad', false); var modeling = injector.get('modeling', false); // (2) check components and register actions if (canvas && elementRegistry && selection) { this._registerAction('selectElements', function() { // select all elements except for the invisible // root element var rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); var elements = elementRegistry.filter(function(element) { return element !== rootElement; });; return elements; }); } if (spaceTool) { this._registerAction('spaceTool', function() { spaceTool.toggle(); }); } if (lassoTool) { this._registerAction('lassoTool', function() { lassoTool.toggle(); }); } if (handTool) { this._registerAction('handTool', function() { handTool.toggle(); }); } if (globalConnect) { this._registerAction('globalConnectTool', function() { globalConnect.toggle(); }); } if (selection && distributeElements) { this._registerAction('distributeElements', function(opts) { var currentSelection = selection.get(), type = opts.type; if (currentSelection.length) { distributeElements.trigger(currentSelection, type); } }); } if (selection && alignElements) { this._registerAction('alignElements', function(opts) { var currentSelection = selection.get(), aligneableElements = [], type = opts.type; if (currentSelection.length) { aligneableElements = filter(currentSelection, function(element) { return !is(element, 'bpmn:Lane'); }); alignElements.trigger(aligneableElements, type); } }); } if (selection && modeling) { this._registerAction('setColor', function(opts) { var currentSelection = selection.get(); if (currentSelection.length) { modeling.setColor(currentSelection, opts); } }); } if (selection && directEditing) { this._registerAction('directEditing', function() { var currentSelection = selection.get(); if (currentSelection.length) { directEditing.activate(currentSelection[0]); } }); } if (searchPad) { this._registerAction('find', function() { searchPad.toggle(); }); } if (canvas && modeling) { this._registerAction('moveToOrigin', function() { var rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(), boundingBox, elements; if (is(rootElement, 'bpmn:Collaboration')) { elements = elementRegistry.filter(function(element) { return is(element.parent, 'bpmn:Collaboration'); }); } else { elements = elementRegistry.filter(function(element) { return element !== rootElement && !is(element.parent, 'bpmn:SubProcess'); }); } boundingBox = getBBox(elements); modeling.moveElements( elements, { x: -boundingBox.x, y: -boundingBox.y }, rootElement ); }); } };