import { bootstrapModeler, inject } from 'test/TestHelper'; var pick = require('min-dash').pick; var getBBox = require('diagram-js/lib/util/Elements').getBBox; var getParent = require('lib/features/modeling/util/ModelingUtil').getParent; import bpmnEditorActionsModule from 'lib/features/editor-actions'; import selectionModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/selection'; import alignElementsModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/align-elements'; import distributeElementsModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/distribute-elements'; import modelingModule from 'lib/features/modeling'; import coreModule from 'lib/core'; var basicXML = require('../../../fixtures/bpmn/nested-subprocesses.bpmn'); var collaborationXML = require('../../../fixtures/bpmn/collaboration.bpmn'); describe('features/editor-actions', function() { describe('#moveToOrigin', function() { function testMoveToOrigin(xml) { return function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(xml, { modules: [ bpmnEditorActionsModule, modelingModule, coreModule ] })); it('should move to origin', inject(function(editorActions) { // given var elements = editorActions.trigger('selectElements'), boundingBox; // when editorActions.trigger('moveToOrigin'); boundingBox = getBBox(elements); // then expect(pick(boundingBox, [ 'x', 'y' ])).to.eql({ x: 0, y: 0 }); })); }; } describe('single process', testMoveToOrigin(basicXML)); describe('collaboration', testMoveToOrigin(collaborationXML)); describe('subprocesses', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(basicXML, { modules: [ bpmnEditorActionsModule, modelingModule, coreModule ] })); it('should ignore children of subprocesses', inject( function(editorActions, elementRegistry) { // given var startEvent = elementRegistry.get('StartEvent_3'), startEventParent = getParent(startEvent); // when editorActions.trigger('moveToOrigin'); // then expect(getParent(startEvent)).to.equal(startEventParent); } )); }); }); describe('#alignElements', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(basicXML, { modules: [ selectionModule, alignElementsModule, bpmnEditorActionsModule, modelingModule, coreModule ] })); it('should align items', inject( function(elementRegistry, selection, editorActions) { // given var elementIds = [ 'StartEvent_1', 'UserTask_1', 'EndEvent_1' ]; var elements = { return elementRegistry.get(id); }); // when; editorActions.trigger('alignElements', { type: 'middle' }); // then expect( { return e.y + e.height / 2; })).to.eql([ 311, 311, 311 ]); } )); it('should not align if too few elements', inject( function(elementRegistry, eventBus, editorActions, selection) { // given var elementIds = [ 'StartEvent_1' ]; var elements = { return elementRegistry.get(id); }); var changedSpy = sinon.spy(); // when eventBus.once('commandStack.changed', changedSpy);; editorActions.trigger('alignElements', { type: 'center' }); // then expect(changedSpy); } )); }); describe('#distributeElements', function() { beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(basicXML, { modules: [ selectionModule, distributeElementsModule, bpmnEditorActionsModule, modelingModule, coreModule ] })); it('should distribute items', inject( function(elementRegistry, selection, editorActions) { // given var elementIds = [ 'StartEvent_1', 'UserTask_1', 'EndEvent_1' ]; var elements = { return elementRegistry.get(id); }); // when; editorActions.trigger('distributeElements', { type: 'horizontal' }); // then expect( { return e.x + e.width / 2; })).to.eql([ 433, 574, 714 ]); } )); it('should not distribute if too few elements', inject( function(elementRegistry, eventBus, editorActions, selection) { // given var elementIds = [ 'StartEvent_1', 'UserTask_1' ]; var elements = { return elementRegistry.get(id); }); var changedSpy = sinon.spy(); // when eventBus.once('commandStack.changed', changedSpy);; editorActions.trigger('distributeElements', { type: 'horizontal' }); // then expect(changedSpy); } )); }); });