This commit uses exposify to perform a quick replace on web dependency
require() statements before browserify can process them.
This way we access our external dependencies (jquery, lodash, snapsvg,
sax) via window globals in a standalone bower bundle.
The distribution exports the components via their node-module names.
require('bpmn/*') -> require('bpmn-js/*')
require('bpmn/Model') -> require('bpmn-moddle')
This commit removes the build dependency on brfs by inlining the bpmn-js
logo directly into the source code.
Because of that users have an easier time integrating the library.
The project logo now properly embeds in the Viewer and links to
This way, we are able to ship it as part of a bpmn-js bundle.
In addition to that change this commit upgrades to the latest diagram-js
release, too which adds support for Diagram#destroy().
This commit removes the bpmn model specific parts that have been
outsourced to the project bpmn-io/bpmn-moddle.
In addition it removes BPMN 2.0 diagrams that were crafted
especially for tests of that functionality.
This commit introduces a clean separation of node and browser tests.
ALL tests should be organized according to where they are run
non browser (áka node tests): `test/spec/node`
browser tests: `test/spec/browser`