'use strict'; var inherits = require('inherits'); var BaseModeling = require('diagram-js/lib/features/modeling/Modeling'); var UpdatePropertiesHandler = require('./cmd/UpdatePropertiesHandler'), UpdateCanvasRootHandler = require('./cmd/UpdateCanvasRootHandler'); /** * BPMN 2.0 modeling features activator * * @param {EventBus} eventBus * @param {ElementFactory} elementFactory * @param {CommandStack} commandStack * @param {BpmnRules} bpmnRules */ function Modeling(eventBus, elementFactory, commandStack, bpmnRules) { BaseModeling.call(this, eventBus, elementFactory, commandStack); this._bpmnRules = bpmnRules; } inherits(Modeling, BaseModeling); Modeling.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'elementFactory', 'commandStack', 'bpmnRules' ]; module.exports = Modeling; Modeling.prototype.getHandlers = function() { var handlers = BaseModeling.prototype.getHandlers.call(this); handlers['element.updateProperties'] = UpdatePropertiesHandler; handlers['canvas.updateRoot'] = UpdateCanvasRootHandler; return handlers; }; Modeling.prototype.updateLabel = function(element, newLabel) { this._commandStack.execute('element.updateLabel', { element: element, newLabel: newLabel }); }; Modeling.prototype.connect = function(source, target, attrs) { var bpmnRules = this._bpmnRules; if (!attrs) { attrs = bpmnRules.canConnect(source, target) || { type: 'bpmn:Association' }; } return this.createConnection(source, target, attrs, source.parent); }; Modeling.prototype.updateProperties = function(element, properties) { this._commandStack.execute('element.updateProperties', { element: element, properties: properties }); }; /** * Transform the current diagram into a collaboration. * * @return {djs.model.Root} the new root element */ Modeling.prototype.makeCollaboration = function() { var collaborationElement = this._create('root', { type: 'bpmn:Collaboration' }); var context = { newRoot: collaborationElement }; this._commandStack.execute('canvas.updateRoot', context); return collaborationElement; }; /** * Transform the current diagram into a process. * * @return {djs.model.Root} the new root element */ Modeling.prototype.makeProcess = function() { var processElement = this._create('root', { type: 'bpmn:Process' }); var context = { newRoot: processElement }; this._commandStack.execute('canvas.updateRoot', context); };