All notable changes to [bpmn-js]( are documented here. We use [semantic versioning]( for releases.
## Unreleased
___Note:__ Yet to be released changes appear here._
*`FIX`: snap connections to task mid ([`86c61b0`](
*`FIX`: snap connections to sub process mid ([`83e9f05`](
*`FIX`: complete direct editing when auto place starts ([`dcf440b`](
*`FIX`: do not clear diagram if no diagram to clear ([#1181](
*`FEAT`: make containers draggable via their borders / labels only ([#1097](, [#957](
*`FIX`: prevent accidental dragging of participants and sub-processes ([#1097](, [#957](
*`CHORE`: use `element.copyProperty` event to copy category value when copying group ([`12bedca5`](
*`CopyPaste`: remove `ModelCloneHelper` in favor of `ModdleCopy` service, remove `property.clone` event, add `moddleCopy.canCopyProperties`, `moddleCopy.canCopyProperty` and `moddleCopy.canSetCopiedProperty` event
*`BpmnRules`: removed `elements.paste` rule in favor of `elements.create` rule
*`BpmnRules`: removed `element.paste` rule
*`ElementFactory`: use `attrs.di` property instead of `attrs.colors` for fill and stroke when creating element through `ElementFactory#createBpmnElement`
* To prevent additional behavior on create after paste you should check for the `createElementsBehavior` hint, cf. [`bf180321`](
*`FEAT`: adjust default collapsed pool to standard height ([`5affe2570`](
*`FEAT`: create expanded sub-process with start event included ([#1039](
*`FEAT`: improve automatic label adjustment for boundary events ([#1064](
*`FEAT`: improve creation of initial participant ([#1046](
*`FEAT`: improve boundary to host loop layout ([#1070](
*`FEAT`: make connection segment move the primary connection drag behavior
*`FEAT`: allow label and group movement everywhere ([#1080](
*`FEAT`: improve message flow to participant connection in the presence of lanes ([#950](
*`FEAT`: allow detaching of boundary and attaching of intermediate events ([#1045](
*`FEAT`: simplify requested palette and context pad translations ([#1027](
*`FEAT`: simplify participant dragging in the presence of nested lanes ([`fdb299dc`](
*`FIX`: update to `diagram-js-direct-editing@1.4.1` to trim trailing/leading whitespace in task names ([#763](
*`FIX`: bump to `diagram-js@3.1.3` / `tiny-svg@2.2.1` to work around MS Edge bug ([`ed798a15`](
*`FEAT`: improve context pad tooltip titles for `EventBasedGateway` ([`350a5ab`](
*`FEAT`: display group names ([#844](
*`FEAT`: add ability to move selection with keyboard arrows ([#376](
*`FEAT`: support `SHIFT` modifier to move elements / canvas with keyboard arrows at accelerated speed
*`FEAT`: require `Ctrl/Cmd` to be pressed as a modifier key to move the canvas via keyboard errors
*`FEAT`: auto-expand elements when children resize ([#786](
*`CHORE`: bind editor actions and keyboard shortcuts for explicitly added features only ([#887](
*`FIX`: disallow attaching of `BoundaryEvent` to a `ReceiveTask` following an `EventBasedGateway` ([#874](
*`FIX`: fix date in license ([#882](
*`BpmnGlobalConnect` provider got removed. Use `connection.start` rule to customize whether connection should allowed to be started ([#565](, [#870](
*`EditorActions` / `Keyboard` do not pull in features implicitly anymore. If you roll your own editor, include features you would like to ship with manually to provide the respective actions / keyboard bindings ([`645265ad`](
* Moving the canvas with keyboard arrows now requires the `Ctrl/Cmd` modifiers to be pressed.
*`FIX`: keep event definitions when switching from interrupting to non-interrupting boundary event ([#799](
*`FIX`: apply data store behavior in collaboration only ([`5cc28d5d`](
*`FIX`: create/update labels when updating element name via `Modeling#updateProperties` ([`4a0f6da8`](
*`FEAT`: add ability to override default element colors ([#713](
*`FEAT`: add ability to override font family and size of rendered labels ([`4bb270f1`](
*`FEAT`: show gateway icon on context pad without marker ([`15dfab6b`](