'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var LabelUtil = require('../label-editing/LabelUtil'), BaseReplace = require('diagram-js/lib/features/replace/Replace'); function BpmnReplace(modeling, eventBus) { BaseReplace.call(this, modeling); this._originalReplaceElement = BaseReplace.prototype.replaceElement; this._modeling = modeling; eventBus.on([ 'commandStack.shape.replace.postExecute' ], function(event) { var context = event.context, oldShape = context.oldShape, newShape = context.newShape, newBusinessAtt = context.options ? context.options.newBusinessAtt || {} : {}; _.assign(newShape.businessObject, newBusinessAtt); modeling.updateLabel(newShape, LabelUtil.getLabel(oldShape)); }); // TODO(nre): update bpmn specific properties based on our meta-model // i.e. we should not only keep the name, but also // other properties that exist in BOTH the old and new shape } module.exports = BpmnReplace; BpmnReplace.$inject = [ 'modeling', 'eventBus' ]; BpmnReplace.prototype = Object.create(BaseReplace.prototype); BpmnReplace.prototype.replaceElement = function(oldElement, newElementData, newBusinessAtt) { if (oldElement.waypoints) { throw new Error('connections cannot be replaced (yet)'); } // use old elements size for activities // TODO(nre): may also specify do this during the replace suggestions // already (i.e. replace suggestions = { type, label, newElementData }) (?) if (oldElement.businessObject.$instanceOf('bpmn:Activity')) { // TODO need also to respect min/max Size newElementData.width = oldElement.width; newElementData.height = oldElement.height; } return this._originalReplaceElement(oldElement, newElementData, {newBusinessAtt: newBusinessAtt}); };