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synced 2025-02-08 08:43:58 +00:00
This commit introduces the internal accounting logic for accrueing multiplier points, that will later be used to determine how many experience points an account is eligible to. The majority of the work here was done by @3esmit.
600 lines
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600 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
import { ERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import { Ownable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import { Math } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
import { StakeVault } from "./StakeVault.sol";
contract StakeRewardEstimate is Ownable {
mapping(uint256 epochId => uint256 balance) public expiredMPPerEpoch;
function getExpiredMP(uint256 epochId) public view returns (uint256) {
return expiredMPPerEpoch[epochId];
function incrementExpiredMP(uint256 epochId, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
expiredMPPerEpoch[epochId] += amount;
function decrementExpiredMP(uint256 epochId, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
expiredMPPerEpoch[epochId] -= amount;
function deleteExpiredMP(uint256 epochId) public onlyOwner {
delete expiredMPPerEpoch[epochId];
contract StakeManager is Ownable {
error StakeManager__SenderIsNotVault();
error StakeManager__FundsLocked();
error StakeManager__InvalidLockTime();
error StakeManager__NoPendingMigration();
error StakeManager__PendingMigration();
error StakeManager__SenderIsNotPreviousStakeManager();
error StakeManager__InvalidLimitEpoch();
error StakeManager__AccountNotInitialized();
error StakeManager__InvalidMigration();
error StakeManager__AlreadyProcessedEpochs();
error StakeManager__InsufficientFunds();
error StakeManager__AlreadyStaked();
error StakeManager__StakeIsTooLow();
struct Account {
address rewardAddress;
uint256 balance;
uint256 bonusMP;
uint256 totalMP;
uint256 lastMint;
uint256 lockUntil;
uint256 epoch;
uint256 mpLimitEpoch;
struct Epoch {
uint256 startTime;
uint256 epochReward;
uint256 totalSupply;
uint256 estimatedMP;
uint256 public constant EPOCH_SIZE = 1 weeks;
uint256 public constant YEAR = 365 days;
uint256 public constant MIN_LOCKUP_PERIOD = 2 weeks;
uint256 public constant MAX_LOCKUP_PERIOD = 4 * YEAR; // 4 years
uint256 public constant MP_APY = 1;
uint256 public constant MAX_BOOST = 4;
mapping(address index => Account value) public accounts;
mapping(uint256 index => Epoch value) public epochs;
mapping(bytes32 codehash => bool approved) public isVault;
uint256 public currentEpoch;
uint256 public pendingReward;
uint256 public pendingMPToBeMinted;
uint256 public totalSupplyMP;
uint256 public totalSupplyBalance;
uint256 public totalMPPerEpoch;
StakeRewardEstimate public stakeRewardEstimate;
uint256 public currentEpochTotalExpiredMP;
StakeManager public migration;
StakeManager public immutable previousManager;
ERC20 public immutable stakedToken;
* @notice Only callable by vaults
modifier onlyVault() {
if (!isVault[msg.sender.codehash]) {
revert StakeManager__SenderIsNotVault();
modifier onlyAccountInitialized(address account) {
if (accounts[account].lockUntil == 0) {
revert StakeManager__AccountNotInitialized();
* @notice Only callable when migration is not initialized.
modifier noPendingMigration() {
if (address(migration) != address(0)) {
revert StakeManager__PendingMigration();
* @notice Only callable when migration is initialized.
modifier onlyPendingMigration() {
if (address(migration) == address(0)) {
revert StakeManager__NoPendingMigration();
* @notice Only callable from old manager.
modifier onlyPreviousManager() {
if (msg.sender != address(previousManager)) {
revert StakeManager__SenderIsNotPreviousStakeManager();
* @notice Process epoch if it has ended
modifier finalizeEpoch() {
if (block.timestamp >= epochEnd() && address(migration) == address(0)) {
uint256 expiredMP = stakeRewardEstimate.getExpiredMP(currentEpoch);
if (expiredMP > 0) {
totalMPPerEpoch -= expiredMP;
epochs[currentEpoch].estimatedMP = totalMPPerEpoch - currentEpochTotalExpiredMP;
delete currentEpochTotalExpiredMP;
pendingMPToBeMinted += epochs[currentEpoch].estimatedMP;
//finalize current epoch
epochs[currentEpoch].epochReward = epochReward();
epochs[currentEpoch].totalSupply = totalSupply();
pendingReward += epochs[currentEpoch].epochReward;
//create new epoch
epochs[currentEpoch].startTime = block.timestamp;
constructor(address _stakedToken, address _previousManager) {
epochs[0].startTime = block.timestamp;
previousManager = StakeManager(_previousManager);
stakedToken = ERC20(_stakedToken);
if (address(previousManager) != address(0)) {
stakeRewardEstimate = previousManager.stakeRewardEstimate();
} else {
stakeRewardEstimate = new StakeRewardEstimate();
* Increases balance of msg.sender;
* @param _amount Amount of balance being staked.
