
34 lines
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Common Lisp

;;;; Constraint: you can't peek at the total without voting.
;;;; N.b. this constraint is currently violated as anyone who has voted,
;;;; may retain a reference to the current vote tallies
;;; Simple multi-agents simulation with closures: after evaluation,
;;; the environment contains a closure over an array specialized on
;;; bits for accumulation of the storage
(let* ((vote-types ;; a poor-man's typing system, but we only have two elements
;; first value is an affirmative vote; the second a negative
#(t nil))
(length ;; total number of voters
(expt 2 8) ;; a safe value for testing
(expt 2 33)) ;; challenging: on the order of 10^10
(make-array length :element-type 'cl:bit)))
(defun consensus-agent-p (vote)
(equalp vote (first vote-types)))
(defun get-vote (id)
(aref id votes))
(defun record-vote (id vote)
(get-vote id)
;; this is weird: there is an obvious logical shortcut, but does
;; it express less is the question…
((if (consensus-agent-p vote)
(values votes ;; vote record is the primary value
length))) ;; length is currently redundant, but in the future we may be able to adjust the underlying vector