import { bootstrapModeler, inject } from 'test/TestHelper'; import { getDi } from 'lib/util/ModelUtil'; import modelingModule from 'lib/features/modeling'; import coreModule from 'lib/core'; describe('features/modeling - create connection', function() { var diagramXML = require('../../../fixtures/bpmn/sequence-flows.bpmn'); var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule ]; beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('should connect', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling, bpmnFactory) { // given var taskShape = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), task = taskShape.businessObject, taskDi = getDi(taskShape), gatewayShape = elementRegistry.get('Gateway_1'), gateway = gatewayShape.businessObject; // when var sequenceFlowConnection = modeling.createConnection(taskShape, gatewayShape, { type: 'bpmn:SequenceFlow' }, taskShape.parent); var sequenceFlow = sequenceFlowConnection.businessObject, sequenceFlowDi = getDi(sequenceFlowConnection); // then expect(sequenceFlowConnection).to.exist; expect(sequenceFlow).to.exist; expect(sequenceFlow.sourceRef).to.eql(task); expect(sequenceFlow.targetRef).to.eql(gateway); expect(task.outgoing).to.include(sequenceFlow); expect(gateway.incoming).to.include(sequenceFlow); expect(sequenceFlowDi.$parent).to.eql(taskDi.$parent); expect(sequenceFlowDi.$parent.planeElement).to.include(sequenceFlowDi); // expect cropped connection expect(sequenceFlowConnection.waypoints).eql([ { original: { x: 242, y: 376 }, x: 292, y: 376 }, { x: 410, y: 376 }, { x: 410, y: 341 }, { original: { x: 553, y: 341 }, x: 528, y: 341 } ]); var diWaypoints = bpmnFactory.createDiWaypoints([ { x: 292, y: 376 }, { x: 410, y: 376 }, { x: 410, y: 341 }, { x: 528, y: 341 } ]); // expect cropped waypoints in di expect(sequenceFlowDi.waypoint).eql(diWaypoints); })); it('should connect with custom start / end', inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var sourceShape = elementRegistry.get('Task_2'), sourcePosition = { x: 740, y: 400 }, targetShape = elementRegistry.get('Task_3'), targetPosition = { x: 420, y: 130 }; // when var newConnection = modeling.connect( sourceShape, targetShape, null, { connectionStart: sourcePosition, connectionEnd: targetPosition } ); // then // expect cropped connection with custom start/end expect(newConnection).to.have.waypoints([ { x: 734, y: 400 }, { x: 590, y: 400 }, { x: 590, y: 130 }, { x: 447, y: 130 } ]); })); it('should undo', inject(function(elementRegistry, commandStack, modeling) { // given var taskShape = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), task = taskShape.businessObject, gatewayShape = elementRegistry.get('Gateway_1'), gateway = gatewayShape.businessObject; var sequenceFlowConnection = modeling.createConnection(taskShape, gatewayShape, { type: 'bpmn:SequenceFlow' }, taskShape.parent); var sequenceFlow = sequenceFlowConnection.businessObject; // when commandStack.undo(); // then expect(sequenceFlow.$parent); expect(sequenceFlow.sourceRef); expect(sequenceFlow.targetRef); expect(task.outgoing); expect(gateway.incoming); })); it('should redo', inject(function(elementRegistry, commandStack, modeling) { // given var taskShape = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), task = taskShape.businessObject, taskDi = getDi(taskShape), gatewayShape = elementRegistry.get('Gateway_1'), gateway = gatewayShape.businessObject; var sequenceFlowConnection = modeling.createConnection(taskShape, gatewayShape, { type: 'bpmn:SequenceFlow' }, taskShape.parent); var sequenceFlow = sequenceFlowConnection.businessObject, sequenceFlowDi = getDi(sequenceFlowConnection); var newWaypoints = sequenceFlowConnection.waypoints, newDiWaypoints = sequenceFlowDi.waypoint; // when commandStack.undo(); commandStack.redo(); // then expect(sequenceFlow.sourceRef).to.eql(task); expect(sequenceFlow.targetRef).to.eql(gateway); expect(task.outgoing).to.include(sequenceFlow); expect(gateway.incoming).to.include(sequenceFlow); expect(sequenceFlowDi.$parent).to.eql(taskDi.$parent); expect(sequenceFlowDi.$parent.planeElement).to.include(sequenceFlowDi); // expect cropped connection expect(sequenceFlowConnection.waypoints).eql(newWaypoints); // expect cropped waypoints in di expect(sequenceFlowDi.waypoint).eql(newDiWaypoints); })); });