* @param _secondsToLock Seconds of lockup time. 0 means no lockup.
* @dev Reverts when resulting locked time is not in range of [MIN_LOCKUP_PERIOD, MAX_LOCKUP_PERIOD]
* @dev Reverts when account has already staked funds.
* @dev Reverts when amount staked results in less than 1 MP per epoch.
function stake(uint256 _amount, uint256 _secondsToLock) external onlyVault noPendingMigration finalizeEpoch {
Account storage account = accounts[msg.sender];
if (account.balance > 0 || account.lockUntil != 0) {
revert StakeManager__AlreadyStaked();
if (_secondsToLock != 0 && (_secondsToLock < MIN_LOCKUP_PERIOD || _secondsToLock > MAX_LOCKUP_PERIOD)) {
revert StakeManager__InvalidLockTime();
//mp estimation
uint256 mpPerEpoch = _getMPToMint(_amount, EPOCH_SIZE);
if (mpPerEpoch < 1) {
revert StakeManager__StakeIsTooLow();
uint256 currentEpochExpiredMP = mpPerEpoch - _getMPToMint(_amount, epochEnd() - block.timestamp);
uint256 maxMpToMint = _getMPToMint(_amount, MAX_BOOST * YEAR) + currentEpochExpiredMP;
uint256 epochAmountToReachMpLimit = (maxMpToMint) / mpPerEpoch;
uint256 mpLimitEpoch = currentEpoch + epochAmountToReachMpLimit;
uint256 lastEpochAmountToMint = ((mpPerEpoch * (epochAmountToReachMpLimit + 1)) - maxMpToMint);
// account initialization
account.lockUntil = block.timestamp + _secondsToLock;
account.epoch = currentEpoch; //starts in current epoch
account.rewardAddress = StakeVault(msg.sender).owner();
account.balance = _amount;
account.mpLimitEpoch = mpLimitEpoch;
_mintBonusMP(account, _secondsToLock, _amount);
//update global storage
totalSupplyBalance += _amount;
currentEpochTotalExpiredMP += currentEpochExpiredMP;
totalMPPerEpoch += mpPerEpoch;
stakeRewardEstimate.incrementExpiredMP(mpLimitEpoch, lastEpochAmountToMint);
stakeRewardEstimate.incrementExpiredMP(mpLimitEpoch + 1, mpPerEpoch - lastEpochAmountToMint);
* leaves the staking pool and withdraws all funds;
function unstake(uint256 _amount)
Account storage account = accounts[msg.sender];
if (_amount > account.balance) {
revert StakeManager__InsufficientFunds();
if (account.lockUntil > block.timestamp) {
revert StakeManager__FundsLocked();
_processAccount(account, currentEpoch);
uint256 reducedMP = Math.mulDiv(_amount, account.totalMP, account.balance);
uint256 reducedInitialMP = Math.mulDiv(_amount, account.bonusMP, account.balance);
uint256 mpPerEpoch = _getMPToMint(account.balance, EPOCH_SIZE);
stakeRewardEstimate.decrementExpiredMP(account.mpLimitEpoch, mpPerEpoch);
if (account.mpLimitEpoch < currentEpoch) {
totalMPPerEpoch -= mpPerEpoch;
//update storage
account.balance -= _amount;
account.bonusMP -= reducedInitialMP;
account.totalMP -= reducedMP;
totalSupplyBalance -= _amount;
totalSupplyMP -= reducedMP;
* @notice Locks entire balance for more amount of time.
* @param _secondsToIncreaseLock Seconds to increase in locked time. If stake is unlocked, increases from
* block.timestamp.
* @dev Reverts when resulting locked time is not in range of [MIN_LOCKUP_PERIOD, MAX_LOCKUP_PERIOD]
function lock(uint256 _secondsToIncreaseLock)
Account storage account = accounts[msg.sender];
_processAccount(account, currentEpoch);
uint256 lockUntil = account.lockUntil;
uint256 deltaTime;
if (lockUntil < block.timestamp) {
lockUntil = block.timestamp + _secondsToIncreaseLock;
deltaTime = _secondsToIncreaseLock;
} else {
lockUntil += _secondsToIncreaseLock;
deltaTime = lockUntil - block.timestamp;
if (deltaTime < MIN_LOCKUP_PERIOD || deltaTime > MAX_LOCKUP_PERIOD) {
revert StakeManager__InvalidLockTime();
_mintBonusMP(account, _secondsToIncreaseLock, 0);
//update account storage
account.lockUntil = lockUntil;
* @notice Release rewards for current epoch and increase epoch.
