import inherits from 'inherits'; import CommandInterceptor from 'diagram-js/lib/command/CommandInterceptor'; import { is } from '../../../util/ModelUtil'; import { filter, forEach } from 'min-dash'; /** * BPMN specific boundary event behavior */ export default function ConnectEventBasedGatewayBehavior(eventBus, modeling) {, eventBus); function getBoundaryEvents(element) { return filter(element.attachers, function(attacher) { return is(attacher, 'bpmn:BoundaryEvent'); }); } // remove after connecting to event-based gateway this.postExecute('connection.create', function(event) { var source = event.context.source, target =, boundaryEvents = getBoundaryEvents(target); if ( is(source, 'bpmn:EventBasedGateway') && is(target, 'bpmn:ReceiveTask') && boundaryEvents.length > 0 ) { modeling.removeElements(boundaryEvents); } }); // remove after replacing connected gateway with event-based gateway this.postExecute('connection.reconnectStart', function(event) { var oldSource = event.context.oldSource, newSource = event.context.newSource; if (is(oldSource, 'bpmn:Gateway') && is(newSource, 'bpmn:EventBasedGateway')) { forEach(newSource.outgoing, function(connection) { var target =, attachedboundaryEvents = getBoundaryEvents(target); if (is(target, 'bpmn:ReceiveTask') && attachedboundaryEvents.length > 0) { modeling.removeElements(attachedboundaryEvents); } }); } }); } ConnectEventBasedGatewayBehavior.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'modeling' ]; inherits(ConnectEventBasedGatewayBehavior, CommandInterceptor);