import { queryAll as domQueryAll } from 'min-dom'; import { getBpmnJS, bootstrapModeler, inject } from 'test/TestHelper'; import modelingModule from 'lib/features/modeling'; import coreModule from 'lib/core'; import interactionEventsModule from 'lib/features/interaction-events'; import createModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/create'; import moveModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/move'; var testModules = [ coreModule, modelingModule, interactionEventsModule, createModule, moveModule ]; var HIT_ALL_CLS = 'djs-hit-all'; var HIT_CLICK_STROKE_CLS = 'djs-hit-click-stroke'; describe('features/interaction-events', function() { describe('participant hits', function() { var diagramXML = require('test/fixtures/bpmn/collaboration.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); beforeEach(inject(function(dragging) { dragging.setOptions({ manual: true }); })); it('should create two hit zones per participant', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var participant = elementRegistry.get('Participant_1'); // then expectToHaveChildren(HIT_ALL_CLS, 1, participant); expectToHaveChildren(HIT_CLICK_STROKE_CLS, 1, participant); })); it('should create two hit zones per lane', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var lane = elementRegistry.get('Lane_1'); // then expectToHaveChildren(HIT_ALL_CLS, 1, lane); expectToHaveChildren(HIT_CLICK_STROKE_CLS, 1, lane); })); it('should create one hit zone per collapsed participant', inject(function(elementRegistry, bpmnReplace) { // given var participant = elementRegistry.get('Participant_1'); // when var collapsedParticipant = bpmnReplace.replaceElement(participant, { type: 'bpmn:Participant', isExpanded: false }); // then expectToHaveChildren(HIT_ALL_CLS, 1, collapsedParticipant); }) ); }); describe('sub process hits', function() { var diagramXML = require('test/fixtures/bpmn/containers.bpmn'); beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, { modules: testModules })); beforeEach(inject(function(dragging) { dragging.setOptions({ manual: true }); })); it('should create two hit zones per sub process', inject(function(elementRegistry) { // given var subProcess = elementRegistry.get('SubProcess_1'); // then expectToHaveChildren(HIT_ALL_CLS, 1, subProcess); expectToHaveChildren(HIT_CLICK_STROKE_CLS, 1, subProcess); })); it('should create one hit zone per collapsed sub process', inject(function(elementRegistry, bpmnReplace) { // given var subProcess = elementRegistry.get('SubProcess_1'); // when var collapsedSubProcess = bpmnReplace.replaceElement(subProcess, { type: 'bpmn:SubProcess', isExpanded: false }); // then expectToHaveChildren(HIT_ALL_CLS, 1, collapsedSubProcess); expectToHaveChildren(HIT_CLICK_STROKE_CLS, 0, collapsedSubProcess); }) ); }); }); // helper /////////// function expectToHaveChildren(className, expectedCount, element) { var selector = '.' + className; var elementRegistry = getBpmnJS().get('elementRegistry'), gfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(element), realCount = domQueryAll(selector, gfx).length; expect( realCount, 'expected ' + + ' to have ' + expectedCount + ' children mat ' + selector + ' but got ' + realCount ).to.eql(expectedCount); }