'use strict'; require('../../../../TestHelper'); /* global bootstrapModeler, inject */ var pick = require('min-dash').pick; var modelingModule = require('lib/features/modeling'), coreModule = require('lib/core'); var getChildLanes = require('lib/features/modeling/util/LaneUtil').getChildLanes; function getBounds(element) { return pick(element, [ 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height' ]); } describe('features/modeling - SplitLane', function() { describe('should split Participant with Lane', function() { var diagramXML = require('./participant-lane.bpmn'); var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule ]; beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('into two lanes', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_Lane'), existingLane = elementRegistry.get('Lane'), oldBounds = getBounds(participantShape); // when modeling.splitLane(participantShape, 2); var childLanes = getChildLanes(participantShape); var newLaneHeight = Math.round(participantShape.height / 2); // then // participant has original size expect(participantShape).to.have.bounds(oldBounds); // and two child lanes expect(childLanes.length).to.eql(2); // with the first lane being the original one expect(childLanes[0]).to.equal(existingLane); // with respective bounds expect(childLanes[0]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight }); expect(childLanes[1]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y + newLaneHeight, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight - 1 // compensate for rounding issues }); })); it('into three lanes', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_Lane'), existingLane = elementRegistry.get('Lane'), oldBounds = getBounds(participantShape); // when modeling.splitLane(participantShape, 3); var childLanes = getChildLanes(participantShape); var newLaneHeight = Math.round(participantShape.height / 3); // then // participant has original size expect(participantShape).to.have.bounds(oldBounds); // and two child lanes expect(childLanes.length).to.eql(3); // with the first lane being the original one expect(childLanes[0]).to.equal(existingLane); // with respective bounds expect(childLanes[0]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight }); expect(childLanes[1]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y + newLaneHeight, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight }); expect(childLanes[2]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y + newLaneHeight * 2, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight - 1 // compensate for rounding issues }); })); }); describe('should split Participant without Lane', function() { var diagramXML = require('./participant-no-lane.bpmn'); var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule ]; beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('into two lanes', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_No_Lane'), oldBounds = getBounds(participantShape); // when modeling.splitLane(participantShape, 2); var childLanes = getChildLanes(participantShape); var newLaneHeight = Math.round(participantShape.height / 2); // then // participant has original size expect(participantShape).to.have.bounds(oldBounds); // and two child lanes expect(childLanes.length).to.eql(2); // with respective bounds expect(childLanes[0]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight }); expect(childLanes[1]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y + newLaneHeight, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight }); })); it('into three lanes', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var participantShape = elementRegistry.get('Participant_No_Lane'), oldBounds = getBounds(participantShape); // when modeling.splitLane(participantShape, 3); var childLanes = getChildLanes(participantShape); var newLaneHeight = Math.round(participantShape.height / 3); // then // participant has original size expect(participantShape).to.have.bounds(oldBounds); // and two child lanes expect(childLanes.length).to.eql(3); // with respective bounds expect(childLanes[0]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight }); expect(childLanes[1]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y + newLaneHeight, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight }); expect(childLanes[2]).to.have.bounds({ x: participantShape.x + 30, y: participantShape.y + newLaneHeight * 2, width: participantShape.width - 30, height: newLaneHeight + 1 // compensate for rounding issues }); })); }); });