2019-05-23 22:37:06 +02:00
import {
2019-06-26 15:35:18 +02:00
2019-05-23 22:37:06 +02:00
} from 'test/TestHelper';
import TestContainer from 'mocha-test-container-support';
import coreModule from 'lib/core';
import createModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/create';
import modelingModule from 'lib/features/modeling';
import moveModule from 'diagram-js/lib/features/move';
import rulesModule from 'lib/features/rules';
import snappingModule from 'lib/features/snapping';
import {
} from 'diagram-js/lib/features/snapping/SnapUtil';
import { createCanvasEvent as canvasEvent } from '../../../util/MockEvents';
import { queryAll as domQueryAll } from 'min-dom';
import { attr as svgAttr } from 'tiny-svg';
describe('features/snapping - BpmnCreateMoveSnapping', function() {
var testModules = [
2019-06-26 15:35:18 +02:00
__init__: [ function(dragging) {
dragging.setOptions({ manual: true });
} ]
2019-05-23 22:37:06 +02:00
describe('create participant', function() {
describe('process', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.process.bpmn');
it('should snap particpant if constrained', function(done) {
bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
container: TestContainer.get(this),
modules: testModules
})(function() {
// when
inject(function(canvas, create, dragging, elementFactory, eventBus) {
// given
dragging.setOptions({ manual: true });
var participantShape = elementFactory.createParticipantShape(false),
rootElement = canvas.getRootElement(),
rootGfx = canvas.getGraphics(rootElement);
create.start(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }), participantShape);
dragging.hover({ element: rootElement, gfx: rootGfx });
eventBus.once('create.move', function(event) {
// then
// expect snapped to avoid snapping outside of constraints
// when
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 1000, y: 1000 }));
describe('collaboration', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.collaboration.bpmn');
it('should snap to participant border with higher priority', function(done) {
var container = TestContainer.get(this);
bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
container: container,
modules: testModules
})(function() {
// when
inject(function(create, dragging, elementFactory, elementRegistry, eventBus) {
// given
dragging.setOptions({ manual: true });
var participant = elementFactory.createParticipantShape(false),
collaboration = elementRegistry.get('Collaboration_1'),
collaborationGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(collaboration);
create.start(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }), participant);
dragging.hover({ element: collaboration, gfx: collaborationGfx });
dragging.move(canvasEventTopLeft({ x: 0, y: 0 }, participant));
eventBus.once('create.move', function(event) {
// then
// expect snap line at left border of participant
expect(svgAttr(domQueryAll('.djs-snap-line', container)[1], 'd'))
.to.equal('M 100,-100000 L 100, +100000');
// when
dragging.move(canvasEventTopLeft({ x: 95, y: 400 }, participant));
describe('boundary events', function() {
describe('creating boundary event', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.process.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
modules: testModules
var task, taskGfx, intermediateThrowEvent;
beforeEach(inject(function(create, dragging, elementRegistry, elementFactory) {
task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1');
taskGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(task);
intermediateThrowEvent = elementFactory.createShape({
type: 'bpmn:IntermediateThrowEvent'
create.start(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }), intermediateThrowEvent);
dragging.hover({ element: task, gfx: taskGfx });
it('should snap to top', inject(function(dragging) {
// when
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 150, y: 95 }));
// then
var boundaryEvent = getBoundaryEvent(task);
x: 150,
y: 100 // 95 snapped to 100
it('should snap to right', inject(function(dragging) {
// when
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 195, y: 140 }));
// then
var boundaryEvent = getBoundaryEvent(task);
x: 200, // 195 snapped to 200
y: 140
it('should snap to bottom', inject(function(dragging) {
// when
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 150, y: 175 }));
// then
var boundaryEvent = getBoundaryEvent(task);
x: 150,
y: 180 // 175 snapped to 180
it('should snap to left', inject(function(dragging) {
// when
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 95, y: 140 }));
// then
var boundaryEvent = getBoundaryEvent(task);
x: 100, // 95 snapped to 100
y: 140
describe('snapping to boundary events', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.boundary-events.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
modules: testModules
var task;
beforeEach(inject(function(dragging, elementRegistry, move) {
task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1');
var process = elementRegistry.get('Process_1'),
processGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(process);
move.start(canvasEventTopLeft({ x: 100, y: 400 }, task), task, true);
dragging.hover({ element: process, gfx: processGfx });
dragging.move(canvasEventTopLeft({ x: 100, y: 400 }, task));
it('should snap to boundary events', inject(function(dragging) {
// when
dragging.move(canvasEventTopLeft({ x: 245, y: 400 }, task));
// then
x: 250, // 245 snapped to 250
y: 400,
width: 100,
height: 80
describe('sequence flows', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.sequence-flows.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
modules: testModules
var sequenceFlow, sequenceFlowGfx, task;
beforeEach(inject(function(create, dragging, elementRegistry, elementFactory) {
sequenceFlow = elementRegistry.get('SequenceFlow_1');
sequenceFlowGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(sequenceFlow);
task = elementFactory.createShape({
type: 'bpmn:Task'
create.start(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }), task);
dragging.hover({ element: sequenceFlow, gfx: sequenceFlowGfx });
it('should add snap targets of sequence flow parent', inject(function(dragging) {
// when
dragging.move(canvasEventTopLeft({ x: 195, y: 60 }, task));
// then
x: 200, // 195 snapped to 200
y: 60,
width: 100,
height: 80
describe('lanes', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.collaboration.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
modules: testModules
var task;
beforeEach(inject(function(dragging, elementRegistry, move) {
task = elementRegistry.get('Task_1');
move.start(canvasEvent({ x: 200, y: 165 }), task);
it('should should NOT snap to lanes', inject(function(dragging) {
// when
// lane mid is { x: 415, y: 162.5 }
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 410, y: 160 }));
// then
x: 360,
y: 120,
width: 100,
height: 80
2019-06-17 07:39:39 +02:00
describe('docking points', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.docking-points.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
modules: testModules
var participant,
beforeEach(inject(function(dragging, elementRegistry, move) {
participant = elementRegistry.get('Participant_2');
participantGfx = elementRegistry.getGraphics(participant);
it('should snap to docking point (incoming connections)', inject(
function(dragging, elementRegistry, move) {
// given
var task = elementRegistry.get('Task_2');
move.start(canvasEvent({ x: 400, y: 540 }), task);
dragging.hover({ element: participant, gfx: participantGfx });
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }));
// when
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 270, y: 540 }));
// then
x: 275,
y: 540
it('should snap to docking point (outgoing connections)', inject(
function(dragging, elementRegistry, move) {
// given
var task = elementRegistry.get('Task_4');
move.start(canvasEvent({ x: 600, y: 540 }), task);
dragging.hover({ element: participant, gfx: participantGfx });
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }));
// when
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 475, y: 540 }));
// then
x: 480,
y: 540
2019-06-26 15:35:18 +02:00
describe('TRBL snapping', function() {
var diagramXML = require('./BpmnCreateMoveSnapping.trbl-snapping.bpmn');
beforeEach(bootstrapModeler(diagramXML, {
modules: testModules
function get(element) {
return getBpmnJS().invoke(function(elementRegistry) {
return elementRegistry.get(element);
function absoluteMove(element, toPosition) {
getBpmnJS().invoke(function(elementRegistry, move, dragging, canvas) {
var parent = element.parent;
move.start(canvasEvent({ x: 0, y: 0 }), element);
element: parent,
gfx: canvas.getGraphics(parent)
dragging.move(canvasEvent({ x: 100, y: 100 }), element);
x: toPosition.x - element.x,
y: toPosition.y - element.y
it('should snap text annotations', function() {
// given
var annotation = get('TEXT_1');
var otherAnnotation = get('TEXT_2');
// when
absoluteMove(annotation, {
x: otherAnnotation.x + 5,
y: otherAnnotation.y - 5
// then
it('should snap task to container', function() {
// given
var task = get('TASK');
var subProcess = get('SUB_PROCESS_1');
// when
absoluteMove(task, {
x: subProcess.x,
y: subProcess.y - 5
// then
it('should snap container to container', function() {
// given
var participant = get('PARTICIPANT_1');
var otherParticipant = get('PARTICIPANT_2');
// when
absoluteMove(participant, {
x: otherParticipant.x + 5,
y: otherParticipant.y
// then
it('should snap container to container right', function() {
// given
var participant = get('PARTICIPANT_1');
var otherParticipant = get('PARTICIPANT_2');
// when
absoluteMove(participant, {
x: otherParticipant.x + otherParticipant.width - participant.width + 5,
y: 5
// then
x: otherParticipant.x + otherParticipant.width - participant.width,
y: 5
2019-05-23 22:37:06 +02:00
// helpers //////////
function canvasEventTopLeft(position, shape) {
return canvasEvent({
x: position.x + shape.width / 2,
y: position.y + shape.height / 2
function getBoundaryEvent(element) {
return element.attachers[0];