import { assign } from 'min-dash'; import { is } from '../util/ModelUtil'; import { isLabelExternal, getExternalLabelBounds } from '../util/LabelUtil'; import { getMid } from 'diagram-js/lib/layout/LayoutUtil'; import { isExpanded } from '../util/DiUtil'; import { getLabel } from '../features/label-editing/LabelUtil'; import { elementToString } from './Util'; function elementData(semantic, di, attrs) { return assign({ id:, type: semantic.$type, businessObject: semantic, di: di }, attrs); } function getWaypoints(di, source, target) { var waypoints = di.waypoint; if (!waypoints || waypoints.length < 2) { return [ getMid(source), getMid(target) ]; } return { return { x: p.x, y: p.y }; }); } function notYetDrawn(translate, semantic, refSemantic, property) { return new Error(translate('element {element} referenced by {referenced}#{property} not yet drawn', { element: elementToString(refSemantic), referenced: elementToString(semantic), property: property })); } /** * An importer that adds bpmn elements to the canvas * * @param {EventBus} eventBus * @param {Canvas} canvas * @param {ElementFactory} elementFactory * @param {ElementRegistry} elementRegistry * @param {Function} translate * @param {TextRenderer} textRenderer */ export default function BpmnImporter( eventBus, canvas, elementFactory, elementRegistry, translate, textRenderer) { this._eventBus = eventBus; this._canvas = canvas; this._elementFactory = elementFactory; this._elementRegistry = elementRegistry; this._translate = translate; this._textRenderer = textRenderer; } BpmnImporter.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'canvas', 'elementFactory', 'elementRegistry', 'translate', 'textRenderer' ]; /** * Add bpmn element (semantic) to the canvas onto the * specified parent shape. */ BpmnImporter.prototype.add = function(semantic, di, parentElement) { var element, translate = this._translate, hidden; var parentIndex; // ROOT ELEMENT // handle the special case that we deal with a // invisible root element (process or collaboration) if (is(di, 'bpmndi:BPMNPlane')) { // add a virtual element (not being drawn) element = this._elementFactory.createRoot(elementData(semantic, di)); if (is(semantic, 'bpmn:SubProcess')) { = + '_plane'; } this._canvas.createPlane(, element); } // SHAPE else if (is(di, 'bpmndi:BPMNShape')) { var collapsed = !isExpanded(semantic, di), isFrame = isFrameElement(semantic); hidden = parentElement && (parentElement.hidden || parentElement.collapsed); var bounds = di.bounds; element = this._elementFactory.createShape(elementData(semantic, di, { collapsed: collapsed, hidden: hidden, x: Math.round(bounds.x), y: Math.round(bounds.y), width: Math.round(bounds.width), height: Math.round(bounds.height), isFrame: isFrame })); if (is(semantic, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent')) { this._attachBoundary(semantic, element); } // insert lanes behind other flow nodes (cf. #727) if (is(semantic, 'bpmn:Lane')) { parentIndex = 0; } if (is(semantic, 'bpmn:DataStoreReference')) { // check whether data store is inside our outside of its semantic parent if (!isPointInsideBBox(parentElement, getMid(bounds))) { parentElement = this._canvas.findPlane(parentElement).rootElement; } } this._canvas.addShape(element, parentElement, parentIndex); } // CONNECTION else if (is(di, 'bpmndi:BPMNEdge')) { var source = this._getSource(semantic), target = this._getTarget(semantic); hidden = parentElement && (parentElement.hidden || parentElement.collapsed); element = this._elementFactory.createConnection(elementData(semantic, di, { hidden: hidden, source: source, target: target, waypoints: getWaypoints(di, source, target) })); if (is(semantic, 'bpmn:DataAssociation')) { // render always on top; this ensures DataAssociations // are rendered correctly across different "hacks" people // love to model such as cross participant / sub process // associations parentElement = this._canvas.findPlane(parentElement).rootElement; } // insert sequence flows behind other flow nodes (cf. #727) if (is(semantic, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow')) { parentIndex = 0; } this._canvas.addConnection(element, parentElement, parentIndex); } else { throw new Error(translate('unknown di {di} for element {semantic}', { di: elementToString(di), semantic: elementToString(semantic) })); } // (optional) LABEL if (isLabelExternal(semantic) && getLabel(element)) { this.addLabel(semantic, di, element); }'bpmnElement.added', { element: element }); return element; }; /** * Attach the boundary element to the given host * * @param {ModdleElement} boundarySemantic * @param {djs.model.Base} boundaryElement */ BpmnImporter.prototype._attachBoundary = function(boundarySemantic, boundaryElement) { var translate = this._translate; var hostSemantic = boundarySemantic.attachedToRef; if (!hostSemantic) { throw new Error(translate('missing {semantic}#attachedToRef', { semantic: elementToString(boundarySemantic) })); } var host = this._elementRegistry.get(, attachers = host && host.attachers; if (!host) { throw notYetDrawn(translate, boundarySemantic, hostSemantic, 'attachedToRef'); } // wire <> host.attachers = host; if (!attachers) { host.attachers = attachers = []; } if (attachers.indexOf(boundaryElement) === -1) { attachers.push(boundaryElement); } }; /** * add label for an element */ BpmnImporter.prototype.addLabel = function(semantic, di, element) { var bounds, text, label; bounds = getExternalLabelBounds(di, element); text = getLabel(element); if (text) { // get corrected bounds from actual layouted text bounds = this._textRenderer.getExternalLabelBounds(bounds, text); } label = this._elementFactory.createLabel(elementData(semantic, di, { id: + '_label', labelTarget: element, type: 'label', hidden: element.hidden || !getLabel(element), x: Math.round(bounds.x), y: Math.round(bounds.y), width: Math.round(bounds.width), height: Math.round(bounds.height) })); return this._canvas.addShape(label, element.parent); }; /** * Return the drawn connection end based on the given side. * * @throws {Error} if the end is not yet drawn */ BpmnImporter.prototype._getEnd = function(semantic, side) { var element, refSemantic, type = semantic.$type, translate = this._translate; refSemantic = semantic[side + 'Ref']; // handle mysterious isMany DataAssociation#sourceRef if (side === 'source' && type === 'bpmn:DataInputAssociation') { refSemantic = refSemantic && refSemantic[0]; } // fix source / target for DataInputAssociation / DataOutputAssociation if (side === 'source' && type === 'bpmn:DataOutputAssociation' || side === 'target' && type === 'bpmn:DataInputAssociation') { refSemantic = semantic.$parent; } element = refSemantic && this._getElement(refSemantic); if (element) { return element; } if (refSemantic) { throw notYetDrawn(translate, semantic, refSemantic, side + 'Ref'); } else { throw new Error(translate('{semantic}#{side} Ref not specified', { semantic: elementToString(semantic), side: side })); } }; BpmnImporter.prototype._getSource = function(semantic) { return this._getEnd(semantic, 'source'); }; BpmnImporter.prototype._getTarget = function(semantic) { return this._getEnd(semantic, 'target'); }; BpmnImporter.prototype._getElement = function(semantic) { return this._elementRegistry.get(; }; // helpers //////////////////// function isPointInsideBBox(bbox, point) { var x = point.x, y = point.y; return x >= bbox.x && x <= bbox.x + bbox.width && y >= bbox.y && y <= bbox.y + bbox.height; } function isFrameElement(semantic) { return is(semantic, 'bpmn:Group'); }