import { query as domQuery, } from 'min-dom'; import { bootstrapPropertiesPanel, changeInput, expectSelected, findEntry, findGroupEntry, findInput } from './helpers'; import { BpmnPropertiesPanelModule, BpmnPropertiesProviderModule } from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel'; import spiffModdleExtension from '../../app/spiffworkflow/moddle/spiffworkflow.json'; import TestContainer from 'mocha-test-container-support'; import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/preact'; import { findDataObject, findDataObjects } from '../../app/spiffworkflow/DataObject/DataObjectHelpers'; import dataObject from '../../app/spiffworkflow/DataObject'; describe('Properties Panel for a Process', function() { let xml = require('./bpmn/diagram.bpmn').default; let container; beforeEach(function() { container = TestContainer.get(this); }); beforeEach(bootstrapPropertiesPanel(xml, { container, debounceInput: false, additionalModules: [ dataObject, BpmnPropertiesPanelModule, BpmnPropertiesProviderModule, ], moddleExtensions: { spiffworkflow: spiffModdleExtension }, })); it('should allow you to edit the data objects', async function() { // IF - a process is selected await expectSelected('ProcessTest'); // THEN - there is a section where you can modify data objects. let entry = findGroupEntry('editDataObjects', container); expect(entry).to.exist; }); it('should be possible to change a data objects id', async function() { // IF - a process is selected and the id of a data object is changed const process_svg = await expectSelected('ProcessTest'); let newId = 'a_brand_new_id'; // ID here is [process id]-dataObj-[data object index]-id let myDataObjEntry = findEntry('ProcessTest-dataObj-0-id'); let textBox = findInput('text', myDataObjEntry); changeInput(textBox, newId); // THEN - there is a section where you can modify data objects. let dataObject = findDataObject(process_svg.businessObject, newId); expect(; }); it('should be possible to remove a data object', async function() { // IF - a process is selected and the delete button is clicked. const process_svg = await expectSelected('ProcessTest'); const data_id = 'my_data_object'; let dataObject = findDataObject(process_svg.businessObject, data_id); expect(dataObject).to.exist; let myDataObjEntry = findEntry('ProcessTest-dataObj-2'); let deleteButton = domQuery('.bio-properties-panel-remove-entry', myDataObjEntry);; // THEN - there should not be a 'my_data_object' anymore. dataObject = findDataObject(process_svg.businessObject, data_id); expect(dataObject).to.not.exist; }); it('should be possible to add a data object', async function() { // IF - a process is selected and the add button is clicked. const process_svg = await expectSelected('ProcessTest'); let entry = findGroupEntry('editDataObjects', container); let addButton = domQuery('.bio-properties-panel-add-entry', entry);; // THEN - there should now be 4 data objects instead of just 3. expect(findDataObjects(process_svg.businessObject).length).to.equal(4); }); });