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synced 2025-02-02 22:04:25 +00:00
This commit migrates the repo to our foundry template, which ensures we have consistent tooling across smart contract repositories that are maintained by Vac. This removes all hardhat related files and workflows and replaces them with more perfomant foundry workflows. It also sets up tests, CI and linting.
57 lines
1.8 KiB
57 lines
1.8 KiB
# Full reference https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry/tree/master/config
auto_detect_solc = false
block_timestamp = 1_680_220_800 # March 31, 2023 at 00:00 GMT
bytecode_hash = "none"
cbor_metadata = false
evm_version = "paris"
fuzz = { runs = 1_000 }
gas_reports = ["*"]
libs = ["lib"]
optimizer = true
optimizer_runs = 10_000
out = "out"
script = "script"
solc = "0.8.20"
src = "contracts"
test = "test"
fuzz = { runs = 10_000 }
verbosity = 4
arbitrum_one = { key = "${API_KEY_ARBISCAN}" }
avalanche = { key = "${API_KEY_SNOWTRACE}" }
bnb_smart_chain = { key = "${API_KEY_BSCSCAN}" }
gnosis_chain = { key = "${API_KEY_GNOSISSCAN}" }
goerli = { key = "${API_KEY_ETHERSCAN}" }
mainnet = { key = "${API_KEY_ETHERSCAN}" }
optimism = { key = "${API_KEY_OPTIMISTIC_ETHERSCAN}" }
polygon = { key = "${API_KEY_POLYGONSCAN}" }
sepolia = { key = "${API_KEY_ETHERSCAN}" }
bracket_spacing = true
int_types = "long"
line_length = 120
multiline_func_header = "all"
number_underscore = "thousands"
quote_style = "double"
tab_width = 4
wrap_comments = true
arbitrum_one = "https://arbitrum-mainnet.infura.io/v3/${API_KEY_INFURA}"
avalanche = "https://avalanche-mainnet.infura.io/v3/${API_KEY_INFURA}"
bnb_smart_chain = "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org"
gnosis_chain = "https://rpc.gnosischain.com"
goerli = "https://goerli.infura.io/v3/${API_KEY_INFURA}"
localhost = "http://localhost:8545"
mainnet = "https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/${API_KEY_ALCHEMY}"
optimism = "https://optimism-mainnet.infura.io/v3/${API_KEY_INFURA}"
polygon = "https://polygon-mainnet.infura.io/v3/${API_KEY_INFURA}"
sepolia = "https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/${API_KEY_INFURA}"