var _ = require('lodash'); function BpmnTraverser(visitor) { var elementDiMap = {}; var elementGfxMap = {}; ///// Helpers ///////////////////////////////// function contextual(fn, ctx) { return function(e) { fn(e, ctx); }; } function is(element, type) { return element.__isInstanceOf(type); } function visit(element, di, ctx) { // call visitor var gfx = visitor(element, di, ctx); // and log returned result elementGfxMap[] = gfx; return gfx; } ////// DI handling //////////////////////////// function buildDiMap(definitions) { _.forEach(definitions.diagrams, handleDiagram); } function registerDi(element) { var bpmnElement = element.bpmnElement; elementDiMap[] = element; } function getDi(bpmnElement) { var id =; return id ? elementDiMap[id] : null; } function handleDiagram(diagram) { handlePlane(diagram.plane); } function handlePlane(plane) { registerDi(plane); _.forEach(plane.planeElement, handlePlaneElement); } function handlePlaneElement(planeElement) { registerDi(planeElement); } ////// Semantic handling ////////////////////// function handleDefinitions(definitions, diagram) { buildDiMap(definitions); // make sure we walk the correct bpmnElement var diagrams = definitions.diagrams; if (diagram && diagrams.indexOf(diagram) === -1) { throw new Error('diagram not part of bpmn:Definitions'); } if (!diagram) { diagram = diagrams[0]; } var rootElement = diagram.plane.bpmnElement; if (is(rootElement, 'bpmn:Process')) { handleProcess(rootElement); } else if (is(rootElement, 'bpmn:Collaboration')) { handleCollaboration(rootElement); } else { throw new Error('unsupported root element for bpmndi:Diagram: ' +; } } function handleFlowNode(flowNode, context) { var di = getDi(flowNode); var childCtx = visit(flowNode, di, context); if (is(flowNode, 'bpmn:FlowElementsContainer')) { handleFlowElementsContainer(flowNode, childCtx); } } function handleSequenceFlow(sequenceFlow, context) { var di = getDi(sequenceFlow); visit(sequenceFlow, di, context); } function handleFlowElementsContainer(container, context) { var sequenceFlows = []; // handle FlowNode(s) _.forEach(container.flowElements, function(e) { if (is(e, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow')) { sequenceFlows.push(e); } else if (is(e, 'bpmn:FlowNode')) { handleFlowNode(e, context); } else { throw new Error('unrecognized element: ' + e); } }); // handle SequenceFlows _.forEach(sequenceFlows, contextual(handleSequenceFlow, context)); } function handleParticipant(participant, context) { var di = getDi(participant); var newCtx = visit(participant, di, context); var process = participant.processRef; if (process) { handleProcess(process, newCtx); } } function handleProcess(process, context) { handleFlowElementsContainer(process, context); } function handleCollaboration(collaboration) { _.forEach(collaboration.participants, contextual(handleParticipant)); // TODO: handle message flows } ///// API //////////////////////////////// return { handleDefinitions: handleDefinitions }; } module.exports = BpmnTraverser;