#! /bin/bash # publishes the bower-bpmn-js prebuilt bundle PWD="$(pwd)" WORKDIR="$(pwd)/tmp" BOWER_DIR="$WORKDIR/bower-bpmn-js" # create work dir mkdir -p "$WORKDIR" git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/bpmn-io/bower-bpmn-js.git "$BOWER_DIR" npm install BOWER_DIST="$BOWER_DIR/dist" npm run distro cd "$BOWER_DIR" git config user.email "$BPMN_IO_EMAIL" git config user.name "$BPMN_IO_USERNAME" git config push.default simple # update bower.json BOWER_VERSION="${TRAVIS_TAG:1}" echo "Updating bower.json version to $BOWER_VERSION" sed -i -E "s/(\"version\": )\"[^\"]+\"/\1\"$BOWER_VERSION\"/" bower.json # add all resources git add -A git commit -m "chore(project): package $TRAVIS_TAG" git tag "$TRAVIS_TAG" git push -q "https://$GITHUB_AUTH@github.com/bpmn-io/bower-bpmn-js.git" &2>/dev/null git push --tags -q "https://$GITHUB_AUTH@github.com/bpmn-io/bower-bpmn-js.git" &2>/dev/null cd "$PWD"