feat(contextpad): add replace-menu to context pad

Support for Gateways and Task Types was added.

See #130
This commit is contained in:
jdotzki 2015-02-05 16:00:05 +01:00
parent 3873709141
commit 18c2b0552e
11 changed files with 323 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,45 @@
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<glyph glyph-name="complex-gateway" unicode="&#xe819;" d="m500 845l-7-7-488-488 495-495 495 495-495 495z m0-28l467-467-467-467-467 467 467 467z m-30-247l0-148-104 105-43-43 105-104-148 0 0-60 148 0-105-104 43-43 104 105 0-148 60 0 0 148 104-105 43 43-105 104 148 0 0 60-148 0 105 104-43 43-104-105 0 148-60 0z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />
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Binary file not shown.

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@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Modeler.prototype._modelingModules = [

View File

@ -1,41 +1,54 @@
'use strict';
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign');
var assign = require('lodash/object/assign'),
forEach = require('lodash/collection/forEach');
* A provider for BPMN 2.0 elements context pad
function ContextPadProvider(contextPad, directEditing, modeling, selection, elementFactory, connect, create) {
function ContextPadProvider(contextPad, modeling, elementFactory,
connect, create, popupMenu,
replace, canvas) {
this._directEditing = directEditing;
this._contextPad = contextPad;
this._modeling = modeling;
this._selection = selection;
this._elementFactory = elementFactory;
this._connect = connect;
this._create = create;
this._popupMenu = popupMenu;
this._replace = replace;
this._canvas = canvas;
ContextPadProvider.$inject = [
ContextPadProvider.prototype.getContextPadEntries = function(element) {
var modeling = this._modeling,
var contextPad = this._contextPad,
modeling = this._modeling,
elementFactory = this._elementFactory,
connect = this._connect,
create = this._create;
create = this._create,
popupMenu = this._popupMenu,
replace = this._replace,
canvas = this._canvas;
var actions = {};
@ -49,6 +62,176 @@ ContextPadProvider.prototype.getContextPadEntries = function(element) {
connect.start(event, element, autoActivate);
function removeElement(e) {
if (element.waypoints) {
} else {
function replaceElement(element, newType, newBusinessAtt) {
replace.replaceElement(element, {type: newType}, newBusinessAtt);
function getPosition(element) {
var Y_OFFSET = 20;
var pad = contextPad.getPad(element);
var rect = pad.html.getBoundingClientRect();
var zoom = 1 / canvas.zoom();
var pos = {
x: rect.left,
y: (rect.top - rect.height * zoom / 2) + rect.height + Y_OFFSET
return pos;
function getReplacementMenuEntries(element) {
function addMenuEntry(label, newType, newBusinessAtt, actionName, className) {
function appendListener() {
replaceElement(element, newType, newBusinessAtt);
return {
label: label,
className: className,
action: {
name: actionName,
handler: appendListener
// var startEventReplace = [];
// var interEventReplace = [];
// var endEventReplace = [];
var gatewayReplace = [
label: 'Exclusive Gateway',
actionName: 'replace-with-exclusive-gateway',
className: 'icon-exclusive-gateway-variant-1',
targetType: 'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway'
label: 'Parallel Gateway',
actionName: 'replace-with-parallel-gateway',
className: 'icon-parallel-gateway',
targetType: 'bpmn:ParallelGateway'
label: 'Inclusive Gateway',
actionName: 'replace-with-inclusive-gateway',
className: 'icon-inclusive-gateway',
targetType: 'bpmn:InclusiveGateway'
label: 'Complex Gateway',
actionName: 'replace-with-complex-gateway',
className: 'icon-complex-gateway',
targetType: 'bpmn:ComplexGateway'
label: 'Event based Gateway',
actionName: 'replace-with-event-based-gateway',
className: 'icon-event-based-gateway',
targetType: 'bpmn:EventBasedGateway',
newBusinessAtt: {instantiate: false, eventGatewayType: 'Exclusive'}
label: 'Event based instantiating Gateway',
actionName: 'replace-with-exclusive-event-based-gateway',
className: 'icon-exclusive-event-based',
targetType: 'bpmn:EventBasedGateway',
newBusinessAtt: {instantiate: true, eventGatewayType: 'Exclusive'}
label: 'Parallel Event based instantiating Gateway',
actionName: 'replace-with-parallel-event-based-instantiate-gateway',
className: 'icon-parallel-event-based-instantiate-gateway',
targetType: 'bpmn:EventBasedGateway',
newBusinessAtt: {instantiate: true, eventGatewayType: 'Parallel'}
var taskReplace = [
label: 'Send Task',
actionName: 'replace-with-send-task',
className: 'icon-send',
targetType: 'bpmn:SendTask'
label: 'Receive Task',
actionName: 'replace-with-receive-task',
className: 'icon-receive',
targetType: 'bpmn:ReceiveTask'
label: 'User Task',
actionName: 'replace-with-user-task',
className: 'icon-user',
targetType: 'bpmn:UserTask'
label: 'Manual Task',
actionName: 'replace-with-manual-task',
className: 'icon-manual',
targetType: 'bpmn:ManualTask'
label: 'Business Rule Task',
actionName: 'replace-with-rule-task',
className: 'icon-business-rule',
targetType: 'bpmn:BusinessRuleTask'
label: 'Service Task',
actionName: 'replace-with-service-task',
className: 'icon-service',
targetType: 'bpmn:ServiceTask'
label: 'Script Task',
actionName: 'replace-with-script-task',
className: 'icon-script',
targetType: 'bpmn:ScriptTask'
var menuEntries = [];
if (element.businessObject.$instanceOf('bpmn:Event')) {
console.warn('Replace for event is not implemented yet.');
} else if (element.businessObject.$instanceOf('bpmn:Gateway')) {
forEach(gatewayReplace, function(definition) {
var entry = addMenuEntry(definition.label, definition.targetType, definition.newBusinessAtt,
definition.actionName, definition.className);
} else if (element.businessObject.$instanceOf('bpmn:FlowNode')) {
forEach(taskReplace, function(definition) {
var entry = addMenuEntry(definition.label, definition.targetType, {},
definition.actionName, definition.className);
return menuEntries;
function appendAction(type, className) {
function appendListener(event, element) {
@ -89,16 +272,32 @@ ContextPadProvider.prototype.getContextPadEntries = function(element) {
assign(actions, {
'append.text-annotation': appendAction('bpmn:TextAnnotation', 'icon-text-annotation')
// Replace menu entry
assign(actions, {
'replace': {
group: 'edit',
className: 'icon-screw-wrench',
action: {
click: function(event, element) {
var pos = getPosition(element);
var entries = getReplacementMenuEntries(element);
{ className: 'replace-menu' }
function removeElement(e) {
if (element.waypoints) {
} else {
// Delete Element Entry
assign(actions, {
'delete': {
group: 'edit',