* @dev only executes the prerequisite modifier finalizeEpoch
function executeEpoch() external noPendingMigration finalizeEpoch {
return; //see modifier finalizeEpoch
* @notice Execute rewards for account until limit has reached
* @param _vault Referred account
* @param _limitEpoch Until what epoch it should be executed
function executeAccount(
address _vault,
uint256 _limitEpoch
_processAccount(accounts[_vault], _limitEpoch);
* @notice Enables a contract class to interact with staking functions
* @param _codehash bytecode hash of contract
function setVault(bytes32 _codehash) external onlyOwner {
isVault[_codehash] = true;
* @notice starts migration to new StakeManager
* @param _migration new StakeManager
function startMigration(StakeManager _migration) external onlyOwner noPendingMigration finalizeEpoch {
if (_migration == this || address(_migration) == address(0)) {
revert StakeManager__InvalidMigration();
migration = _migration;
stakedToken.transfer(address(migration), epochReward());
* @dev Callable automatically from old StakeManager.startMigration(address)
* @notice Initilizes migration process
* @param _currentEpoch epoch of old manager
* @param _totalSupplyMP MP supply on old manager
* @param _totalSupplyBalance stake supply on old manager
* @param _epochStartTime epoch start time of old manager
function migrationInitialize(
uint256 _currentEpoch,
uint256 _totalSupplyMP,
uint256 _totalSupplyBalance,
uint256 _epochStartTime,
uint256 _totalMPPerEpoch,
uint256 _pendingMPToBeMinted,
uint256 _currentEpochExpiredMP
if (address(migration) != address(0)) {
revert StakeManager__PendingMigration();
if (currentEpoch > 0) {
revert StakeManager__AlreadyProcessedEpochs();
currentEpoch = _currentEpoch;
totalSupplyMP = _totalSupplyMP;
totalSupplyBalance = _totalSupplyBalance;
epochs[currentEpoch].startTime = _epochStartTime;
totalMPPerEpoch = _totalMPPerEpoch;
pendingMPToBeMinted = _pendingMPToBeMinted;
currentEpochTotalExpiredMP = _currentEpochExpiredMP;
* @notice Transfer current epoch funds for migrated manager
function transferNonPending() external onlyPendingMigration {
stakedToken.transfer(address(migration), epochReward());
* @notice Migrate account to new manager.
* @param _acceptMigration true if wants to migrate, false if wants to leave
function migrateTo(bool _acceptMigration)
returns (StakeManager newManager)
_processAccount(accounts[msg.sender], currentEpoch);
Account memory account = accounts[msg.sender];
totalSupplyMP -= account.totalMP;
totalSupplyBalance -= account.balance;
delete accounts[msg.sender];
migration.migrateFrom(msg.sender, _acceptMigration, account);
return migration;
* @dev Only callable from old manager.
* @notice Migrate account from old manager
* @param _vault Account address
* @param _account Account data
* @param _acceptMigration If account should be stored or its MP/balance supply reduced
function migrateFrom(address _vault, bool _acceptMigration, Account memory _account) external onlyPreviousManager {
if (_acceptMigration) {
accounts[_vault] = _account;
} else {
totalSupplyMP -= _account.totalMP;
totalSupplyBalance -= _account.balance;
* @dev Only callable from old manager.
