import inherits from 'inherits'; import CommandInterceptor from 'diagram-js/lib/command/CommandInterceptor'; import { is } from '../../util/ModelUtil'; import { classes, domify } from 'min-dom'; import { planeId } from '../../util/DrilldownUtil'; var LOW_PRIORITY = 250; var ARROW_DOWN_SVG = ''; var EMPTY_MARKER = 'bjs-drilldown-empty'; export default function DrilldownOverlayBehavior( canvas, eventBus, elementRegistry, overlays ) {, eventBus); this._canvas = canvas; this._eventBus = eventBus; this._elementRegistry = elementRegistry; this._overlays = overlays; var self = this; this.executed('shape.toggleCollapse', LOW_PRIORITY, function(context) { var shape = context.shape; // Add overlay to the collapsed shape if (self.canDrillDown(shape)) { self.addOverlay(shape); } else { self.removeOverlay(shape); } }, true); this.reverted('shape.toggleCollapse', LOW_PRIORITY, function(context) { var shape = context.shape; // Add overlay to the collapsed shape if (self.canDrillDown(shape)) { self.addOverlay(shape); } else { self.removeOverlay(shape); } }, true); this.executed(['shape.create', 'shape.move', 'shape.delete'], LOW_PRIORITY, function(context) { var oldParent = context.oldParent, newParent = context.newParent || context.parent, shape = context.shape; // Add overlay to the collapsed shape if (self.canDrillDown(shape)) { self.addOverlay(shape); } self.updateDrilldownOverlay(oldParent); self.updateDrilldownOverlay(newParent); self.updateDrilldownOverlay(shape); }, true); this.reverted(['shape.create', 'shape.move', 'shape.delete'], LOW_PRIORITY, function(context) { var oldParent = context.oldParent, newParent = context.newParent || context.parent, shape = context.shape; // Add overlay to the collapsed shape if (self.canDrillDown(shape)) { self.addOverlay(shape); } self.updateDrilldownOverlay(oldParent); self.updateDrilldownOverlay(newParent); self.updateDrilldownOverlay(shape); }, true); eventBus.on('import.done', function() { elementRegistry.filter(function(e) { return self.canDrillDown(e); }).map(function(el) { self.addOverlay(el); }); }); } inherits(DrilldownOverlayBehavior, CommandInterceptor); DrilldownOverlayBehavior.prototype.updateDrilldownOverlay = function(shape) { var canvas = this._canvas; if (!shape) { return; } var root = canvas.findRoot(shape); if (root) { this.updateOverlayVisibility(root); } }; DrilldownOverlayBehavior.prototype.canDrillDown = function(element) { var canvas = this._canvas; return is(element, 'bpmn:SubProcess') && canvas.findRoot(planeId(element)); }; /** * Updates visibility of the drilldown overlay. If the plane has no elements, * the drilldown will be only shown when the element is selected. * * @param {djs.model.Shape|djs.model.Root} element collapsed shape or root element */ DrilldownOverlayBehavior.prototype.updateOverlayVisibility = function(element) { var overlays = this._overlays; var bo = element.businessObject; var overlay = overlays.get({ element:, type: 'drilldown' })[0]; if (!overlay) { return; } var hasContent = bo && bo.flowElements && bo.flowElements.length; classes(overlay.html).toggle(EMPTY_MARKER, !hasContent); }; /** * Attaches a drilldown button to the given element. We assume that the plane has * the same id as the element. * * @param {djs.model.Shape} element collapsed shape */ DrilldownOverlayBehavior.prototype.addOverlay = function(element) { var canvas = this._canvas; var overlays = this._overlays; var existingOverlays = overlays.get({ element: element, type: 'drilldown' }); if (existingOverlays.length) { this.removeOverlay(element); } var button = domify(''); button.addEventListener('click', function() { canvas.setRootElement(canvas.findRoot(planeId(element))); }); overlays.add(element, 'drilldown', { position: { bottom: -7, right: -8 }, html: button }); this.updateOverlayVisibility(element); }; DrilldownOverlayBehavior.prototype.removeOverlay = function(element) { var overlays = this._overlays; overlays.remove({ element: element, type: 'drilldown' }); }; DrilldownOverlayBehavior.$inject = [ 'canvas', 'eventBus', 'elementRegistry', 'overlays' ];