import inherits from 'inherits'; import CommandInterceptor from 'diagram-js/lib/command/CommandInterceptor'; import { add as collectionAdd, remove as collectionRemove } from 'diagram-js/lib/util/Collections'; import { getBusinessObject, is } from '../../../util/ModelUtil'; import { createCategoryValue } from './util/CategoryUtil'; var HIGH_PRIORITY = 2000; /** * BPMN specific Group behavior */ export default function GroupBehavior( bpmnFactory, bpmnjs, elementRegistry, eventBus, injector, moddleCopy ) { injector.invoke(CommandInterceptor, this); /** * Removes a referenced category value for a given group shape * * @param {djs.model.Shape} shape */ function removeReferencedCategoryValue(shape) { var businessObject = getBusinessObject(shape), categoryValue = businessObject.categoryValueRef; if (!categoryValue) { return; } var category = categoryValue.$parent; if (!categoryValue) { return; } collectionRemove(category.categoryValue, categoryValue); // cleanup category if it is empty if (category && !category.categoryValue.length) { removeCategory(category); } } /** * Removes a given category from the definitions * * @param {ModdleElement} category */ function removeCategory(category) { var definitions = bpmnjs.getDefinitions(); collectionRemove(definitions.get('rootElements'), category); } /** * Returns all group element in the current registry * * @return {Array} a list of group shapes */ function getGroupElements() { return elementRegistry.filter(function(e) { return is(e, 'bpmn:Group'); }); } /** * Returns true if given categoryValue is referenced in one of the given elements * * @param {Array} elements * @param {ModdleElement} categoryValue * @return {boolean} */ function isReferenced(elements, categoryValue) { return elements.some(function(e) { var businessObject = getBusinessObject(e); return businessObject.categoryValueRef && businessObject.categoryValueRef === categoryValue; }); } /** * remove referenced category + value when group was deleted */ this.executed('shape.delete', function(event) { var context = event.context, shape = context.shape; if (is(shape, 'bpmn:Group')) { var businessObject = getBusinessObject(shape), categoryValueRef = businessObject.categoryValueRef, groupElements = getGroupElements(); if (!isReferenced(groupElements, categoryValueRef)) { removeReferencedCategoryValue(shape); } } }); /** * re-attach removed category */ this.reverted('shape.delete', function(event) { var context = event.context, shape = context.shape; if (is(shape, 'bpmn:Group')) { var businessObject = getBusinessObject(shape), categoryValueRef = businessObject.categoryValueRef, definitions = bpmnjs.getDefinitions(), category = categoryValueRef ? categoryValueRef.$parent : null; collectionAdd(category.get('categoryValue'), categoryValueRef); collectionAdd(definitions.get('rootElements'), category); } }); /** * create new category + value when group was created */ this.execute('shape.create', function(event) { var context = event.context, shape = context.shape, businessObject = getBusinessObject(shape); if (is(businessObject, 'bpmn:Group') && !businessObject.categoryValueRef) { var definitions = bpmnjs.getDefinitions(), categoryValue = createCategoryValue(definitions, bpmnFactory); // link the reference to the Group businessObject.categoryValueRef = categoryValue; } }); this.revert('shape.create', function(event) { var context = event.context, shape = context.shape; if (is(shape, 'bpmn:Group')) { removeReferencedCategoryValue(shape); delete getBusinessObject(shape).categoryValueRef; } }); // copy bpmn:CategoryValue when copying element eventBus.on('moddleCopy.canCopyProperty', HIGH_PRIORITY, function(context) { var property =, categoryValue; if (is(property, 'bpmn:CategoryValue')) { categoryValue = createCategoryValue(bpmnjs.getDefinitions(), bpmnFactory); // return copy of category return moddleCopy.copyElement(property, categoryValue); } }); } GroupBehavior.$inject = [ 'bpmnFactory', 'bpmnjs', 'elementRegistry', 'eventBus', 'injector', 'moddleCopy' ]; inherits(GroupBehavior, CommandInterceptor);