View File

@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ function BpmnReplace(modeling, eventBus) {
var context = event.context,
oldShape = context.oldShape,
newShape = context.newShape;
newShape = context.newShape,
newBusinessAtt = context.options ? context.options.newBusinessAtt || {} : {};
_.assign(newShape.businessObject, newBusinessAtt);
modeling.updateLabel(newShape, LabelUtil.getLabel(oldShape));
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ BpmnReplace.$inject = [ 'modeling', 'eventBus' ];
BpmnReplace.prototype = Object.create(BaseReplace.prototype);
BpmnReplace.prototype.replaceElement = function(oldElement, newElementData) {
BpmnReplace.prototype.replaceElement = function(oldElement, newElementData, newBusinessAtt) {
if (oldElement.waypoints) {
throw new Error('connections cannot be replaced (yet)');
@ -51,5 +53,5 @@ BpmnReplace.prototype.replaceElement = function(oldElement, newElementData) {
newElementData.height = oldElement.height;
return this._originalReplaceElement(oldElement, newElementData);
return this._originalReplaceElement(oldElement, newElementData, {newBusinessAtt: newBusinessAtt});

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
'use strict';
var TestHelper = require('../TestHelper');
var fs = require('fs');

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
var Matchers = require('../../Matchers'),
TestHelper = require('../../TestHelper');
/* global bootstrapViewer, inject */
var Matchers = require('../../Matchers');
var fs = require('fs');
@ -152,4 +149,4 @@ describe('draw - bpmn renderer', function() {

View File

@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ var Matchers = require('../../../Matchers'),
var fs = require('fs');
var contextPadModule = require('../../../../lib/features/context-pad'),
bpmnModule = require('../../../../lib/core');
bpmnModule = require('../../../../lib/core'),
popupModule = require('diagram-js/lib/features/popup-menu'),
replaceModule = require('diagram-js/lib/features/replace');
describe('features - context-pad', function() {
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ describe('features - context-pad', function() {
var diagramXML = fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/bpmn/simple.bpmn', 'utf8');
var testModules = [ contextPadModule, bpmnModule ];
var testModules = [ contextPadModule, bpmnModule, popupModule, replaceModule ];
beforeEach(bootstrapViewer(diagramXML, { modules: testModules }));