import { bootstrapModeler, getBpmnJS, inject } from 'test/TestHelper'; import bpmnCopyPasteModule from 'lib/features/copy-paste'; import copyPasteModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/copy-paste'; import coreModule from 'lib/core'; import modelingModule from 'lib/features/modeling'; import camundaPackage from 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda.json'; import { find, forEach, isArray, isNumber, keys, map, pick, reduce } from 'min-dash'; import { getBusinessObject, is } from 'lib/util/ModelUtil'; describe('features/copy-paste', function() { var testModules = [ bpmnCopyPasteModule, copyPasteModule, coreModule, modelingModule ]; var basicXML = require('./basic.bpmn'), copyPropertiesXML = require('./copy-properties.bpmn'), propertiesXML = require('./properties.bpmn'), complexXML = require('./complex.bpmn'), collaborationXML = require('./collaboration.bpmn'), collaborationMultipleXML = require('./collaboration-multiple.bpmn'), collaborationAssociationsXML = require('./data-associations.bpmn'), eventBasedGatewayXML = require('./event-based-gateway.bpmn'); describe('basic diagram', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(basicXML, { modules: testModules })); describe('copy', function() { it('should copy sub process', inject(function() { // when var tree = copy('SubProcess_1'); // then expect(keys(tree)).to.have.length(3); expect(getAllElementsInTree(tree, 0)).to.have.length(1); expect(getAllElementsInTree(tree, 1)).to.have.length(3); expect(getAllElementsInTree(tree, 2)).to.have.length(12); expect(findDescriptorInTree('SubProcess_1', tree).isExpanded); })); describe('should copy boundary events without host', function() { it('should copy/paste', inject(function(elementRegistry, canvas, copyPaste) { // given var boundaryEvent = elementRegistry.get('BoundaryEvent_1'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy(boundaryEvent); var copiedElements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 1000, y: 1000 } }); // then expect(rootElement.children).to.have.length(2); expect(copiedElements).to.have.length(1); expect(copiedElements[0].type).to.eql('bpmn:IntermediateCatchEvent'); expect(copiedElements[0].attachedToRef); expect(copiedElements[0].host); expect(copiedElements[0].id); })); it('should copy/paste and reattach', inject(function(elementRegistry, canvas, copyPaste) { // given var boundaryEvent = elementRegistry.get('BoundaryEvent_1'), task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy(boundaryEvent); var copiedElement = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 1000, y: 1000 } })[0]; copyPaste.copy(copiedElement); var attachedBoundaryEvent = copyPaste.paste({ element: task, point: { x: task.x, y: task.y }, hints: { attach: 'attach' } })[0]; // then expect(attachedBoundaryEvent.businessObject.attachedToRef).to.eql(task.businessObject); expect(; expect(attachedBoundaryEvent.type).to.eql('bpmn:BoundaryEvent'); })); }); it('should NOT override type property of descriptor', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var startEvent = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'), startEventBo = getBusinessObject(startEvent); // add type property to business object startEventBo.type = 'external'; // when var tree = copy(startEvent); // then expect(findDescriptorInTree('StartEvent_1', tree).type).to.eql('bpmn:StartEvent'); })); it.skip('should not mutate copied elements', inject(function(copyPaste, elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var process = elementRegistry.get('Process_1'), intermediateThrowEvent = elementRegistry.get('IntermediateThrowEvent_1'); copyPaste.copy(intermediateThrowEvent); // when modeling.updateProperties(intermediateThrowEvent, { name: 'foo' }); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: process, point: { x: 1000, y: 1000 } }); // then intermediateThrowEvent = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent'); }); var intermediateThrowEventBo = getBusinessObject(intermediateThrowEvent); // due to // the business object of the copied element is mutated // see expect(; })); }); it('should paste twice', inject(function(elementRegistry, canvas, copyPaste) { // given var subProcess = elementRegistry.get('SubProcess_1'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy(subProcess); copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 1000, y: 1000 } }); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 2000, y: 1000 } }); // then expect(rootElement.children).to.have.length(9); var subProcesses = elements.filter(function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess'); }); expect(subProcesses[0].id)[1].id); })); describe('integration', function() { it('should copy conditional and default flow properties', inject(function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var subProcess = elementRegistry.get('SubProcess_1'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy(subProcess); modeling.removeShape(subProcess); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 300, y: 300 } }); // then var task = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:Task'); }); var taskBo = getBusinessObject(task); var conditionalFlow = find(elementRegistry.getAll(), function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow') && element.businessObject.conditionExpression; }); var defaultFlow = find(elementRegistry.getAll(), function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow') && ===; }); expect(conditionalFlow).to.exist; expect(defaultFlow).to.exist; }) ); it('should copy attacher properties', inject(function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry) { // given var task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), boundaryEvent = elementRegistry.get('BoundaryEvent_1'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy([ task, boundaryEvent ]); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 1000, y: 1000 } }); // then task = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:Task'); }); boundaryEvent = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent'); }); // then expect(getBusinessObject(boundaryEvent).attachedToRef).to.equal(getBusinessObject(task)); })); it('should copy loop characteristics porperties', inject(function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var subProcess = elementRegistry.get('SubProcess_2'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy(subProcess); modeling.removeShape(subProcess); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 300, y: 300 } }); subProcess = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess'); }); var subProcessesBo = getBusinessObject(subProcess); var loopCharacteristics = subProcessesBo.loopCharacteristics; expect(loopCharacteristics.$type).to.equal('bpmn:MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics'); expect(loopCharacteristics.isSequential); }) ); it('should copy color properties', inject(function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(), fill = '#ff0000', stroke = '#00ff00'; // when modeling.setColor(task, { fill: fill, stroke: stroke }); copyPaste.copy(task); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 1000, y: 1000 } }); // then task = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:Task'); }); var taskBo = getBusinessObject(task); expect(taskBo.di.get('background-color')).to.equal(fill); expect(taskBo.di.get('border-color')).to.equal(stroke); // TODO @barmac: remove when we drop properties expect(taskBo.di.fill).to.equal(fill); expect(taskBo.di.stroke).to.equal(stroke); }) ); it('should copy name property', inject( function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var startEvent = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); copyPaste.copy(startEvent); modeling.removeShape(startEvent); // when var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 300, y: 300 } }); // then expect(elements).to.have.length(2); startEvent = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:StartEvent'); }); var startEventBo = getBusinessObject(startEvent); expect('hello'); } )); }); describe('rules', function() { it('should allow copying boundary event without host', inject(function(elementRegistry) { var boundaryEvent1 = elementRegistry.get('BoundaryEvent_1'), boundaryEvent2 = elementRegistry.get('BoundaryEvent_2'); // when var tree = copy([ boundaryEvent1, boundaryEvent2 ]); expect(keys(tree)).to.have.length(1); })); }); }); describe('properties', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(propertiesXML, { modules: testModules })); function copyPasteElement(element) { return getBpmnJS().invoke(function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry, modeling) { // given element = elementRegistry.get(element); var rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy(element); modeling.removeShape(element); return copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 1000, y: 1000 } }); }); } it('should copy and paste non-interrupting boundary event', function() { // when var elements = copyPasteElement('SubProcess_NonInterrupting'); var subProcess = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess'); }); var boundaryEvent = subProcess.attachers[0], boundaryEventBo = getBusinessObject(boundaryEvent); // then expect(boundaryEventBo.cancelActivity); }); it('should copy and paste interrupting boundary event', function() { // when var elements = copyPasteElement('SubProcess_Interrupting'); var subProcess = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess'); }); var boundaryEvent = subProcess.attachers[0], boundaryEventBo = getBusinessObject(boundaryEvent); // then expect(boundaryEventBo.cancelActivity); }); it('should copy and paste event sub process', function() { // when var elements = copyPasteElement('SubProcess_Event'); var subProcess = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess'); }); var subProcessesBo = getBusinessObject(subProcess); expect(subProcessesBo.triggeredByEvent); expect(subProcessesBo.isExpanded); }); it('should copy and paste transaction', function() { // when var elements = copyPasteElement('SubProcess_Transaction'); var transaction = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:Transaction'); }); expect(transaction).to.exist; }); it('should copy and paste group', function() { // when var elements = copyPasteElement('Group'); var group = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:Group'); }); var groupBo = getBusinessObject(group); expect(groupBo.categoryValueRef).to.exist; }); }); describe('collaboration', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(collaborationXML, { modules: testModules })); describe('integration', function() { it('expanded participant', integrationTest('Participant_1')); it('collapsed participant', integrationTest('Participant_2')); }); describe('rules', function() { it('should NOT allow copying lanes without their parent participant', function() { // when var tree = copy([ 'Lane_1', 'Lane_2' ]); // then expect(keys(tree)).to.have.length(0); }); }); }); describe('collaboration (multiple)', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(collaborationMultipleXML, { modules: testModules })); describe('basics', function() { it('should paste onto lane', inject(function(copyPaste, elementRegistry) { // given var participant = elementRegistry.get('Participant_2'), lane = elementRegistry.get('Lane_5'), laneBo = getBusinessObject(lane), task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'); copyPaste.copy(task); // when copyPaste.paste({ element: lane, point: { x: 400, y: 450 } }); // then expect(participant.children).to.have.length(7); expect(lane.children); expect(laneBo.flowNodeRef).to.have.length(2); })); it('should paste onto nested lane', inject(function(copyPaste, elementRegistry) { // given var participant = elementRegistry.get('Participant_1'), lane = elementRegistry.get('Lane_3'), laneBo = getBusinessObject(lane), task = elementRegistry.get('Task_2'); // when copyPaste.copy(task); copyPaste.paste({ element: lane, point: { x: 450, y: 150 } }); // then expect(participant.children).to.have.length(5); expect(lane.children); expect(lane.parent.children).to.have.length(2); expect(laneBo.flowNodeRef).to.have.length(2); })); }); describe('integration', function() { it('should copy and paste multiple participants', integrationTest([ 'Participant_1', 'Participant_2' ])); }); }); describe('participants', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(collaborationAssociationsXML, { modules: testModules, moddleExtensions: { camunda: camundaPackage } })); it('should copy process when copying participant', inject( function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry) { // given var participantInput = elementRegistry.get('Participant_Input'), participantInputBo = getBusinessObject(participantInput), participantOutput = elementRegistry.get('Participant_Output'), participantOutputBo = getBusinessObject(participantOutput), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // when copyPaste.copy([ participantInput, participantOutput ]); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 5000, y: 5000 } }); // then var participants = elements.filter(function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:Participant'); }); forEach(participants, function(participant) { var participantBo = getBusinessObject(participant); expect(participantBo.processRef); expect(participantBo.processRef); expect(participantBo.processRef.isExecutable); expect(participantBo.processRef.extensionElements.values).to.have.length(1); var executionListener = participantBo.processRef.extensionElements.values[0]; expect(executionListener.$type).to.equal('camunda:ExecutionListener'); expect(executionListener.class).to.equal('Foo'); expect(executionListener.event).to.equal('start'); }); expect(getBusinessObject(participants[0]).processRef)[1]).processRef); } )); it('should copy and paste participant with DataInputAssociation', integrationTest('Participant_Input')); it('should copy and paste participant with DataOutputAssociation', integrationTest('Participant_Output')); }); describe('nested properties', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(copyPropertiesXML, { modules: testModules, moddleExtensions: { camunda: camundaPackage } })); it('integration', integrationTest('Participant_1')); it('should copy user task properties', inject(function(copyPaste, elementRegistry) { var participant = elementRegistry.get('Participant_1'), task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), taskBo = getBusinessObject(task); // when copyPaste.copy(task); var elements = copyPaste.paste({ element: participant, point: { x: 500, y: 50 } }); // then var newTask = find(elements, function(element) { return is(element, 'bpmn:Task'); }); var newTaskBo = getBusinessObject(newTask); expect(newTaskBo.asyncBefore).to.equal(taskBo.asyncBefore); expect(newTaskBo.documentation).to.jsonEqual(taskBo.documentation); expect(newTaskBo.extensionElements).to.jsonEqual(taskBo.extensionElements); })); }); describe('event based gateway', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(eventBasedGatewayXML, { modules: testModules })); it('should copy and paste event based gateway connected to an event', integrationTest([ 'EventBasedGateway_1', 'IntermediateCatchEvent_1' ])); }); describe('complex', function() { // TODO(nikku): drop once legacy PhantomJS is dropped this.timeout(5000); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(complexXML, { modules: testModules, moddleExtensions: { camunda: camundaPackage } })); it('should mark as changed', inject( function(canvas, eventBus, copyPaste, elementRegistry, commandStack) { // given var participant = elementRegistry.get('sid-187453C6-5AB5-4A6D-9A62-BF537E04EA0D'), rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); var changedSpy = sinon.spy(function(event) { expect(event.elements).to.have.length(56); }); // when eventBus.on('elements.changed', changedSpy); copyPaste.copy([ participant ]); copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 800, y: 300 } }); commandStack.undo(); commandStack.redo(); // then expect(changedSpy).to.have.been.calledThrice; } )); }); }); // helpers ////////// /** * Integration test involving copying, pasting, moving, undoing and redoing. * * @param {string|Array} elementIds */ function integrationTest(elementIds) { if (!isArray(elementIds)) { elementIds = [ elementIds ]; } return function() { getBpmnJS().invoke(function(canvas, commandStack, copyPaste, elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var allElements = elementRegistry.getAll(); var initialContext = { length: allElements.length, ids: getPropertyForElements(allElements, 'id'), types: getPropertyForElements(allElements, 'type') }, currentContext; var elements = map(elementIds, function(elementId) { return elementRegistry.get(elementId); }); // (1) copy elements copyPaste.copy(elements); // (2) remove elements modeling.removeElements(elements); var rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(); // (3) paste elements copyPaste.paste({ element: rootElement, point: { x: 500, y: 500 } }); // (4) move all elements except root modeling.moveElements(elementRegistry.filter(isRoot), { x: 50, y: -50 }); // when // (5) undo moving, pasting and removing commandStack.undo(); commandStack.undo(); commandStack.undo(); elements = elementRegistry.getAll(); currentContext = { length: elements.length, ids: getPropertyForElements(elements, 'id') }; // then expect(initialContext.length).to.equal(currentContext.length); expectCollection(initialContext.ids, currentContext.ids, true); // when // (6) redo removing, pasting and moving commandStack.redo(); commandStack.redo(); commandStack.redo(); elements = elementRegistry.getAll(); currentContext = { length: elements.length, ids: getPropertyForElements(elements, 'id'), types: getPropertyForElements(elements, 'type') }; // then expect(initialContext.length).to.equal(currentContext.length); expectCollection(initialContext.ids, currentContext.ids, false); expectCollection(initialContext.types, currentContext.types, true); }); }; } function isRoot(element) { return !!element.parent; } function getPropertyForElements(elements, property) { return map(elements, function(element) { return element[ property ]; }); } function expectCollection(collection1, collection2, contains) { expect(collection1).to.have.length(collection2.length); forEach(collection2, function(element) { if (!element.parent) { return; } if (contains) { expect(collection1).to.contain(element); } else { expect(collection1); } }); } function getAllElementsInTree(tree, depth) { var depths; if (isNumber(depth)) { depths = pick(tree, [ depth ]); } else { depths = tree; } return reduce(depths, function(allElements, depth) { return allElements.concat(depth); }, []); } function findDescriptorInTree(elements, tree, depth) { var foundDescriptors = _findDescriptorsInTree(elements, tree, depth); if (foundDescriptors.length !== 1) { return false; } return foundDescriptors[0]; } function _findDescriptorsInTree(elements, tree, depth) { if (!isArray(elements)) { elements = [ elements ]; } var depths; if (isNumber(depth)) { depths = pick(tree, [ depth ]); } else { depths = tree; } return reduce(elements, function(foundDescriptors, element) { var foundDescriptor = reduce(depths, function(foundDescriptor, depth) { return foundDescriptor || find(depth, function(descriptor) { return element === || ===; }); }); if (foundDescriptor) { return foundDescriptors.concat(foundDescriptor); } return foundDescriptors; }, []); } /** * Copy elements. * * @param {Array