
154 lines
4.8 KiB

import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
import { Processor, unified } from "unified"
import { Root as MDRoot } from 'remark-parse/lib'
import { Root as HTMLRoot } from 'hast'
import { ProcessedContent } from '../plugins/vfile'
import { PerfTimer } from '../perf'
import { read } from 'to-vfile'
import { FilePath, ServerSlug, slugifyFilePath } from '../path'
import path from 'path'
import os from 'os'
import workerpool, { Promise as WorkerPromise } from 'workerpool'
import { QuartzTransformerPluginInstance } from '../plugins/types'
import { QuartzLogger } from '../log'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { trace } from '../trace'
export type QuartzProcessor = Processor<MDRoot, HTMLRoot, void>
export function createProcessor(transformers: QuartzTransformerPluginInstance[]): QuartzProcessor {
// base Markdown -> MD AST
let processor = unified().use(remarkParse)
// MD AST -> MD AST transforms
for (const plugin of transformers.filter(p => p.markdownPlugins)) {
processor = processor.use(plugin.markdownPlugins!())
processor = processor.use(remarkRehype, { allowDangerousHtml: true })
// HTML AST -> HTML AST transforms
for (const plugin of transformers.filter(p => p.htmlPlugins)) {
processor = processor.use(plugin.htmlPlugins!())
return processor
function* chunks<T>(arr: T[], n: number) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += n) {
yield arr.slice(i, i + n)
async function transpileWorkerScript() {
// transpile worker script
const cacheFile = "./.quartz-cache/transpiled-worker.mjs"
const fp = "./quartz/worker.ts"
entryPoints: [fp],
outfile: path.join("quartz", cacheFile),
bundle: true,
keepNames: true,
platform: "node",
format: "esm",
packages: "external",
plugins: [
name: 'css-and-scripts-as-text',
setup(build) {
build.onLoad({ filter: /\.scss$/ }, (_) => ({
contents: '',
loader: 'text'
build.onLoad({ filter: /\.inline\.(ts|js)$/ }, (_) => ({
contents: '',
loader: 'text'
export function createFileParser(transformers: QuartzTransformerPluginInstance[], baseDir: string, fps: FilePath[], allSlugs: ServerSlug[], verbose: boolean) {
return async (processor: QuartzProcessor) => {
const res: ProcessedContent[] = []
for (const fp of fps) {
try {
const file = await read(fp)
// strip leading and trailing whitespace
file.value = file.value.toString().trim()
// Text -> Text transforms
for (const plugin of transformers.filter(p => p.textTransform)) {
file.value = plugin.textTransform!(file.value)
// base data properties that plugins may use = slugifyFilePath(path.relative(baseDir, file.path) as FilePath) = allSlugs = fp
const ast = processor.parse(file)
const newAst = await, file)
res.push([newAst, file])
if (verbose) {
console.log(`[process] ${fp} -> ${}`)
} catch (err) {
trace(`\nFailed to process \`${fp}\``, err as Error)
return res
export async function parseMarkdown(transformers: QuartzTransformerPluginInstance[], baseDir: string, fps: FilePath[], verbose: boolean): Promise<ProcessedContent[]> {
const perf = new PerfTimer()
const log = new QuartzLogger(verbose)
const CHUNK_SIZE = 128
let concurrency = fps.length < CHUNK_SIZE ? 1 : os.availableParallelism()
// get all slugs ahead of time as each thread needs a copy
const allSlugs = => slugifyFilePath(path.relative(baseDir, path.resolve(fp)) as FilePath))
let res: ProcessedContent[] = []
log.start(`Parsing input files using ${concurrency} threads`)
if (concurrency === 1) {
const processor = createProcessor(transformers)
const parse = createFileParser(transformers, baseDir, fps, allSlugs, verbose)
res = await parse(processor)
} else {
await transpileWorkerScript()
const pool = workerpool.pool(
minWorkers: 'max',
maxWorkers: concurrency,
workerType: 'thread'
const childPromises: WorkerPromise<ProcessedContent[]>[] = []
for (const chunk of chunks(fps, CHUNK_SIZE)) {
childPromises.push(pool.exec('parseFiles', [baseDir, chunk, allSlugs, verbose]))
const results: ProcessedContent[][] = await WorkerPromise.all(childPromises)
res = results.flat()
await pool.terminate()
log.success(`Parsed ${res.length} Markdown files in ${perf.timeSince()}`)
return res