fix(context-pad): use current context shape

Relates to camunda/camunda-modeler#415
This commit is contained in:
Vladimirs Katusenoks 2016-09-19 11:39:33 +02:00
parent 7177e3af27
commit 38c81146a3
2 changed files with 33 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -34,10 +34,15 @@ function ContextPadProvider(eventBus, contextPad, modeling, elementFactory,
eventBus.on('create.end', 250, function(event) {
var shape = event.shape,
entries = contextPad.getEntries(shape);
var shape = event.context.shape;
if (hasPrimaryModifier(event) && entries.replace) {
if (!hasPrimaryModifier(event)) {
var entries = contextPad.getEntries(shape);
if (entries.replace) {, shape);

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@ -383,6 +383,31 @@ describe('features - context-pad', function() {
it('should open boundary event replace menu after an element is created if it has modifier key',
inject(function(create, dragging, canvas, elementFactory, modeling, popupMenu) {
// given
var rootShape = canvas.getRootElement();
var task = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:Task' });
var intermediateEvent = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent' });
modeling.createShape(task, { x: 100, y: 100 }, rootShape);
// when
create.start(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }), intermediateEvent);
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 50, y: 50 }));
dragging.hover({ element: task });
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 50, y: 65 }));
dragging.end(canvasEvent({ x: 50, y: 65 }, { ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true }));
// then
var replaceMenu = domQuery.all('[data-id$="-boundary"]', popupMenu._current.container);
it('should not open the replace menu after an element is created when there is none',
inject(function(create, dragging, canvas, elementFactory) {
// given