import inherits from 'inherits'; import CreateMoveSnapping from 'diagram-js/lib/features/snapping/CreateMoveSnapping'; import { isSnapped, setSnapped, } from 'diagram-js/lib/features/snapping/SnapUtil'; import { is } from '../../util/ModelUtil'; import { asTRBL } from 'diagram-js/lib/layout/LayoutUtil'; import { getBoundaryAttachment } from './BpmnSnappingUtil'; var HIGH_PRIORITY = 1500; /** * Snap during create and move. * * @param {BpmnRules} bpmnRules * @param {EventBus} eventBus * @param {Injector} injector */ export default function BpmnCreateMoveSnapping(bpmnRules, eventBus, injector) { injector.invoke(CreateMoveSnapping, this); // creating first participant eventBus.on([ 'create.move', 'create.end' ], HIGH_PRIORITY, setSnappedIfConstrained); function canAttach(shape, target, position) { return bpmnRules.canAttach([ shape ], target, null, position) === 'attach'; } // snap boundary events eventBus.on([ 'create.move', 'create.end', 'shape.move.move', 'shape.move.end' ], HIGH_PRIORITY, function(event) { var context = event.context, target =, shape = context.shape; if (target && canAttach(shape, target, event) && !isSnapped(event)) { snapBoundaryEvent(event, target); } }); } inherits(BpmnCreateMoveSnapping, CreateMoveSnapping); BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.$inject = [ 'bpmnRules', 'eventBus', 'injector' ]; BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.prototype.initSnap = function(event) { var snapContext =, event); var shape = event.shape; if (is(shape, 'bpmn:Participant')) { // snap to borders with higher priority snapContext.setSnapLocations([ 'top-left', 'bottom-right', 'mid' ]); } return snapContext; }; BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.prototype.addSnapTargetPoints = function(snapPoints, shape, target) {, snapPoints, shape, target); // add sequence flow parents as snap targets if (is(target, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow')) { snapPoints = this.addSnapTargetPoints(snapPoints, shape, target.parent); } return snapPoints; }; BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.prototype.getSnapTargets = function(shape, target) { return, shape, target) .filter(function(snapTarget) { // do not snap to lanes return !is(snapTarget, 'bpmn:Lane'); }); }; // helpers ////////// function snapBoundaryEvent(event, target) { var targetTRBL = asTRBL(target); var direction = getBoundaryAttachment(event, target); if (/top/.test(direction)) { setSnapped(event, 'y',; } else if (/bottom/.test(direction)) { setSnapped(event, 'y', targetTRBL.bottom); } if (/left/.test(direction)) { setSnapped(event, 'x', targetTRBL.left); } else if (/right/.test(direction)) { setSnapped(event, 'x', targetTRBL.right); } } function setSnappedIfConstrained(event) { var context = event.context, createConstraints = context.createConstraints; if (!createConstraints) { return; } var top =, right = createConstraints.right, bottom = createConstraints.bottom, left = createConstraints.left; if ((left && left >= event.x) || (right && right <= event.x)) { setSnapped(event, 'x', event.x); } if ((top && top >= event.y) || (bottom && bottom <= event.y)) { setSnapped(event, 'y', event.y); } }