'use strict'; require('../../../TestHelper'); /* global bootstrapModeler, inject */ var autoPlaceModule = require('lib/features/auto-place'), modelingModule = require('lib/features/modeling'), selectionModule = require('diagram-js/lib/features/selection'), labelEditingModule = require('lib/features/label-editing'), coreModule = require('lib/core'); describe('features/auto-place', function() { describe('element placement', function() { var diagramXML = require('./AutoPlace.bpmn'); before(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: [ coreModule, modelingModule, autoPlaceModule, selectionModule ] })); describe('should place bpmn:FlowNode', function() { it('at default distance after START_EVENT_1', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'START_EVENT_1', expectedBounds: { x: 1052, y: 224, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('at incoming distance after TASK_0', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'TASK_0', expectedBounds: { x: 262, y: 54, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('at incoming distance / quorum after TASK_5', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'TASK_5', expectedBounds: { x: 296, y: 390, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('at existing outgoing / below TASK_2', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'TASK_1', expectedBounds: { x: 279, y: 293, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('ignoring existing, far away outgoing of TASK_3', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'TASK_3', expectedBounds: { x: 746, y: 127, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('behind bpmn:SubProcess', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'SUBPROCESS_1', expectedBounds: { x: 925, y: 368, width: 100, height: 80 } })); }); describe('should place bpmn:DataStoreReference', function() { it('bottom right of source', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:DataStoreReference', behind: 'TASK_2', expectedBounds: { x: 369, y: 303, width: 50, height: 50 } })); it('next to existing', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:DataStoreReference', behind: 'TASK_3', expectedBounds: { x: 769, y: 247, width: 50, height: 50 } })); }); describe('should place bpmn:TextAnnotation', function() { it('top right of source', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:TextAnnotation', behind: 'TASK_2', expectedBounds: { x: 379, y: 103, width: 100, height: 30 } })); it('above existing', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:TextAnnotation', behind: 'TASK_3', expectedBounds: { x: 696, y: -4, width: 100, height: 30 } })); }); }); describe('modeling flow', function() { var diagramXML = require('./AutoPlace.bpmn'); before(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: [ coreModule, modelingModule, autoPlaceModule, selectionModule, labelEditingModule ] })); it('should select + direct edit on autoPlace', inject( function(autoPlace, elementRegistry, elementFactory, selection, directEditing) { // given var el = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:Task' }); var source = elementRegistry.get('TASK_2'); // when var newShape = autoPlace.append(source, el); // then expect(selection.get()).to.eql([ newShape ]); expect(directEditing.isActive()).to.be.true; expect(directEditing._active.element).to.equal(newShape); } )); }); describe('multi connection handling', function() { var diagramXML = require('./AutoPlace.multi-connection.bpmn'); before(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: [ coreModule, modelingModule, autoPlaceModule, selectionModule, labelEditingModule ] })); it('should ignore multiple source -> target connections', inject( function(autoPlace, elementRegistry, elementFactory, selection, directEditing) { // given var element = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:Task' }); var source = elementRegistry.get('TASK_1'); var alignedElement = elementRegistry.get('TASK_3'); // when var newShape = autoPlace.append(source, element); // then expect(newShape.x).to.eql(alignedElement.x); } )); }); describe('boundary event connection handling', function() { var diagramXML = require('./AutoPlace.boundary-events.bpmn'); before(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: [ coreModule, modelingModule, autoPlaceModule, selectionModule ] })); it('should place bottom right of BOUNDARY_BOTTOM', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'BOUNDARY_BOTTOM', expectedBounds: { x: 241, y: 213, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('should place bottom right of BOUNDARY_SUBPROCESS_BOTTOM', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'BOUNDARY_SUBPROCESS_BOTTOM', expectedBounds: { x: 278, y: 495, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('should place top right of BOUNDARY_TOP', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'BOUNDARY_TOP', expectedBounds: { x: 242, y: -27, width: 100, height: 80 } })); it('should place top right of BOUNDARY_SUBPROCESS_TOP', autoPlace({ element: 'bpmn:Task', behind: 'BOUNDARY_SUBPROCESS_TOP', expectedBounds: { x: 275, y: 194, width: 100, height: 80 } })); }); }); // helpers ////////////////////// function autoPlace(cfg) { var element = cfg.element, behind = cfg.behind, expectedBounds = cfg.expectedBounds; return inject(function(autoPlace, elementRegistry, elementFactory) { var sourceEl = elementRegistry.get(behind); // assume expect(sourceEl).to.exist; if (typeof element === 'string') { element = { type: element }; } var shape = elementFactory.createShape(element); // when var placedShape = autoPlace.append(sourceEl, shape); // then expect(placedShape).to.have.bounds(expectedBounds); }); }