import { query as domQuery, } from 'min-dom'; import { act, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/preact'; import { getBpmnJS, } from 'bpmn-js/test/helper'; import Modeler from 'bpmn-js/lib/Modeler'; import TestContainer from 'mocha-test-container-support'; import { bootstrapBpmnJS, inject, insertCSS } from 'bpmn-js/test/helper'; import {getBusinessObject} from 'bpmn-js/lib/util/ModelUtil'; import {createMoveEvent} from 'diagram-js/lib/features/mouse/Mouse'; let PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER; export function bootstrapPropertiesPanel(diagram, options, locals) { return async function() { const container = TestContainer.get(this); insertBpmnStyles(); insertCoreStyles(); const createModeler = bootstrapBpmnJS(Modeler, diagram, options, locals); await act(() =>; // (2) clean-up properties panel clearPropertiesPanelContainer(); // (3) attach properties panel const attachPropertiesPanel = inject(function(propertiesPanel) { PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER = document.createElement('div'); PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER.classList.add('properties-container'); container.appendChild(PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER); return act(() => propertiesPanel.attachTo(PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER)); }); await attachPropertiesPanel(); }; } export function clearPropertiesPanelContainer() { if (PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER) { PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER.remove(); } } export function insertCoreStyles() { insertCSS( 'properties-panel.css', require('bpmn-js-properties-panel/dist/assets/properties-panel.css').default ); insertCSS( 'test.css', require('./test.css').default ); } export function insertBpmnStyles() { insertCSS( 'diagram.css', require('bpmn-js/dist/assets/diagram-js.css').default ); // @barmac: this fails before bpmn-js@9 insertCSS( 'bpmn-js.css', require('bpmn-js/dist/assets/bpmn-js.css').default ); insertCSS( 'bpmn-font.css', require('bpmn-js/dist/assets/bpmn-font/css/bpmn-embedded.css').default ); } export function expectSelected(id) { return getBpmnJS().invoke(async function(elementRegistry, selection) { const element = elementRegistry.get(id); await act(() => {; }); return element; }); } export function getPropertiesPanel() { return PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER; } export function findEntry(id, container) { return domQuery(`[data-entry-id='${ id }']`, container); } export function findGroupEntry(id, container) { return domQuery(`[data-group-id='group-${ id }']`, container); } export function findInput(type, container) { return domQuery(`input[type='${ type }']`, container); } export function findButton(id, container) { return domQuery(`button[id='${ id }']`, container); } export function findSelect(container) { return domQuery('select', container); } export function changeInput(input, value) { fireEvent.input(input, { target: { value } }); } export function pressButton(button) {; } export function findDataObjects(process) { let dataObjects = []; for (const element of process.flowElements) { if (element.$type === 'bpmn:DataObject') { dataObjects.push(element); } } return dataObjects; } export function findDataObject(process, id) { for (const dataObj of findDataObjects(process)) { if ( === id) { return dataObj; } } } /** * Drags an element from the palette onto the canvas. * @param id */ export function triggerPaletteEntry(id) { getBpmnJS().invoke(function(palette) { var entry = palette.getEntries()[ id ]; if (entry && entry.action && {, 0)); } }); }