* @notice Increase total MP from old manager
* @param _amount amount MP increased on account after migration initialized
function increaseTotalMP(uint256 _amount) external onlyPreviousManager {
totalSupplyMP += _amount;
* @notice Process account until limit has reached
* @param account Account to process
* @param _limitEpoch Until what epoch it should be executed
function _processAccount(Account storage account, uint256 _limitEpoch) private {
if (_limitEpoch > currentEpoch) {
revert StakeManager__InvalidLimitEpoch();
uint256 userReward;
uint256 userEpoch = account.epoch;
uint256 mpDifference = account.totalMP;
for (Epoch storage iEpoch = epochs[userEpoch]; userEpoch < _limitEpoch; userEpoch++) {
//mint multiplier points to that epoch
_mintMP(account, iEpoch.startTime + EPOCH_SIZE, iEpoch);
uint256 userSupply = account.balance + account.totalMP;
uint256 userEpochReward = Math.mulDiv(userSupply, iEpoch.epochReward, iEpoch.totalSupply);
userReward += userEpochReward;
iEpoch.epochReward -= userEpochReward;
iEpoch.totalSupply -= userSupply;
//TODO: remove epoch when iEpoch.totalSupply reaches zero
account.epoch = userEpoch;
if (userReward > 0) {
pendingReward -= userReward;
stakedToken.transfer(account.rewardAddress, userReward);
mpDifference = account.totalMP - mpDifference; //TODO: optimize, this only needed for migration
if (address(migration) != address(0)) {
* @notice Mint bonus multiplier points for given staking amount and time
* @dev if amount is greater 0, it increases difference of amount for current remaining lock time
* @dev if increased lock time, increases difference of total new balance for increased lock time
* @param account Account to mint multiplier points
* @param increasedLockTime increased lock time
* @param amount amount to stake
function _mintBonusMP(Account storage account, uint256 increasedLockTime, uint256 amount) private {
uint256 mpToMint;
if (amount > 0) {
mpToMint += amount; //initial multiplier points
if (block.timestamp < account.lockUntil) {
//increasing balance on locked account?
//bonus for remaining previously locked time of new balance.
mpToMint += _getMPToMint(amount, account.lockUntil - block.timestamp);
if (increasedLockTime > 0) {
//bonus for increased lock time
mpToMint += _getMPToMint(account.balance + amount, increasedLockTime);
//update storage
totalSupplyMP += mpToMint;
account.bonusMP += mpToMint;
account.totalMP += mpToMint;
account.lastMint = block.timestamp;
* @notice Mint multiplier points for given account and epoch
* @param account Account earning multiplier points
* @param processTime amount of time of multiplier points
* @param epoch Epoch to increment total supply
function _mintMP(Account storage account, uint256 processTime, Epoch storage epoch) private {
uint256 mpToMint = _getMaxMPToMint(
_getMPToMint(account.balance, processTime - account.lastMint),
//update storage
account.lastMint = processTime;
account.totalMP += mpToMint;
totalSupplyMP += mpToMint;
//mp estimation
epoch.estimatedMP -= mpToMint;
pendingMPToBeMinted -= mpToMint;
* @notice Calculates maximum multiplier point increase for given balance
* @param _mpToMint tested value
* @param _balance balance of account
* @param _totalMP total multiplier point of the account
* @param _bonusMP bonus multiplier point of the account
* @return _maxMpToMint maximum multiplier points to mint
function _getMaxMPToMint(
uint256 _mpToMint,
uint256 _balance,
uint256 _bonusMP,
uint256 _totalMP
returns (uint256 _maxMpToMint)
// Maximum multiplier point for given balance
_maxMpToMint = _getMPToMint(_balance, MAX_BOOST * YEAR) + _bonusMP;
if (_mpToMint + _totalMP > _maxMpToMint) {
//reached cap when increasing MP
return _maxMpToMint - _totalMP; //how much left to reach cap
} else {
//not reached capw hen increasing MP
return _mpToMint; //just return tested value
* @notice Calculates multiplier points to mint for given balance and time
* @param _balance balance of account
* @param _deltaTime time difference
* @return multiplier points to mint
function _getMPToMint(uint256 _balance, uint256 _deltaTime) private pure returns (uint256) {
return Math.mulDiv(_balance, _deltaTime, YEAR) * MP_APY;
* @notice Calculates multiplier points to mint for given balance and time
* @param _balance balance of account
* @param _deltaTime time difference
* @return multiplier points to mint
function calculateMPToMint(uint256 _balance, uint256 _deltaTime) public pure returns (uint256) {
return _getMPToMint(_balance, _deltaTime);
* @notice Returns total of multiplier points and balance,
* and the pending MPs that would be minted if all accounts were processed
* @return _totalSupply current total supply
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256 _totalSupply) {
return totalSupplyMP + totalSupplyBalance + pendingMPToBeMinted;
* @notice Returns total of multiplier points and balance
* @return _totalSupply current total supply
function totalSupplyMinted() public view returns (uint256 _totalSupply) {
return totalSupplyMP + totalSupplyBalance;
* @notice Returns funds available for current epoch
* @return _epochReward current epoch reward
function epochReward() public view returns (uint256 _epochReward) {
return stakedToken.balanceOf(address(this)) - pendingReward;
* @notice Returns end time of current epoch
* @return _epochEnd end time of current epoch
function epochEnd() public view returns (uint256 _epochEnd) {
return epochs[currentEpoch].startTime + EPOCH_SIZE;