2014-10-06 12:23:22 +02:00
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash'),
$ = require('jquery');
* A BPMN instance of the palette.
function BpmnPaletteProvider(eventBus, palette, modeling, elementRegistry, canvas) {
2014-10-06 15:46:26 +02:00
this._eventBus = eventBus;
this._palette = palette;
this._modeling = modeling;
this._elementRegistry = elementRegistry;
2014-10-06 12:23:22 +02:00
this._canvas = canvas;
module.exports = BpmnPaletteProvider;
BpmnPaletteProvider.$inject = [ 'eventBus', 'palette', 'modeling', 'elementRegistry', 'canvas' ];
BpmnPaletteProvider.prototype.getPaletteEntries = function(element) {
var actions = {},
modeling = this._modeling,
elementRegistry = this._elementRegistry,
canvas = this._canvas;
var root = elementRegistry.getRoot();
var vbox = canvas.viewbox();
var center = {
2014-10-08 11:38:01 +02:00
x: Math.round(vbox.outer.width * 1 / vbox.scale / 2),
y: Math.round(vbox.outer.height * 1 / vbox.scale / 2)
2014-10-06 12:23:22 +02:00
_.extend(actions, {
'add.start-event': {
group: 'model-event',
img: '<circle fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" style="stroke-width: 1;" r="9" cy="12.5" cx="12.5"></circle>',
alt: 'Start Event',
action: function(event, element) {
type: 'bpmn:StartEvent'
}, center, root);
'add.inter-throw-event': {
group: 'model-event',
img: '<circle r="9" stroke="#000000" fill="#ffffff" cx="12.5" cy="12.5" style="stroke-width: 1px;"></circle>' +
'<circle r="7" stroke="#000000" fill="none" cx="12.5" cy="12.5" style="stroke-width: 1px;"></circle>',
alt: 'Intermediate Throw Event',
action: function(event, element) {
type: 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent'
}, center, root);
'add.end-event': {
group: 'model-event',
img: '<circle fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" style="stroke-width: 2;" r="9" cy="12.5" cx="12.5"/>',
alt: 'End Event',
action: function(event, element) {
type: 'bpmn:EndEvent'
}, center, root);
'add.exclusive-gateway': {
group: 'model-gateway',
img: '<rect y="5" x="5" height="15" width="15" stroke="#000000" fill="#ffffff" ' +
'style="stroke-width: 1px;" transform="rotate(45,12.5,12.5)" />',
alt: 'Exclusive Gateway',
action: function(event, element) {
type: 'bpmn:ExclusiveGateway'
}, center, root);
'add.task': {
group: 'model-activity',
img: '<rect fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" style="stroke-width: 1;" ry="5" rx="5" height="15" ' +
'width="20" y="5" x="2.5"></rect>',
alt: 'Task',
action: function(event, element) {
type: 'bpmn:Task'
}, center, root);
'add.subProcess-collapsed': {
group: 'model-activity',
img: '<rect fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" style="stroke-width: 1;" ry="4" rx="4" height="15" ' +
' width="15" y="5" x="5" />' +
'<path d=" m 12.5,7.5 l 0,10 m -5,-5 l 10,0" fill="none" stroke="#000000" ' +
' style="stroke-width: 2px;" />',
alt: 'Subprocess collapsed',
action: function(event, element) {
type: 'bpmn:SubProcess',
isExpanded: false
}, center, root);
'add.subProcess-expanded': {
group: 'model-activity',
img: '<rect fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" style="stroke-width: 1;" ry="4" rx="4" height="15" ' +
' width="15" y="5" x="5"></rect>' +
'<path d=" m 7.5,12.5 l 10,0" fill="none" stroke="#000000" ' +
' style="stroke-width: 2px;" />',
alt: 'Subprocess Expanded',
action: function(event, element) {
type: 'bpmn:SubProcess',
isExpanded: true
}, center, root);
return actions;
BpmnPaletteProvider.prototype.open = function() {
BpmnPaletteProvider.prototype.close = function() {