import { bootstrapModeler, inject } from 'test/TestHelper'; import { getDi } from 'lib/util/ModelUtil'; import { pick } from 'min-dash'; import coreModule from 'lib/core'; import modelingModule from 'lib/features/modeling'; var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule ]; describe('features - bpmn-updater', function() { describe('connection di', function() { var diagramXML = require('./BpmnUpdater.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('should update after deleting intermediate element', inject( function(modeling, elementRegistry) { // given // sequence flow with existing sourceElement and targetElement di information var task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1'), sequenceFlowDi = getDi(elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow_1')), startEventDi = getDi(elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_1')), endEventDi = getDi(elementRegistry.get('EndEvent_1')); // when modeling.removeElements([ task ]); // then expect(sequenceFlowDi.sourceElement).to.equal(startEventDi); expect(sequenceFlowDi.targetElement).to.equal(endEventDi); } )); it('should update on drop on flow', inject( function(modeling, elementRegistry, elementFactory) { // given // sequence flow with existing sourceElement and targetElement di information var sequenceFlow = elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow_3'), startEventDi = getDi(elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_2')), sequenceFlowDi = getDi(sequenceFlow); var intermediateThrowEvent = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent' }); var dropPosition = { x: 320, y: 260 }; // when var event = modeling.createShape(intermediateThrowEvent, dropPosition, sequenceFlow); // then expect(sequenceFlowDi.sourceElement).to.equal(startEventDi); expect(sequenceFlowDi.targetElement).to.equal(getDi(event)); } )); it('should not create new di refs', inject( function(modeling, elementRegistry, elementFactory) { // given // sequence flow without any sourceElement and targetElement di information var sequenceFlow = elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow_4'), sequenceFlowDi = getDi(sequenceFlow); var intermediateThrowEvent = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent' }); var dropPosition = { x: 320, y: 260 }; // when modeling.createShape(intermediateThrowEvent, dropPosition, sequenceFlow); // then expect(sequenceFlowDi.sourceElement); expect(sequenceFlowDi.targetElement); } )); }); describe('connection cropping', function() { var diagramXML = require('./BpmnUpdater.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); afterEach(sinon.restore); it('should crop connection only once per reconnect', inject( function(modeling, elementRegistry, connectionDocking) { // given var sequenceFlow = elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow_1'), target = elementRegistry.get('EndEvent_2'), cropSpy = sinon.spy(connectionDocking, 'getCroppedWaypoints'); // when modeling.reconnectEnd(sequenceFlow, target, { x: 418, y: 260 }); // then expect(cropSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(cropSpy).to.have.been.calledWith(sequenceFlow); } )); it('should not crop connection after pasting', inject( function(canvas, copyPaste, elementRegistry, connectionDocking) { // given var sequenceFlow = elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow_5'), target = elementRegistry.get('Task_2'), cropSpy = sinon.spy(connectionDocking, 'getCroppedWaypoints'); copyPaste.copy([ target, sequenceFlow ]); // when copyPaste.paste({ element: canvas.getRootElement(), point: { x: 500, y: 500 } }); // then expect(cropSpy); } )); }); describe('incomplete DI', function() { var diagramXML = require('./BpmnUpdater.incompleteDi.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); it('should add missing label bpmndi:Bounds', inject( function(modeling, elementRegistry) { // given var event = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent'), label = event.label, di = getDi(event); // when modeling.moveElements([ label ], { x: 20, y: 20 }); var labelBounds = di.label.bounds; // then expect(labelBounds).to.exist; expect(labelBounds).to.include.keys( 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height' ); } )); it('should add missing bpmndi:BPMNLabel', inject( function(modeling, elementRegistry) { // given var event = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_2'), label = event.label, di = getDi(event); // when modeling.moveElements([ label ], { x: 20, y: 20 }); var diLabel = di.label; // then expect(diLabel).to.exist; expect(diLabel.bounds).to.exist; } )); }); describe('update embedded label bounds', function() { var diagramXML = require('./BpmnUpdater.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); var bounds, di; beforeEach(inject(function(elementRegistry, modeling) { // given var task = elementRegistry.get('Task_3'); di = getDi(task); bounds = pick(di.get('label').get('bounds'), [ 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height' ]); // when modeling.moveShape(task, { x: 100, y: 100 }); })); it('', function() { // then expect(di.get('label').get('bounds')).to.include({ x: bounds.x + 100, y: bounds.y + 100, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height }); }); it('', inject(function(commandStack) { // when commandStack.undo(); // then expect(di.get('label').get('bounds')).to.include({ x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height }); })); it('', inject(function(commandStack) { // when commandStack.undo(); commandStack.redo(); // then expect(di.get('label').get('bounds')).to.include({ x: bounds.x + 100, y: bounds.y + 100, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height }); })); }); });