import { bootstrapPropertiesPanel, changeInput, expectSelected, findEntry, PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER } from './helpers'; import { query as domQuery, } from 'min-dom'; import spiffModdleExtension from '../../app/spiffworkflow/moddle/spiffworkflow.json'; import SpiffWorkflowPropertiesProvider from '../../app/spiffworkflow/PropertiesPanel'; import { BpmnPropertiesPanelModule, BpmnPropertiesProviderModule } from 'bpmn-js-properties-panel'; import { getBusinessObject } from 'bpmn-js/lib/util/ModelUtil'; describe('Properties Panel Script Tasks', function() { let xml = require('./bpmn/diagram.bpmn').default; beforeEach(bootstrapPropertiesPanel(xml, { debounceInput: false, additionalModules: [ SpiffWorkflowPropertiesProvider, BpmnPropertiesPanelModule, BpmnPropertiesProviderModule, ], moddleExtensions: { spiffworkflow: spiffModdleExtension }, })); it('should display a script editing panel when a script task is selected', async function() { // IF - you select a script task expectSelected('my_script_task'); // THEN - a properties panel exists with a section for editing that script let entry = findEntry('pythonScript_bpmn:script', PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER); expect(entry).to.exist; const scriptInput = domQuery('textarea', entry); expect(scriptInput).to.exist; }); it('should update the bpmn:script tag when you modify the script field', async function() { // IF - a script tag is selected, and you change the script in the properties panel const scriptTask = await expectSelected('my_script_task'); let entry = findEntry('pythonScript_bpmn:script', PROPERTIES_PANEL_CONTAINER); const scriptInput = domQuery('textarea', entry); changeInput(scriptInput, 'x = 100'); // THEN - the script tag in the BPMN Business object / XML is updated as well. let businessObject = getBusinessObject(scriptTask); expect(businessObject.get('script')).to.equal('x = 100'); expect(scriptInput.value).to.equal('x = 100'); }); });