'use strict'; /* global bootstrapModeler, inject, sinon */ var Modeler = require('../../../../lib/Modeler'); var TestContainer = require('mocha-test-container-support'); describe('label bounds', function() { function createModeler(xml, done) { var modeler = new Modeler({ container: container }); modeler.importXML(xml, function(err, warnings) { done(err, warnings, modeler); }); } var container; beforeEach(function() { container = TestContainer.get(this); }); describe('on import', function() { it('should import simple label process', function(done) { var xml = require('./LabelBoundsSpec.simple.bpmn'); createModeler(xml, done); }); }); describe('on label change', function() { var diagramXML = require('./LabelBoundsSpec.simple.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML)); var updateLabel; beforeEach(inject(function(directEditing) { updateLabel = function(shape, text) { directEditing.activate(shape); directEditing._textbox.content.innerText = text; directEditing.complete(); }; })); describe('label dimensions', function() { it('should expand width', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'), oldLabelWidth = shape.label.width; // when updateLabel(shape, 'Foooooooooobar'); // then expect(shape.label.width).to.be.above(oldLabelWidth); })); it('should expand height', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'), oldLabelHeight = shape.label.height; // when updateLabel(shape, 'Foo\nbar\nbaz'); // then expect(shape.label.height).to.be.above(oldLabelHeight); })); it('should reduce width', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'), oldLabelWidth = shape.label.width; // when updateLabel(shape, 'i'); // then expect(shape.label.width).to.be.below(oldLabelWidth); })); it('should reduce height', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_3'), oldLabelHeight = shape.label.height; // when updateLabel(shape, 'One line'); // then expect(shape.label.height).to.be.below(oldLabelHeight); })); }); describe('label position', function() { var getExpectedX = function(shape) { var shapeMid = shape.x + Math.ceil(shape.width/2); return shapeMid - Math.ceil(shape.label.width/2); }; it('should shift to left', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); // when updateLabel(shape, 'Foooooooooobar'); // then var expectedX = getExpectedX(shape); expect(shape.label.x).to.equal(expectedX); })); it('should shift to right', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); // when updateLabel(shape, 'F'); // then var expectedX = getExpectedX(shape); expect(shape.label.x).to.equal(expectedX); })); it('should remain the same', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); // when updateLabel(shape, 'FOOBAR'); // copy old horizontal label position var oldX = shape.label.x + 0; updateLabel(shape, 'FOOBAR\n1'); // then expect(shape.label.x).to.equal(oldX); })); }); describe('label outlines', function() { it('should update after element bounds have been updated', inject(function(outline, elementRegistry, bpmnRenderer) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); var outlineSpy = sinon.spy(outline, 'updateShapeOutline'); var rendererSpy = sinon.spy(bpmnRenderer, 'drawShape'); // when updateLabel(shape, 'Fooooobar'); // then // expect the outline updating to happen after the renderer // updated the elements bounds dimensions and position sinon.assert.callOrder( rendererSpy.withArgs(sinon.match.any, shape.label), outlineSpy.withArgs(sinon.match.any, shape.label) ); }) ); }); describe('interaction events', function() { it('should update bounds after element bounds have been updated', inject(function(interactionEvents, elementRegistry, bpmnRenderer, graphicsFactory) { // given var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); var graphicsFactorySpy = sinon.spy(graphicsFactory, 'update'), rendererSpy = sinon.spy(bpmnRenderer, 'drawShape'); // when updateLabel(shape, 'Fooooobar'); // then // expect the interaction event bounds updating to happen after the renderer // updated the elements bounds dimensions and position sinon.assert.callOrder( rendererSpy.withArgs(sinon.match.any, shape.label), graphicsFactorySpy ); }) ); }); }); describe('on export', function() { it('should create DI when label has changed', function(done) { var xml = require('./LabelBoundsSpec.simple.bpmn'); createModeler(xml, function(err, warnings, modeler) { if (err) { return done(err); } var elementRegistry = modeler.get('elementRegistry'), directEditing = modeler.get('directEditing'); var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'); directEditing.activate(shape); directEditing._textbox.content.innerText = 'BARBAZ'; directEditing.complete(); modeler.saveXML({ format: true }, function(err, result) { if (err) { return done(err); } // strip spaces and line breaks after '>' result = result.replace(/>\s+/g,'>'); // get label width and height from XML var matches = result.match(/StartEvent_1_di.*?BPMNLabel.*?width="(\d*).*?height="(\d*)/); var width = parseInt(matches[1]), height = parseInt(matches[2]); expect(width).to.equal(shape.label.width); expect(height).to.equal(shape.label.height); done(); }); }); }); it('should update existing DI when label has changed', function(done) { var xml = require('./LabelBoundsSpec.simple.bpmn'); createModeler(xml, function(err, warnings, modeler) { if (err) { return done(err); } var elementRegistry = modeler.get('elementRegistry'), directEditing = modeler.get('directEditing'); var shape = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_3'); directEditing.activate(shape); directEditing._textbox.content.innerText = 'BARBAZ'; directEditing.complete(); modeler.saveXML({ format: true }, function(err, result) { if (err) { return done(err); } // strip spaces and line breaks after '>' result = result.replace(/>\s+/g,'>'); // get label width and height from XML var matches = result.match(/StartEvent_3_di.*?BPMNLabel.*?width="(\d*).*?height="(\d*)/); var width = parseInt(matches[1]), height = parseInt(matches[2]); expect(width).to.equal(shape.label.width); expect(height).to.equal(shape.label.height); done(); }); }); }); it('should not update DI of untouched labels', function(done) { var xml = require('./LabelBoundsSpec.simple.bpmn'); // strip windows line breaks (if any) xml = xml.replace(/\r/g, ''); createModeler(xml, function(err, warnings, modeler) { if (err) { return done(err); } modeler.saveXML({ format: true }, function(err, result) { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(result).to.equal(xml); done(); }); }); }); }); });